The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Chen Jianguo's voice trembled: "Sheng'er, let's go back in a week to handle Yuanyuan's funeral, what do you think?"

So far.

The parents still have a glimmer of hope.

They even think that Chen Yuan may come back to life.

That kind of illusion-like extravagant hope will disappear after Chen Yuan is buried.

This is why people often say that burying in the ground is peace.

That means that from now on, this person has disappeared from the world.

The last trace has also been completely erased.

Chen Sheng knew that saying these words was nothing more than a secondary injury to his parents.

Chen Yuan's accident was the first time, and burial was the second time...

But Chen Yuan's matter can't be delayed any longer.

Later, he would use the remaining blood of those beasts to commemorate Chen Yuan.

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, I will arrange for you to come back in a week."

"Well... OK."

Hang up the phone.

Chen Sheng wiped his tears.

A ball of anger rose in his heart again.

Gao Xue, Zhang Kai...

I will let you live a little longer.

From now on, a hellish life is waiting for you!


Chen Sheng went to the guard bureau.

Chen Guohua received him.

Li Jun was there too.

But this time, Li Jun's attitude towards him was much better.

Chen Sheng did something wrong, not bad.

He also hoped that there would be more people like Chen Sheng in the world, but with his ability, he could not reverse all this.

"Chen Sheng, are you... turning yourself in?" Chen Guohua asked.

After saying this, he felt that his words were stupid and laughed foolishly.

"Captain Chen, where is my sister's body? We are planning to bury her soon." Chen Sheng said.

Chen Guohua and Li Jun looked at each other.

Chen Guohua hurriedly said: "Then... the case closing document..."

Why has Chen Yuan been lying in the Guard Bureau?

The main reason is that Chen Sheng did not sign the case closing document.

If he does not sign, the matter will not be over.

The Guard Bureau has the obligation to preserve the body.

Chen Sheng nodded slightly, looking particularly powerless.

Signing this is equivalent to acknowledging that his sister's affairs have nothing to do with those people.

When the results came out before, their family could not accept it anyway.

They thought that there might still be fairness in this world, and perhaps there would still be justice.

The Guard Bureau is the last piece of pure land!

But reality gave them a slap in the face.

Under the dome, no one can leave clean.

People will be infected by filth to some extent.

Justice no longer exists, and the truth is only in Chen Sheng's own hands.

No matter how many wrongs he has done, he will seek justice for his sister!

But now, he plans to follow the process.

This world has forgiven those four beasts.

But he will never forgive them!

Chen Sheng will send them all to hell to be judged! !

After signing.

Chen Sheng took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly to calm himself down.

He was afraid that he would cry uncontrollably when he saw his sister later.

These days she stayed in the cold morgue, her whole body stiff.

Without the warmth of the sun, without the infusion of hot blood, she has left this world.

Closing my eyes is like a dream.

Until now, I have not woken up from the dream.

Only the cold reality can interpret the final result.

Chen Guohua saw that he had signed, and immediately called someone to bring Chen Yuan's body over.

"What did you say?" Chen Guohua was stunned as soon as he answered the phone.

A trace of fear appeared on his face.

A bad premonition followed.

Chen Yuan's body disappeared!

Things are in trouble!

Chen Sheng might go crazy!!

Chen Guohua didn't say anything for a long time, staring at Chen Sheng blankly, not daring to say that sentence.

It was like a student who made a mistake, not even daring to look the teacher in the eye.

Li Jun also heard the voice on the phone, and was also very hesitant, nervously clutching his trouser legs, and subconsciously stood straight.

Chen Sheng's anger.

Who dares to touch...

Chen Yuan's death has caused a storm in Beitian City, and the storm is still continuing!

Even the guard bureau can't do anything, they can only watch this matter slowly brew and ferment.

But they can't stop it, and can't find any evidence...

Now that Chen Yuan is dead, Chen Sheng wants her to rest in peace.

If Chen Sheng is provoked again at this time, what will he do?

No one dares to imagine!

Fear spread across the two

body, cold sweat!

"Where's my sister?" Chen Sheng seemed to have guessed something from their expressions and shouted.

"Mr. Chen, sit down first, I'll tell you slowly..." Chen Guohua hurriedly poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng sat down with a frown on his face, but did not take the coffee.

"What's going on?"

Chen Guohua looked very apologetic, took a deep breath and said: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, your sister is no longer in the Guard Bureau..."

"What?" Chen Sheng's heart skipped a beat.

I thought my sister's body was absolutely safe in the Guard Bureau.

But now he said that his sister is no longer there?

Chen Guohua was afraid that Chen Sheng would burn his anger on himself, so he hurriedly explained: "First of all, I don't know anything before."

"Someone took your sister away, and it was a formal document and formal procedure. The people in the Guard Bureau couldn't not let her go."


Bang! !

Chen Sheng slapped the table with his palm!

The top layer of glass shattered instantly!

"What did you say!! My sister has been in the Guard Bureau, and someone took her away? I am her relative, why do I know nothing about this!!"

"Is it in compliance with regulations to take her away without her relatives!!"

Chen Guohua was also very helpless. The other party said a few basic things on the phone. When he asked more deeply, the other party would not say anything.

He knew that the person who took Chen Yuan's sister away must have more power than the Guard Bureau.

But he had no idea why he took her away.

"Mr. Chen, I really don't know about this. If I knew, I would definitely not let anyone take your sister away..."

"I admit that this is my mistake..." Chen Guohua apologized hurriedly.

Chen Sheng shouted loudly: "When my sister got into trouble, no one protected her. The guard bureau was useless! She went through those things in the training center. No one took the responsibility for her injuries and pain!"

"After she died, the guard bureau could not maintain justice. They could only watch those people get away with it. They did nothing because of insufficient evidence!"

"Now, you can't even take care of my sister's body!!"

"You are not wearing this skin to put on airs all day long! You are not even as good as a guard dog!!"

"And the thing that this world lacks the most is guard dogs!!"

"Chen Sheng, you are going too far..." Li Jun was a captain after all. He couldn't hold his face when a young boy, even a suspect, pointed at his nose and scolded him.

He couldn't help but reply.

Bang! !

Chen Sheng kicked him in the chest directly!

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