When I came out with something, Zhanyi was still sitting in the living room. When he saw my eyes flashing, he quickly avoided them and said abruptly, "do you have to be so noisy?"

After a look at Zhanyi, I opened the door and went out without saying a word. The man I used to love has gone away from me.

After walking aimlessly for a while, I stopped and sat on the bench in the park, looking at the green lake. I was dazed. I always thought that after the intense love, the insipidity of flowing water is the real stability, but now it seems that I am really naive and ridiculous.

At the beginning of the rise of Huadeng, I suddenly realized that I had been sitting outside for a whole day. I hurriedly took out my mobile phone and saw that there were dozens of missed calls from Chi Xin. I hurriedly went back and heard Chi Xin exhale with relief. I apologized: "Xiao Xin, I'm sorry, let you worry."

"Sister, the supervisor temporarily arranged for me to go on a business trip." Chi Xin said anxiously, "I'm in a hurry. Where are you, I'll send her."

Looking at the surrounding environment, I said: "the park opposite Sijiqing hotel."

Half an hour later, Chi Xinfeng came with Yan Yan in a hurry. After a few words, she took a taxi to the airport.

"Mom." Yan Yan pulled my cape wisely, whispered, "Mom, did Yan Yan do something wrong?"

Children's feelings are always naturally sensitive, and they can always easily feel their parents' mood.

I squatted down, gently hugged my daughter's soft and fragrant body, buried my head in my daughter's neck socket, and said in a soft voice: "Yan Yan is very good. She didn't do anything wrong. Just now, her mother was thinking about something. I'm sorry, baby."

Three year old child paper is easy to coax good, listen to my words, Yan Yan happily around my arm, "giggle" said with a smile: "then we go home now, ah, my father said to prepare a gift for Yan Yan!"

I am a Zheng, secretly chagrin, how forget today is daughter's birthday!

"Yanyan, Dad... He and he are going to work overtime today... How about mother accompany Yanyan for her birthday?" I kiss my daughter's cheek intimately. I try to persuade her in a gentle voice, "baby, don't be angry."

Yan Yan grabbed my clothes, tilted his head to think about milk voice milk airway: "is like a little aunt suddenly business, can't accompany Yan Yan birthday?"

Suddenly feel a sour nose, tears almost fell, don't look at the face, daughter gently nodded: "yes, so Yan Yan should be better."

Although I have decided to divorce Zhanyi, I still want to keep my daughter's good impression of my father and minimize the harm to my child.

"All right!" Yan Yan took my hand and hopped along. Her voice was as sweet as a silver bell. "Yan Yan listened to my mother's words."

The so-called home is unable to go back, I took the child to walk for a while, saw the tired look on the daughter's face, can't help heartache, will hold the little guy in his arms, soft voice way: "Dad is not at home from business, mother with baby to stay in the hotel."

"Good." Yan Yan's soft little hand gently stroked my cheek. The little guy stared at my beautiful eyes and vowed, "I will protect my mother, mother is not afraid!"

I smile, eyes a little hazy, slightly open to those who will come out of the wet forced back, holding the child to the nearest two four seasons hotel.

Go through the entry procedures and look at your wallet. Since I got married, my family's financial affairs are all in the hands of Zhanyi. I usually have very little money to spare, so I'm in a tight spot now.

"Well, Yan Yan, let's have a rest." Looking down at his daughter, he saw that the little guy was staring at the Cake Bakery in the northeast corner of the hall without blinking. He felt sorry, "today is Yanyan's birthday. Shall we buy some cakes?"

Yan Yan was surprised and looked at me like a deer: "is it really OK?"

I nodded bitterly. Today is my daughter's third birthday. I originally planned to have a very lively birthday party, but now

Although the four seasons hotel is not the most upscale in a city, it is also a luxury for the working class like me. So when I saw the price of those beautiful cakes in the window, I was shocked.

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