My mother and I have been guarding the outside of my father's ward. Any disturbance will make my nerves tense.

Before I knew it, it was light.

Because of the previous traffic accident, my head was dizzy, and my head was nodding. If it wasn't for the tension in my heart, I really wanted to sleep like this.

A loud noise rang out, and I immediately woke up from the lethargy. Several doctors came into my father's ward.

This time, they didn't allow their families to follow in. I nervously looked in through the glass. After checking the instruments on my father's body, they were discussing something.

Soon they came out.

"How is my father?" I held the doctor in charge and asked anxiously.

After staying up all night, my eyes are very astringent. I feel hot when I open them a little.

"You can rest assured a little bit," the doctor pulled down the mask on his face and said to me without expression. "The most dangerous situation of the patient has passed. After that, as long as he takes good care of himself, the situation will gradually improve."

I feel that this is the best news I've ever heard in my life. I don't know whether it's because I'm tired or happy. Tears flow down again.

"Thank you, thank you!" Mother did not know when also woke up from the doze, red eyes a strong thanks.

"This is what we should do," the doctor just laughed, and then he turned to me, "but this lady, your head injury should be very serious, and your face is not good. Do you suggest hanging a glucose, or you will faint."

After listening to the doctor's words, my mother also looked at me worried.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I took my mother's hand and comforted her“ As long as I know my father is OK, I have nothing to do with him. "

My father's dangerous period has just passed. The doctor told us that we had better not disturb him. My mother and I can only lie outside the door of the ward, looking at the sleeping relatives with dim tears.

But this kind of warm time did not last long. I heard someone calling my name at the other end of the corridor. The voice was very sharp in the open corridor.

It's Chi Xin. She must have come back after hearing that her father was seriously ill. I think so, wiped the tears on my face, ready to tell her that my father is OK.

At that time, Chi Xin almost came over in a fierce manner, with a very ugly expression on her face. I only took it as the result of her concern for her father.

But just came to me, everyone didn't say anything. Chi Xin swung her arm and slapped me heavily in the face.

The slap was loud, especially in the corridor.

I was hit by this hard shake a few times, cover a face, inconceivable looking at Chi Xin. My mother didn't expect such an emergency, so she came to help me.

"Xiaoxin, what's the matter?" Mother's voice is still slender, even with the joy of crying just now.

"Tardy tardy, you slut!" Chi Xin scolds me loudly, regardless of the sick father and the weak and innocent mother.

"Xiaoxin, how can you say that about your sister?" When my mother saw that I didn't speak, Chi Xin was so domineering that she protected me.

Tears in the eye circles, I think of Huo Qingchuan, do not know how he is now.

Looking at Chi Xin, she must have known what happened last night.

"Late, late, you are still not human?" Chi Xin ignores her mother's existence at all. Kuang Kuang continues to fire at me. "Mr. Huo is kind enough to send you back. There was a car accident on the way, but he gave his life to save you, but you left him alone in the hospital. If there is something wrong with Mr. Huo, is your conscience OK?"

Chi Xin's words contain too much information. When she hears her words, even her mother doesn't care about her impulse any more.

"Xiaowan, is what Xiaoxin said true? You had a car accident. Did you hurt yourself? " My mother pulled my arm up and down to check my injury, "and, Xiao Xin said that Mr. Huo... Is he OK?"

"Tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tardy, tar Chi Xin then scolded me, her voice attracted a lot of bystanders, we point, do not know what to say.

Tears can't help flowing out of my eyes. I cover my mouth and don't let myself cry.

On the one hand, my father was seriously ill, and on the other hand, I chose my own father for my seriously injured lover. I left the man who used his life to protect me in the uncertainty of life and death. But at that time, how can I choose to make myself feel at ease?

It seems that no matter which side you choose, you will always hurt the other side.

I am afraid that I will never see my father again. I am afraid that I will become an unfilial daughter. I can only do so.

Heavily sucked to suck a nose, will tremble of emotion calm down, I look at Chi Xin, "Huo Qing Chuan he now, how?"

Think too excited, Chi Xin's breathing is still very short, look at the eyes, seems to want to kill me.

But Chi Xin, Chi Xin, although you are not our own daughter, how can we say that we have also raised you for more than 20 years, and dad is lying in it in a critical situation. Do you really care?

Even if that man is very important to you, even if you are very angry now, but in your heart, there is not a trace of worry about your family?

