I'm very anxious if I don't get the exact news of Huo Qingchuan. I even have an idea to find a reason to go to a city in person to confirm how Huo Qingchuan is now.

Even if he blames me, even if Chi Xin will make things difficult, I also want to know how the man is. During this time, I think a lot, if blindly immersed in the grief, even in the hands of happiness will disappear.

But there are too many places in the company that need me. I really can't leave for a while. I have promised the two bosses to double their work.

When my mood reached a tangled critical point, a phone call came from a city that I miss so much.

At that time, I was just coaxing Yan Yan to sleep, ready to go to bed. When I saw the phone on, I went to the table.

When I saw the name of the caller ID, I hesitated for a while whether to answer the call.

I don't know how long ago, I met Chi Xin only tit for tat, fighting openly and secretly, and there was no sincere treatment between my sisters.

In addition to the father's business, she did not visit the cold-blooded, let me down to this sister.

Finally, I picked up the phone and headed for the living room.

I chose the balcony as the place to talk, so as not to quarrel with Chi Xin again, but also to breathe the cool air.

"Hello, Xiao Xin." I got through in a faint voice.

"Late, late, you have a big shelf." I didn't expect that Chi Xin gave me a bad impression at the beginning. Not only did I call me sister, but my tone was also weird.

I don't want to argue with her, I think of Bai Shaoqing's words, maybe now only Chi Xin knows the real situation of Huo Qingchuan.

"I'm sorry. I was in the bedroom just now. Yan Yan went to sleep." In order to set up Chi Xin's words, I have to fight hard enough. There is a saying that I have no best temper, only better.

After listening to my apology, Chi Xin seems to be more comfortable, and her tone is more relaxed, "are you back from your hometown?"

She can still remember her hometown now, so why don't she care about her father?

"Well," I sighed, Chi Xin is unfilial, I can only do what I can, "father's body has no big problem, I came back."

"Hum, it seems that you are really a filial daughter," Chi Xin sneered instead of feeling my kindness, "but you are also an ungrateful villain!"

This tone is the same as when she came to the hospital before. I seem to know what she is going to say next.

Instead of making Chi Xin hysterical, I'd better take the initiative to explain, so that she can relax her vigilance and tell me about Huo Qingchuan.

"Maybe you're right. For Mr. Huo, I've done something extremely sinful. I'm sorry." I sincerely say, but not to get Chi Xin's forgiveness. If I could, I'd like to speak to that person myself.

"Hum, do you think that one word of apology can offset your fault?" Chi Xin still scorns, "do you know what the Huo family says about you now?"

The Huo family, though they don't know what they said, I don't think they will be as eloquent as Chi Xin.

"They say you are not only ungrateful, but also mean!" Chi Xin attacks me like a vent. I have to suspect that she called to vent her anger on me.

I endured to hear all her words without any refutation.

"Xiaoxin, are you calling to scold me today?" Finally, I asked weakly.

My question seems to remind Chi Xin, her tone suddenly changed, anger mixed with pride, "of course not, I'm not so boring."

So, what's your purpose?

"I'm here to tell you good news." Chi Xin said triumphantly.

I silently analyzed the meaning of the good news. From the current situation, the good news for Chi Xin is not necessarily good news for me. Because I know that Chi Xin will never inform me of the good news for everyone.

"You say it." I'm all ears.

"I'm engaged to Qingchuan." Chi Xin's voice came from the microphone, unspeakable complacency, but also with a swagger.

When I heard the news, I was really stunned. But thinking that she seems to have said so, I still have some doubts about the authenticity of her words.

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course it's true. Why should I cheat you with such things?" Chi Xin has a strange tone and thinks my question is unreasonable.

I'm noncommittal. I've been cheated once. I can't be cheated again.

"Don't you believe it?" Chi Xin saw that I didn't respond for a long time and asked me again.

"I don't believe it." I said something perfunctorily.

"Since Qingchuan's accident, I have been with him to take care of him and take care of him. No matter how hard his heart is, it will be opened by me, and aunt Huo has always liked me, so we are engaged." Chi Xin seems to be proving her words, and she goes on and on“ I am now the expectant daughter-in-law of the Huo family. I hope you don't disturb Qingchuan any more. Don't you find out? As long as I'm with you, nothing good has happened to Qingchuan! "

I can put Chi Xin's engagement behind me, but I still care when I hear her last words.

