The first time I saw her was when she was about to leave.

(Please don't use your brains, I'll try to make you feel good.)

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Xinghua Community.

A tall and thin boy pushed the door open.

He threw his luggage bag on the ground.

"Dad, Mom, sister, I'm back."

His eyes were a little tired, but he couldn't suppress the happiness of returning home.

His name is Chen Sheng.

He is 19 years old this year.

He has been studying in another place for two years.

This is his first time back home in two years.

In the past two years, he has used his vacation time to work outside to supplement his family income, and he is reluctant to come back.

For this family, and for his sister Chen Yuan.

No one responded to him.

No one at home.

There was still unfinished food on the table, and it seemed that his parents had been out for a short time.

Chen Sheng pushed open the bedroom door, and his room was spotlessly clean. There was a diary on the table.

It was his sister's diary.

Chen Sheng opened it and took a look, and the familiar and lovely handwriting seemed to dance in front of him.

"Brother, today is the tenth day since you left home. I miss you so much, and miss the days when we went to school together..."

"Brother, today is the 20th day since you left me. You promised me that you would come back to accompany me during the New Year. You can't break your promise..."

"Brother, I dreamed of you tonight. I'll tell you quietly that I have saved a hundred yuan. When you come back, I can treat you to a meal..."

"Brother, I came back alone after school tonight. I'm finally not afraid of walking at night!"


This girl...

Chen Sheng smiled with relief.

Chen Yuan is still the little girl he holds in his palm.

Well-behaved, cute, and sensible.

At this time, she should still be in class. Chen Sheng planned to wait for her to come back and give her a surprise.



Chen Sheng's mobile phone vibrated.

He looked down.

The caller was his father Chen Jianguo.

"Hello, Dad..."

"Chen Sheng, something happened!" Chen Jianguo's anxious voice came over immediately.

"Your sister... something happened..."

Chen Sheng's heart skipped a beat.

Something happened to my sister?

He was stunned at first, then hurriedly asked.

"Dad, what's going on? Don't worry, tell me slowly!"

Chen Jianguo's voice suddenly sank, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something!

He suddenly choked up!

The phone was snatched away by his mother Li Qiulan.

A heart-wrenching cry came through.

"Your sister is in the hospital now, come quickly..."

After saying that, the mother's voice stopped abruptly.

It sounded like she fainted.

Chen Sheng's head seemed to be hit hard by something.

It was buzzing.

He didn't dare to follow the bad thoughts in his heart and ran to the hospital immediately.

Chen Yuan was one year younger than Chen Sheng.

She went to an adult education institution.

She had always been well-behaved and sensible, and never made her family worry.

Chen Sheng loved this sister the most.

Chen Sheng kept thinking about it all the way.

Could it be that Chen Yuan fainted because of lack of nutrition due to too much pressure from studying recently?

She had a weak constitution since she was a child and was anemic when she was a child.

Or maybe she had an accident on the road?

Or was she injured in physical education class? This girl has always been reckless...

Chen Sheng had already made the worst plan in his head.

But the result was worse than he thought!

He never dreamed that the hospital his mother was talking about was actually a morgue!

When Chen Sheng came over, he looked at the word "morgue" and his heart suddenly stopped beating for a few times.

An inexplicable discomfort and chill rose from the soles of his feet!

He felt his body shaking uncontrollably.

The messy thoughts in his head popped up like snowflakes.

Now he was afraid to hear anything about his sister!

In such a cold and unpopulated place!

Both parents sat slumped on one side, their faces full of traces of crying.

Chen Jianguo, a man who stood tall and upright, was now crying like a child.

Chen Sheng had never seen his father cry like this.

"Chen Sheng, come... take a last look at your sister." Chen Jianguo said a heartbroken word in a very trembling voice.

"What do you mean, my sister..." Chen Sheng stood there with his eyes wide open, not daring to believe that the things he guessed were true.

That's his sister!

The sister he loved the most!

She was still seeing him last night.

Chatting on the TV, how come we are in the morgue today!

At this time, a medical staff member came out.

He looked at the three of them with great disdain.

"What are you arguing about? It's just a dead person. I see more dead people every day than you see living people!" He snorted coldly.

"Take a last look at the deceased. After confirmation, the body will be sent for identification! Don't waste my precious time..."

He didn't finish his words.


He felt a pair of beast-like eyes pointed at him!

All the pores on his body began to dilate and fluff.

It made him feel like he was in the abyss of hell in an instant.


Chen Sheng grabbed his collar with both hands and slammed him against the wall.

He punched the wall next to him!

Blood was flowing from his fist.

But he seemed to have no sense of pain, and his eyes were as big as a beast.

"The person lying inside is my sister!"

"She is the sister I have loved the most since childhood! She is not the cold corpse you mentioned! She must still be warm, she must still be warm!!"


The man was so scared that his legs went limp and he fell to the ground.

He didn't understand.

The other party was clearly a teenager of 18 or 19 years old, why were his eyes so bloodthirsty?

At that moment, he didn't even dare to look him in the eye.

"I was wrong, I'm sorry, I will never talk nonsense again." He hurriedly changed his words.

Kneeling in front of a child to admit his mistake?

He didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Sheng threw him away.

He strode inside...

Chen Yuan was very sensible since she was a child.

She started to help share the pressure of the family since she was a child.

She would buy vegetables on the way home every day and then cook for her parents.

She would use her study time to do some handicrafts with her mother to supplement the family income.

Chen Sheng remembered that she had worn a pair of pants for three years and was reluctant to change a new pair.

Chen Sheng even felt that his sister didn't look like a girl of this age.

She seemed to be here to repay her gratitude.

How could such a sensible, cute, and considerate girl get into trouble?

In the morgue, the temperature was very low and there was a disgusting smell in the air.

There was only one body in the huge room.

That was Chen Yuan.

It was Chen Yuan whose body was cold, stiff, and without any life!


Chen Sheng thought he was a strong man, but this scene broke his defense.

His legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

A man's knees are made of gold, unless he has no other choice!

He knelt in front of his sister, and his tears flowed like a stream that collapsed in summer, and he couldn't control it at all...

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