The man behind him was not named Liang, but he was still a little embarrassed.

"Is the man behind him surnamed Liang?"

"Yes..." The captain nodded subconsciously.

He couldn't tell the name of that adult, but since Chen Sheng asked, he had nothing to fear.

"Chen Sheng, although that adult has a high status, I will do my best to help you find out!" The captain vowed.

How could Chen Sheng not know that he was talking in a nice way.

The difference between the two people's levels was there.

How could he do it?

"No need, I'll check it myself."

Chen Sheng said, and turned and went downstairs.

After he went down, he took a car and left.

The people around him also returned to their previous calmness.

The street was noisy again as if nothing had happened.

The call to the guard bureau was connected, and the network was restored.

"Old Li, how are you doing? The crisis in my second branch has been resolved."

"My third branch is also..."

"My first branch is also..."

The captain sat down exhausted, with the fear in his eyes that had not yet dissipated.

"Captain, is Chen Sheng really going to find the person above? Is he crazy..."

"The power of that person is not something that ordinary people can touch..."

Chen Guohua and Li Jun hurried over.

The captain glanced at them and snorted coldly: "What Chen Sheng did before, isn't it crazy?"

"This time, I'm afraid there will be chaos!"

"The Cangtian Society is going to set off a huge wave..."


In the dim room.

Zhang Kai was lying here with an IV drip.

He had a fever.

After the last incident, he felt that his body was hollowed out.

Those scenes became his nightmares that he would never get rid of.

He had never thought that being played with by others would be so horrible!

Those women in the past, including Chen Yuan, turned out to be so miserable.

He seemed to have realized his mistake.


Chen Sheng pushed the door open.

Two medical staff members beside him hurried up to report the situation.

"Brother Sheng, he has a laceration and is now running a fever, but we have given him an IV drip and it's not a big problem."

"But he may have to hang a shit bag for the rest of his life."

Chen Sheng smiled slightly: "Very good."

Then he walked in front of Zhang Kai.

There was an electric baton in his hand.


Zhang Kai was awakened by the electric shock!

"Chen Sheng!!" When he saw Chen Sheng's face, he was as scared as if he had seen a ghost, his face changed drastically, and his body shrank back desperately.

"Please... Kill me! I don't want to suffer anymore..."

"I'm in so much pain, my whole body hurts so much..."

Zhang Kai begged bitterly.

"This is just the beginning, why are you so anxious to die?"

"Didn't you say that no one could do anything to you when we were at the Guard Bureau?"

"Now your grandfather has taken my sister's body away with others. Who do you think I will blame for this hatred?"

At Chen Sheng's command, the door was opened.

A few more strong men came in.

The situation was exactly the same as last time.

Chen Sheng handed the electric baton in his hand to them.

"Take it easy this time, don't kill him."

"Don't worry, Brother Sheng, we will definitely perform well, hehehe~"

Zhang Kai looked at the nightmare-like people and gradually lost his ability to resist.

At this moment, he just wanted to die...


At night.

The water dungeon where Gao Xue and Liang Xiaohong were.

After a few days, Gao Xue couldn't stand it anymore.

One of her eyeballs was gone.

It hurt so bad!

At the same time, the water in the pool made her feel worse than death!

She couldn't stay calm when she thought of what Chen Sheng said!

Chen Sheng wanted her to stay in the pool until she died! !

"Mom, I'm so hungry, give me something to eat..."

"Can I go to the board for a while?"

"My whole body hurts, woo woo woo..."

Liang Xiaohong seemed not to hear her words and lay on the board steadily.

There was only one portion of food today.

She ate it all.

Not even a hair was left for Gao Xue.

"You stay here! You caused the trouble in the first place!"

"I'll go down? If I go down, won't the strong acid corrode my body?"

"I've eaten all the food today, it has nothing to do with you!"

Gao Xue was dumbfounded when she heard this.

She couldn't believe that this was what her mother, who usually cared about her, said!

She was her daughter!

"Mom, you can't do this to me, I'm your daughter!!"

Pah! !

Liang Xiaohong didn't care about the wound on her face.

He slapped her in the face.

"How dare you say you are my daughter? I wish I could draw a clear line with you and never recognize you again!!"

"If it weren't for you, would things have turned out like this?"

"I'm afraid I'd still be enjoying my life abroad. Now, because of you, my father-in-law, my father, and your uncle, they're all dead!!"

"It's all because of you, you jinx. Why do you bully others when you have nothing to do!!"

"Why did I give birth to such a bastard daughter like you!"

"... You... You..." Gao Xue was so angry that she couldn't speak for a long time, and she went straight to her hands.

She was about to pull Liang Xiaohong off the board.

The two of them fought directly.

But Liang Xiaohong was much stronger than him, and he pushed her into the water and beat her in a few strokes.

"Oh, it seems you guys are having a lot of fun." At this time, the door opened.

Mr. Chen walked in.

"Mr. Chen, Brother Chen!!"

"This matter has nothing to do with me. It's the father's fault if a girl is not educated. Her father is dead. Can this matter be turned over?"

"Gao Xue will be left to you to deal with. Can you let me go?"

"I really can't stay here anymore... woo woo woo..." Liang Xiaohong cried out in despair.

She was also brought up in a pampered environment. When has she ever suffered such hardship?

Mr. Chen sneered: "Can't you bear this little bit of hardship?"

"Have you ever thought about my sister's despair and pain?"

"Enjoy it all. I won't let you die. You will never die!! You have to experience every bit of pain slowly!"

Mr. Chen snapped his fingers.

"Heat up the water in the pool!"

"Yes, Brother Sheng!"

Mr. Chen glanced at them and turned to walk out.

The two looked at each other silently.

What did Mr. Chen say just now?

He wants to heat up the water in the pool?

This is a strong acid. What will happen if he heats it?

They must have been roasted alive!!

Beitian City, the center of the power structure.

In a dim room.

Many people were busy.

They came here after receiving the order.

Emergency repairs were started immediately.

The network had big problems and loopholes!

And these loopholes were created an hour ago!

Each loophole can be fatal!

You must know what these loopholes mean!

If they are not repaired quickly, the secrets of Beitian City will be made public!

This is a big deal!!

"Xiao Wang, have you repaired it? The situation here is very troublesome!"

"I still have a few loopholes to repair here, and it is a question whether they can be repaired!"

"Xiao Hong, how is your situation?"

"It's a mess here..."

"Can you apply to the headquarters to get some people to help? I'm afraid we can't handle it with just a few of us!"

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