"You may not know how much damage SK has suffered because of this accident. Qingchuan is paralyzed now, and his uncles and uncles are ready to fight for the right of inheritance. SK is uncle Huo's whole life's painstaking effort. Maybe it's because you are destroyed once. You are really a sinner through the ages Chi Xin seems to have found my pain and kept stabbing.

"What's more, Qingchuan is such a good man. It's also because he sent you back to your hometown. Now he has to rely on a wheelchair to live. Don't you think it's your responsibility?" Chi Xin sprinkles a handful of salt on my wound again, which makes me feel heartburn and lung burn.

"If you really love Qingchuan, late, I want to warn you, you stay away from him, don't provoke him again, or sooner or later, you will kill him!" Chi Xin's tone adds a lot of threat.

"There's another thing I want to tell you. Because of your fault this time, the Huo family has been angry with your company, saying that if you dare to get close to Qingchuan, they will terminate their cooperation with your company. Think about it. Because you are alone, you have to affect your company. You can decide what to do by yourself." Finish saying these, Chi Xin heavy button off the phone.

And I, holding the phone for a long time, lost my words in the night.

I never knew that the impact of this incident would be so great.

It doesn't matter how I am, but if I really get involved with other people, I will die. Especially Bai Jie is so kind to me. How can I put the company in danger?

Originally want to harden the scalp to find Huo Qingchuan apology, repentance mood because of Chi Xin's words and shrink up, it seems that I and Huo Qingchuan, destined not to come together.

Holding the mobile phone powerlessly, I went back to the room.

Lying down on the bed, thinking about the little things between Huo Qingchuan and me, I couldn't cry.

But the suffering of missing is more serious than I imagined. Even if I can't find Huo Qingchuan, I can't stand the life of not knowing his news.

I have to find a way to know his current situation and hide my identity without disturbing his current peace.

So I came up with a stupid way, one that at least seemed to me to have the best of both worlds.

I went to the small communication hall to set up a new number, and then used this number to dial Huo Qingchuan's number.

My heart is beating violently, not only expecting to hear his voice, but also afraid to face him. After a long time, the phone didn't get through.

Such a strange number, maybe Huo Qingchuan will ignore it as a harassment call, I think.

But just as I was about to give up, the phone was connected.

I tried my best to restrain my heart beating wildly and moved the phone to my ear trembling.

"I'm Huo Qingchuan. Who's calling, please?" Huo Qingchuan's voice from the phone is so cold and familiar. For a moment, as if back to the scene when we met for the first time, he also spoke to me in such a cold voice.

As time goes by, we stumbled through a lot of things, but in the end, it was such an ending.

I cover my mouth, do not let the sound of crying come out, but can not stop the tears overflowing eyes.

The screen of the phone is still on. I finally got in touch with this man, but I can't say a word at this time.

I'm afraid I can't control my feelings, so I can only hang up the phone in a hurry, then find a corner and squat down. Tears have completely wet my palm, I cry out a voice.

Huo Qingchuan, Huo Qingchuan, between you and me, what is the evil relationship in the last life, so that we have to torture each other in this life.

I don't know how long I squatted in that place. When I stood up, my legs were numb.

I thought a lot about walking towards the company.

Maybe, as Chi Xin said, it's a good decision for him for me to leave him.

After going back to the company, I put all my mind on my work and decided not to mention Huo Qingchuan again. I hope I can use my work to fill my brain and use up my energy. In this way, I have no leisure to think about Huo Qingchuan.

The scale of the company has gradually expanded, and a second business department has been established. As the first sales manager, I naturally took over the management of the second business department.

With more and more business, we have established cooperative relations with many companies in a city, so I also have many opportunities to travel to a city.

I spent more time in a city than in C City. Bai Shu suggested that I move back to a city, but I refused.

This city has too many memories, some of which can't be touched easily.

But Bai Shu seems to be competing with me. After a shareholders' meeting, that is, after discussing with another boss, they decided to set up a branch in a city, and the manager of the branch is me.

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