With my father's body and spirit day by day, my focus gradually shifted to Huo Qingchuan. After a few days of blocking the news, I tried to find clues from all aspects for peace of mind.

For example, I will ask her about Huo Qingchuan's recent situation from the call with Bai Shaoqing. For example, I will pay attention to the financial report of city a and infer the situation of its successor from the current operation of SK group.

I have never read newspapers before, and I often take a copy of the current news of the day from the tabloid kiosk downstairs when I go shopping.

Perhaps, these media that often report the situation of large consortia can have news about Huo Qingchuan.

Back home, I put the newspaper on the tea table.

Uncle song has something to do. Song Yu comes to see my father instead of him. At noon, we had lunch together, and then my father suddenly said that he would go down for a walk to see the situation in the shop, so my mother put Song Yu and I at home and accompanied my father out.

Since my father's illness, my shop has been temporarily closed, and there has been no source of income. I think my father wants to reopen.

This little ancestor is here again. Naturally, I will serve him better.

Although he had just had lunch, Song Yu's appetite was very small, almost as much as I did. I was worried that the meal might not suit his appetite, so I prepared some snacks and fruits and put them on the tea table.

"Xiaoyu, come to eat fruit," I warmly said to him, "and this snack is delicious. It's said that it's still a tonic."

This snack was brought by Bai Shu last time. He said that he had a disease to cure and had no disease to defend himself. Although I know how a small snack can have such a great effect, it is good for his health.

Song Yu and his weak body are just right for him.

Song Yu looked at me, very perfunctory smile, "late, I just had heart surgery, you don't always treat me like a basket, OK?"

See, I swear I really just care about him, and I don't mean to despise him at all, but he is so ungrateful.

I said with a dry smile, "I don't mean that. I mean it's good for your health. Look, I'll eat it too." In order to verify my claim, I picked up the biscuit and ate it.

Song Yu looked at me, but did not speak, but did not move.

It's a tough young master, I think.

After he stopped talking to me, he got up and went to the fish tank. He seemed to be interested in the carp that our family had just bought two days ago.

Mother didn't know where she heard that buying a koi back was auspicious and safe. She thought of the situation at home, so she brought two back for a good omen.

The bright red and lively carp, put in my bathtub, really adds some fresh elements to the family, especially the fish scale, which is very beautiful under the light.

I couldn't talk to Song Yu any more, so I picked up the newspaper on the tea table and read the latest reports.

The headlines on the inside page of the newspaper were so shocked that I didn't even notice when Song Yu came to me.

When I saw the title, I felt dark in front of my eyes, and my heart stopped beating temporarily because of shock.

Where will SK go in the future?

The bold headline is printed there in bold black font, stimulating my nerves.

I know who is the little leader of Huoshi group, and I also know about his car accident, but how can he be paralyzed?

Forced to endure the impact of the heart beating violently after a short pause in my chest, I repressed the surging emotion and continued to read the report.

But the more I look down, the more I feel calm and cold.

According to the report, Huo Qingchuan was hospitalized because of the lower limb paralysis caused by the car accident, because he is the only son and the only heir of the Huo family. Now that he has an accident, the so-called uncles and uncles and many shareholders have begun to take action. According to experts, because of the turmoil, the shares of Huo group will plummet.

I am also involved in shopping malls. I know what kind of devastating blow this situation will bring to an enterprise. Even a large consortium like SK group can not be spared.

And the culprit for all this is me.

If I didn't let Huo Qingchuan send me back, or if I got the water from Huo Qingchuan, this would not have happened; If Huo Qingchuan didn't want to save me, he would not be seriously injured and would not lead to the current situation of lower limb paralysis.

Think of that man to my good, I can no longer help, tears.

Tears drop by drop to the newspaper, issued a "dada" sound. The sadness in my heart is like a flood pouring out. I buried my head between my arms and cried.

At the moment, I am totally immersed in endless remorse and chagrin. No matter whether there is anyone nearby, I can't control myself.

I don't know how long I cried. When I raised my head, the newspaper in my hand had been completely wet with tears and torn from the middle.

Fortunately, my parents are out now, otherwise they will worry about me when they see me like this. But there seems to be another person at home.

The saddest part has passed. Although I feel depressed, I can't be so impolite in front of others.

