The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

Liang Lei screamed heartbreakingly, his eyes wide open like copper bells!

Although everyone present was very afraid of the Heavenly Society.

But the power of money was too great.

Kill two and you'll get 5 million!

That's more than what those office workers earn in their lifetime! !

The man standing in the front raised his knife and killed him!

However, before he took two steps, his body suddenly stopped.

A knife was stuck in his chest!

Xiao Luo rushed over at an extremely fast speed and stabbed him in the heart first.

Without any pause, he quickly drew his knife and kicked the bastard away.

The whole process took less than a second, easy and coherent.

It was completely different from fighting with these hooligans!

They usually just fight or something, at most they cut people, which was something they could brag about for a while.

But the people of the Cang Tian Society would kill people!

The difference between the two was too big!

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Although 5 million was very tempting, you still have to live to spend it, right?

No one wanted to risk their life here!


The next second, the whole villa was instantly cut off from power.

All kinds of lighting equipment failed!

It was already late at night, and it was cloudy, so not even a trace of bleak moonlight could shine in.

Xiao Luo and the others were wearing black clothes, almost blending into the darkness.

At the moment of the power outage, they also rushed over with the darkness.

Screams continued to sound around.

It made their hearts tremble!

Fear soared straight up! !

This was a massacre! !

One-sided! Extremely oppressive!

Liang Lei cursed inwardly when he saw that his people were already in disarray!

He had paid a high price to invite them here, but they were so useless!

He quickly found his passport and ID and escaped through the back door!

No matter what, the key is to save his life first!

It won't be too late to take revenge later!

A heavy kick hit him in the face, and he was directly knocked back!

He was kicked so hard that he was out of breath and knelt on the ground coughing.

At this time, the lights were turned on.

Xiao Luo stood in front of him like a killer.

There was a look of judgment in his eyes.

At least fifty or sixty people outside fell in a pool of blood, and the others had already fled.

The yard was in a mess.

"Liang Lei, you are the illegitimate son of Liang Baojian and Wang Huiyun, but you are ignorant and have done many evil things."

"You forced a woman of good character into prostitution, killed people maliciously, and even beat to death an old man in his sixties."

"What's even worse is that last year, you killed a pregnant woman..."

"People like you should be struck by lightning and torn into pieces!"

Liang Lei saw the judgment in Xiao Luo's eyes and trembled with fear.

"You can't kill me, my father is Liang Baojian! He is the person in the power center!"

"You can't escape the guilt even if you kill me, my father will definitely kill you!!"

"I will give you as much money as you want..."

Xiao Luo sneered: "Do you think money can redeem your sins?"

"Your sins should be redeemed with your life!"


Hongchen Group.

Chairman Geng Hui is anxiously allocating funds.

The finance department next to him is busy.

Now he has more than 10,000 employees.

After the merger with Gao's company, many more members of Chengtianhui were transferred here, and the number was increasing rapidly.

These are all members of Cangtianhui!

Now everyone has to go to country B.

He has to bear all the expenses.

Although it's not much, it's enough to shock him.

What does Cangtianhui want to do by sending so many people to country B?

That's another country. Cangtianhui is deeply rooted here, but will it work there?

At 8:00 in the morning.

Hongchen Group began to send cars to pick up and drop off more than 10,000 members.

One by one, all were sent to the dock or airport.

In the end, the company's cars were not enough, and some taxis were found to help.

After the work was done, Geng Hui's head was sweating coldly.

"Mr. Chen, this is going to be a disaster..."

"So many people have all gone to country B, I'm afraid there will be a bloody storm..."


International airport.

The staff are busy.

Since today, they have been busy for a whole morning.

The number of people leaving the country has been increasing rapidly.

This made them very confused.

This is clearly not a holiday, why do so many people choose to travel on the same day in an instant?

But they can't find any reason from those people.

No clues.

They have formal procedures and formal passports.

Is it your business when they appear on camera?

At the same time, a call came from the ticketing system.

"Hello, please check if anyone has maliciously swiped tickets!"

"My ticketing system was hacked the day before, and then all the tickets were swiped out inexplicably."

"Although they were all purchased through formal channels, there is something wrong..."

"Please pay attention!"

All the tickets were snapped up in one day? And all the flights were snapped up!

This is too wrong!

"Captain, should we report to the higher-ups? This is a bit too abnormal!" A staff member expressed his doubts.

"Well, stop checking tickets first, I'll report to the higher-ups first. So many people appeared on camera in the morning, I'm afraid there is something wrong!" The captain also took measures when he heard this.

Then the staff stopped checking tickets.

So many members of the Cangtian Society have not entered yet, and they were intercepted outside one after another.

But time waits for no one.

Someone immediately began to silently recite a sentence.

"Heaven will not fail, life will never end, the evils of the world will be destroyed!"

Then the second, the third...

Then everyone in the airport shouted together.

"Heaven will not fail, life will never end, the evils of the world will be destroyed!!"

"Heaven will not fail, life will never end..."

For a moment, the whole airport was filled with loud voices.

The staff were dumbfounded.

There were so many people in the airport, were they all in the same group?

They were all going to the same place, and on the same day?

What on earth happened! !

"It's the Cang Tian Society..."

"These are all members of the Cang Tian Society! We can't stop them at all, what should we do?"

They immediately panicked.

They had also heard a little about the Cang Tian Society.

That mysterious and powerful organization would actually appear here?

At the same time, the people above also called.

"You idiots, you can't even handle such a small matter!! Let them go quickly! Let the people from the Cang Tian Society pass!!"

"They are all following the formal procedures, there is no reason for us to stop them! If this continues, something bad will happen! I heard that the terminal is in chaos!"

"Let them go quickly, let them go, let them go!!"

The staff and the captain were stunned for a moment, and then they quickly reopened the ticket checking system.

Several people looked dull and stared at all this.

Cang Tian Society, are they going to rebel against the sky...

Such a scene happened in the train waiting hall at the same time.

Just now, the Cang Tian Society gathered together and shouted slogans loudly, and their voices were like thunder.

The leaders above also gave orders.

Let them all go.

They didn't want to cause any vicious incidents by blocking the Cang Tian Society.

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