I am so eager for Chi Xin to remember that she has a critically ill adoptive father, but it's a pity that she has only hatred for me at the moment.

"You still have a face, Mr. tikhor?" Chi Xin stepped forward and pointed at me with sharp eyes. "I tell you, you have the heart to leave him behind. You don't want to get that man again!"

With these words, Chi Xin glared at me again, and then left the hospital without looking back.

Chi Xin, it's not that we don't treat you as our own daughter, it's you who completely abandoned this family.

Because of the noise just now, a lot of people have gathered in the corridor, including patients who are hospitalized here and relatives who come to visit.

The medical staff came late. They blamed us, saying that our father needed to rest. This kind of noise had a bad effect on the patients.

Mother repeatedly apologized to people, and I swallowed my throat and held back my inner grievance.

Looking at Chi Xingang, Huo Qingchuan should have no big problem. I forced myself to think in a better direction.

If Huo Qingchuan wakes up and learns that I left him in that situation, I'm afraid he won't forgive me.

Thinking of this, I just feel sad. The choice is made by oneself, so the bitter fruit must be borne by oneself.

There must be a lot of people in Huo Qingchuan's side who will take care of him, but on his father's side, only my mother and I are left.

The onlookers gradually dispersed. I supported my mother and walked slowly to the seat to let her sit down and have a rest.

Chi Xin just that make, see, mother is also very sad. At the moment, she wiped her tears and held my hand, but said nothing.

I feel sad again.

"Sister Chi!" Just when our mother and I were sad, a generous male voice came from us. We both raised our heads at the same time. It seemed that they were a father and son.

The mother recognized the man and quickly stood up from the chair. "It's brother song. How did you come here?"

The old man looked about the same age as his father. He was hale and hearty, and his whole body was full of elegance.

"I heard that brother Chi was hospitalized, so I came here to have a look. What's the situation?" The uncle, surnamed song, took his mother's hand and asked for warmth.

The expression on her mother's face said that she was moved. "Suddenly, she had cerebral hemorrhage and was sent to the hospital for rescue. Fortunately, the old man had a big life. She said that the dangerous period had passed."

With these words, my mother began to cry again.

"Oh, don't cry, old sister-in-law. Isn't it OK? It's getting better. " The uncle comforted his mother, looking at their relationship seems to be very good.

Later, they sat down to talk. From their words, I learned that the old man's name was song Jianguo and he used to be a good friend of his father. When they were young, they met each other as if they were old friends at first sight.

"This is my daughter, late." Talking, my mother pointed at me and introduced me to Uncle song.

"Good uncle song." I bowed politely.

"This is my son, Song Yu." Uncle song also introduced the young people he brought.

I look at the young man who has been silent. He is tall and thin. His skin is very white and his face has no expression.

Even if he was mentioned, he just gave us a slight sign, and there was no change in the expression on his face.

I suddenly remembered the scene when I first met Huo Qingchuan. At that time, the feeling he gave me was also so arrogant, indifferent and repellent.

The mother told uncle song that his father could not visit the doctor now. Uncle Song said he was very sorry. Then he comforted his mother and left.

Before leaving, he said that he would often come to see elder brother Chi in the future. Naturally, his mother was very welcome.

Until the father and son left, I didn't hear a word from the man named Song Yu. He must have been dragged by his old father. He didn't want to.

I stayed up all night without sleep, and my spirit was in a tense state. I was worried that my mother couldn't stand it, so I asked her to go back to rest first.

But her mother refused to go, "Xiao Wan, is what Chi Xin said true? Does your body really matter? Go and have a check. "

In that car accident, I just suffered a little skin injury. I don't think I need to rest.

"I'm fine, mom. I'm just worried about your health." I continued to persuade her.

"I'll wait for your father to wake up, or how can I sleep?" Mother affectionately looking at the ward, said obstinately.

I can't help but be moved by my mother. In their whole life, they love each other and support each other until they grow old. Although they don't say anything, they believe that it is more important to see each other than anyone else.

Since my mother insisted so much, I would not advise her. I thought of some things, so I told my mother to go out for a while.

Outside, I took out my cell phone and called Bai Shu.

Bai Shu didn't seem to wake up. She didn't know anything about the thrill of last night.

When she learned what happened to me, she was very worried, busy to say whether to help, she can come to me right away.

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