The information was not submitted?

Yao Yu said she was innocent.

She didn't submit her own information, but many people here didn't submit their information either!

Why did she target me!

"Teacher Wang, as far as I know, there are many people who didn't submit their information. Isn't it a bit too much for you to let me stand up alone!" Yao Yu was still straightforward and said whatever she wanted.

Teacher Wang laughed.

This little girl still wants to fight with me?

Is she hot enough?

"Others handed their information to me personally, except you!"

Teacher Wang was telling her that she had the final say here!

"Or, you can choose to leave now and go home to wait for duty!"

Yao Yu clenched the book in her hand, her face changed with anger.

Teacher Wang said so, she was really speechless.

She took the book, went to the back of the class, and stood to listen.

She thought that no matter how powerful Teacher Wang was, she could not control the test questions. When the time came, she would pass the test steadily and see what she could say!

And she did not forget Chen Sheng's arrangement, and she had to investigate Chen Yuan's matter as soon as possible!

The first day.

Yao Yu stood all day.

In the evening.

She looked around the entire training institution.

The top floor was full of specimen storage rooms.

But the school's surveillance had been broken for a month, and she couldn't find anything.

She thought that she would ask someone about the situation tomorrow, and maybe she could find some clues.

The next day.

Yao Yu came to class early in the morning.

Teacher Wang did not let her stand this time, but moved her desk to the end.

Next to the garbage dump.

Stay away from everyone.

Yao Yu's existence is like an alternative.

Although some people in the institution feel sorry for her and want to help her, no one speaks.

Helping her would offend Teacher Wang.

They still want to pass the exam and go back to work.

The only thing to blame is Yao Yu's stubbornness.

When the class was over in the afternoon.

Teacher Wang added a sentence.

"From today on, Yao Yu will clean the laboratory and teacher's office on the third floor every day after school."

"I will check in the morning. If you don't clean it well, I will deduct your credits."

The voice was not loud, but it made Yao Yu stunned.

Let yourself clean alone?

Isn't this obviously bullying!

She let herself stand in class, and she accepted it.

She let herself move the desk to the back, and she also accepted it!

But how could she bear to let herself clean these!!

"Teacher Wang, I just didn't give you anything? Why are you targeting me like this!"

"I passed the exam on my own ability, so why do you envy me?"

"You accepted bribes so openly, aren't you afraid that I will sue you! The atmosphere of this training institution has been corrupted by people like you!"

"I'm telling you, you can't last long like this! Sooner or later, you will be exposed to the sun!"

Yao Yu said righteously, slapping the table hard.

The whole class fell silent instantly.

Teacher Wang is the sky here.

Is Yao Yu going to expose the sky?

This woman is a little too upright.

There is not so much fairness in this world.

Teacher Wang blushed.

She blushed because she was angry.

The training institution has been running for so many years, and no one has ever dared to go against him.

This woman actually challenged him openly in front of so many people!

Can he let her leave safely?

She snorted coldly: "Yao Yu, a top student in the law school before, was recommended to work in the Security Bureau because of her outstanding grades."

"I know all your information, even where you live!"

"I won't repeat it a second time. Your performance these days is quite poor! As a teacher, I have seen it. I want you to make up for your lack of credits with labor. If you don't want to, forget it."

"You can leave at any time! Anyway, I don't have any losses!"

This is a very clear hint.

So what if you study well?

So what if you are strong in your major?

She has the final say here, no matter who comes!

Today, I'm fighting with her!

Yao Yu was speechless.

Take a deep breath and endure it for the time being!

When I leave here, I must expose them!

She doesn't believe it anymore. There is no justice in the world!

In the evening, all the students left.

Only Yao Yu was left alone.

Originally, Yao Yu had a sweet appearance and a good figure.

She is carefree.

She usually has many friends.

But in this training institution, she is the loneliest person.

No one wants to be with her, for fear of being implicated.

Because of Teacher Wang, she was completely isolated.

Even Li Qiang dared not talk to her openly.

He was also afraid of being targeted by Teacher Wang.

In just a few days, Yao Yu seemed to have changed into a different person.

A person became lifeless.

As if she was out of tune with this place.

She didn't know what she had done wrong.

Is it wrong to uphold justice?

Is it wrong to stick to one's bottom line?

Is it a heinous crime if I don't send something!

That night.

When Yao Yu was cleaning the teacher's office.

In Teacher Wang's drawer, she accidentally found a mobile phone.

It was a spare mobile phone.

Yao Yu hesitated for a moment, and seeing that there was no one around, she turned on the phone.

There was no phone book on it.

There were only some unrecorded phone numbers.

There is a recording of a call.

It is a recording of a call between Teacher Wang and a man.

"Have you prepared the formalin and the preservation box for me? Give me a box that is easy to preserve, otherwise the hand will not be preserved for long!"

"It's ready, you can come and get it anytime!"

"I'm going to the students now, you wait for me at the back door."

"Don't forget my share of the money!"

"Don't worry..."

This is...

Yao Yu was stunned when she heard these words.

This recording should be because Teacher Wang was afraid of being tricked by the other party, so he recorded it.

If the other party does not fulfill his promise, he can threaten him once.

But from the tone, it seems to be related to the man who took Chen Yuan's hand!

Teacher Wang!

He actually helped that man!

Yao Yu was shocked.

She quickly recorded the recording and saved it in her mobile phone.

Then she cleaned up and returned to the dormitory.

On the way, she called Chen Sheng.

But she found that there was no signal in the institution.

Because the exam is in two days, this is a signal blocker to prevent cheating in the college.

And the institution has been completely closed, and the students can't go out.

Yao Yu thought about going to a place with a signal outside tomorrow morning and quickly contact Chen Sheng and Zhang Jiayu.

If they can find clues quickly, maybe they can find that person!

One night passed.

Morning exercises the next day.

Yao Yu is the same as usual.

Following the crowd in the team to run.

Today, Teacher Wang is supervising.

She soon saw Yao Yu in the crowd.

Snorted coldly.

"Okay, everyone stop, Yao Yu, you keep running!"

"You didn't keep up with the team just now, so you have to run five laps!" Teacher Wang's expression was very gloomy.

It seemed to say, play with me, do you have the qualifications?

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