"I don't think it's necessary." Chen Guohua was very calm, watching the news on the Internet quietly.

I don't know why, but I feel refreshed.

Liang Baojian is a high-ranking power center.

Even if ordinary people have evidence against him, it is impossible to bring him to court.

There are not many people who can judge such a person!

But now, he died so miserably.

It's really the will of heaven, karma and reincarnation!

Li Jun also felt relieved, waving his fist and said: "This kind of person should have died long ago, if it were me, I would do the same!"

"Damn, it's fun!"

"Cough cough cough..." The person next to him coughed twice to remind him.

As a member of the guard bureau, it is a mistake to say such things.

Li Jun was slightly embarrassed, and then he quickly changed the subject: "The video is on the sea, there are no landmark buildings, and there are no longitude and latitude indications. Where can we find it?"

"The sea is so big that we can't find the starting point in our lifetime. Even if we investigate, it will be a waste of manpower and material resources."

"And there are no suspects in the video. How should we investigate?"

"Let's follow the instructions from above. When the orders from above are given, we will act!"

"Okay..." The guard next to him could only sigh and go to work silently.

Who said there is no justice in the world?

It's just that people's awakening chips are not big enough!

Once everyone awakens, the world will change color!


In a dim room.

The Liang family was imprisoned here.

Liang Baojian, Liang Cheng, Liang Lei, all still hanging on.

They didn't die.

But they also lost half of their lives.

Especially Liang Baojian.

He was relying on several bottles of special medicine to keep alive.

The three of them were thrown into a gasoline barrel.

Liang Baojian's legs and hands were eaten by fish.

Now he opened his eyes and closed them, and his mind was filled with images of those fish eating him crazily.

He slowly opened his eyes.

Now he felt the pain that was already extremely uncomfortable!

His limbs had lost all feeling.

All his limbs were gone.

Only his head and torso were left.

An inexplicable fear spread over him.

He hurriedly looked around.

Still in that dim room.

His two sons, Liang Xiaohong, Gao Xue and the others were all there.

Is the family going to be together?

Liang Cheng and Liang Lei were in a similar situation to him.

They were all trapped there like human pigs.

But they were all still alive.

It had already become like this, what was the difference between being alive and being dead?

Mr. Chen did this on purpose!

He was deliberately keeping them hanging!

So that they can slowly die in fear!!

How horrible!

Liang Baojian regrets it now!

He regrets being an enemy of Chen Sheng.


The door opened.

Chen Sheng and Xiao Luo walked in.

They were followed by several people from the Cang Tian Society.

There was a small cart next to them, with steaming food in it.

The smell of the food made Liang Xiaohong and Gao Xue excited!

They had been hungry for several days, and the smell made them drool.

Liang Baojian and others also felt that their stomachs were empty.

Looked at Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng walked in front of Liang Baojian.

"Chen Sheng... I have become like this, you kill me..." Liang Baojian said heartbreakingly.

Even if he survived, he would be a useless person, it would be better to die.

Liang Cheng and Liang Lei were begging for mercy.

Ask Chen Sheng to let them go.

This was the only desire for survival left in their hearts.

Chen Sheng's method was too horrible!

Their bodies were eaten alive by fish.

The key is that they are not dead even after this!

This made them feel even more uncomfortable!

Living is really more uncomfortable than dying!

Chen Sheng asked someone to bring out the food in the cart.

It was a pot of stewed meat, which looked very fresh.

"Chen Sheng, I'm so hungry, give me a bite, please..." Liang Baocheng immediately changed his words. He was greedy by nature, and appetite was a taboo he could not cross.

Especially this kind of tender and juicy meat, but it was something he could not refuse.

Even if he died, he wanted to have one last bite!

Liang Cheng, Liang Lei, Liang Xiaohong, Gao Xue.

They were all attracted by the fragrance.

What kind of life have they been living these days!

Worse than pigs and dogs!

Their bodies have been drained long ago.

Not to mention having a good meal, it's good to be alive!

Now they can't even dream of eating a good meal.

Want to eat something.

"Mr. Chen, can you give us something to eat? We are really about to pass out from hunger!"

"Just be merciful and let us have a bite!"

"We have become like this, it's not too much to let us have a bite, right? Please..."

Mr. Chen is not the kind of petty person, let alone embarrass a few human pigs?

Their saliva is almost flowing down.

Mr. Chen sneered, then took a few plates and poured some minced meat into them.

Placed it four or five meters away from them.

"If you want to eat, come and get it yourself."

Liang Baojian was the first one who lost his temper.

This smell is too familiar.

This meat is so tender and fragrant!

It seems to be the same when he ate babies before.

It makes people linger!

He shook and poked hard, then fell to the ground with a plop, and his smelly body fell out of the bucket in an instant.

He curled up his body and slowly crawled forward.

He crawled towards the plate of food.

Liang Cheng and Liang Lei also followed his example.

He deliberately fell down, then twisted his body and crawled towards it.

No matter what, eat a bite of meat first!

People are always so greedy, always filling their greed!

Chen Sheng brought two plates of meat and came to Gao Xue and Liang Xiaohong.

"Do you want to eat?"

Gao Xue thought she had heard wrong, and pointed at herself in surprise.

She was so moved.

Chen Sheng really planned to give them food?

He was so nice?

She and her mother had been starving for a long time!

Especially Gao Xue, she basically had no food these days, and all of it was snatched away by Liang Xiaohong.

In addition, she was soaked in water all day, and her skin was ruined.

Now she can eat something, which is a great blessing for her!

"Thank you, Mr. Chen... You're such a good person for giving me food at this time."

"I was wrong before. I shouldn't have targeted Chen Yuan. I really shouldn't have. I regret it so much now..."

Gao Xue took the plate of meat while crying.

Then she started eating it like a dog.

To be fair, Mr. Chen also gave Liang Xiaohong some, but not as much as Gao Xue.

Looking at Liang Baojian and the others, they also had the meat smoothly.

Especially Liang Baojian, who ate it all in a few bites.

He licked the plate greedily.

Liang Cheng and Liang Lei also had oil on their mouths, and their expressions were very satisfied.

At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten the pain in their bodies.

Mr. Chen saw that the time was almost right, and smiled at them: "Now, I'll give you another big gift~"

He snapped his fingers.

Several people pushed a cart in.

There was just enough space for one person to lie on it.

There was blood, dripping down the cart.

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