I look around for Song Yu.

But at the first time, I found Song Yu's calm face.

He didn't know when he was sitting opposite me. He just stared at me and didn't speak.

Maybe it's the time when I can't help crying, so I didn't realize the strong sight.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm out of control..." I sobbed and said to Song Yu.

Song Yu frowned and looked at the newspaper in my hand. "The news appeared on the Internet yesterday. Did you just know it?"

I was stunned. I took care of my father wholeheartedly at home. I didn't have time to pay attention to current affairs.

I still smoke a smoke, do not know how to answer him.

"This man, this Huo Qingchuan," song yudun asked me in a calm tone, "what's the relationship with you?"

Asked about the relationship with Huo Qingchuan, I was silent. Now, how can I still have the face to say that I have a lover relationship with him?!

"We are just friends." I hesitated for a moment and gave a painful answer.

"Wipe your tears first," Song Yu handed over a paper towel. His voice seemed to be a little more gentle. "You see, you are such a big man. You cry like a child."

It's the first time that I see Song Yu care so much about others. He takes the tissue from his hand and wipes his tears.

"Well, you are a good friend." The expression on Song Yu's face remained unchanged. To be exact, there was no expression. He pointed to the newspaper in my hand and said, "are you so sad for this?"

How does he know about me and Huo Qingchuan? How can he know why Huo Qingchuan became like this? The emotion in my heart is surging, but I can't tell it to him.

Think of Huo Qingchuan, my tears can't help falling out.

I didn't answer his question. I just lowered my head and held the wet newspaper tightly.

"The first time I went to the hospital, a woman came to make trouble. I saw it all." Song Yu saw that I didn't answer and said in a calm tone.

But his words, which sounded emotionless, stirred up a thousand waves in my heart.

The first time they came to visit their father was on the same day as Chi xinlai. There were many onlookers on that day. Were their father and son among them?

I looked up at him in disbelief.

"I know that woman is your sister. Her name is Chi Xin. But it's not your own daughter, it's your adopted daughter. " He said.

He knows so much about my family. Uncle song must have told him.

"I also heard what Chi Xin said. Does she like Huo Qingchuan?" Song Yu didn't wait for my answer, so he went on.

His last question worried me, but since he saw the scene at that time, it would be useless to hide it.

I nodded.

"It's hard to imagine that Huo Qingchuan would like someone like your sister," Song Yu said with a smile. I looked at him, and he continued, "she's so powerful, sharp and has no temperament."

His evaluation of Chi Xin is obscure but accurate. It's my own sister, and I can't refute it.

"You like Huo Qingchuan, don't you?" After a minute's silence, Song Yu suddenly asks.

I opened my eyes wide, there is a kind of mind to be seen through the consternation.

But I know that this fact can't be concealed. Song Yu is a smart man who is good at observing others. From Chi Xin's words, from my performance these days, especially today's behavior, he can easily infer that I like the fact of Huo Qingchuan.

Another tear fell in my eyes, but I didn't have time to take care of it because I was said to be in my heart.

But Song Yu saw that I didn't move. He raised his hand and wiped away my tears with the tissue in his hand.

In this process, his fingers accidentally touched my face, still below the normal temperature, just like him.

Generally speaking, even if I see through other people's mind, I have to look at the state of the party before I think about whether to say it. How can he make me feel embarrassed again so directly?

"I'm right?" Song Yu rubbed the paper ball in his hand and put it on the table. Then he looked at me, as if he had to know an answer.

I'm not good at lying, and I have nothing to hide in front of such people, so I have to nod my head.

"That makes sense. No wonder you've been so preoccupied recently that you seem to be absent-minded." Song Yu is like a detective. He has been observing me.

"You'd better adjust your mood quickly. It's estimated that uncle Chi will come back soon." Maybe it's kindness, Song Yu reminds me.

Yeah, I don't want my father to worry. I have to control my emotions.

I quickly picked up the newspaper in my hand, threw it to a place where my parents couldn't see, and arranged my appearance by the way.

As Song Yu expected, in a short time, the two elders helped each other back.

After knowing the news of Huo Qingchuan's paralysis, I have been a little preoccupied and often distracted.

"Xiaoya, your father is in good health. Go back." One day, my mother said to me.

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