The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

"Old man, is the person inside the young man from that day?"

"He... is helping us..." The mother cried out while covering her mouth.

Everyone knows how much Chen Sheng will pay for such a big deal.

But he still did it without hesitation.

In this world, who is willing to jump to the opposite side of everyone alone?

Who is willing to write justice and sin so clearly!

Who is willing to sacrifice so much for the so-called justice.

The father's cloudy old eyes were full of tears: "That young man is not a bad guy, I hope he can get away with it."

"The world needs people like him!"

"If I were still young, I would fight side by side with him!"

The scene returned to the training institution.

Mine clearance team.

"Captain, mine clearance is too difficult, why don't we think of other ways, or put a few rabbits in? Let them step on the mines." A team member complained.

"Nonsense!" The captain scolded, "You know how smart this mine is. Lightweight ones are not enough to trigger it! In addition, cow hooves, sheep hooves, dog paws, which have low bonding, cannot trigger it!"

"We can only clear mines! Do your job honestly!"

The team member was obviously a little unconvinced, but he didn't dare to speak.


He looked at the door of the training institution building.

"Captain, someone is coming over there..."

A man covered in blood appeared not far away.

He was holding a blue box in his hand.

With one hand covering his stomach, he was about to run out like crazy!

There are mines everywhere outside!

Is he not afraid of death!

"Don't come over here, there are mines nearby!" The captain hurriedly shouted to stop him.

But the other party seemed not to hear him.

He was still running towards this side madly!

"Help... Help... Call a doctor!"

He ran and shouted.

The people in the mine clearance team hurriedly raised their hands to signal him to stop.

But it was useless.

Boom! !

An explosion!

Completely annihilated everything!

The figure of that person disappeared completely.

He was blown to death.

He was torn to pieces.

The power of this mine is quite strong!

Only the fragments of the explosion and a cloud of blood mist were left.

Everyone present seemed to be shocked by the scene, as if something was stuck in their throats, and they couldn't utter a word.


Is it really a mine?

Is Mr. Chen crazy?

Did he really dare to place a mine here?

He was going to murder everyone!

Chen Guohua was completely dumbfounded at this moment!

He gradually clenched his fists!

"Block the signal! This must not be spread out!"

"Bring out the signal blocker!"

The centurion shouted desperately, he seemed to have realized something.

If the stalemate continues, what if they can't defeat Chen Sheng?

Wouldn't that tell everyone live that the Guard Bureau is not doing its job well?

And this picture is too bloody, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of public opinion.

The people next to him immediately contacted the Information Department.

Soon, the information blocker arrived.

All the surrounding signals were forcibly cut off in an instant.

Chen Sheng's live broadcast screen was gone.

However, this did not affect Chen Sheng's continuation!

It was just that netizens complained.

Some people even organized themselves to come to the scene to cheer Chen Sheng up!

"Captain, the man just now was obviously released by Chen Sheng. Do you want to shout to the people inside and not let them out?" Chen Guohua asked cautiously. He didn't pay attention at this time, and cold sweat began to break out on his head. Who could have thought that such a thing would happen in the School of Forensic Medicine! So many students, like lambs to be slaughtered, were played and killed by Chen Sheng! This matter is going to be a hot topic! ! The captain was already thinking about how to explain it to his superiors. Whoever encounters such a thing will be unlucky! Who can stop Chen Sheng? "Captain, someone is coming again!" I heard a frightened voice from the intercom. Instantly. Everyone's eyes were focused on it. At the door of the building, more than 20 people rushed out! Their dress was very different. They all wore white coats, with nothing covered inside. Only the most primitive blood was dripping. Each of them was holding a blue box.

They looked like delivery guys delivering takeout.

But their faces were extremely nervous!

They all knew what this meant!!

The box contains their organs!

They are forensic doctors and have some common sense in this area.

If they can go to the hospital for surgery in a short time, then their organs may be reconnected.

If it takes a long time, then it's over! There is no hope!

Some people who have lost their kidneys and bladders can still survive.

But their quality of life will be greatly reduced in the future.

But people who have lost their stomachs and half of their intestines are very distressed.

They must rush out as soon as possible and have surgery to reconnect them!

Otherwise, how can they live in the future?

"Don't let them out! There are mines outside!" A deminer was busy and saw so many people and shouted loudly.

The guards were still in a daze and were stunned when they saw so many people.

He quickly shouted with a loud speaker: "Listen, people inside, there are mines outside! The specific distribution location is unknown, and the power is huge! It is enough to blow you all to death!"

"Don't come out, we are arranging people to clear the mines, give us some time!!"

"The person who just came out has been blown to death, I don't want to see more people die! Everyone press your wounds on the spot to minimize blood flow. You can choose to lie down or lean against the wall..."

If it were in normal times, these people would still be rational.

They would definitely listen to people's advice.

In this situation, who can still stay calm?

The box contains their organs!

If they don't connect them quickly, their lives will be ruined, and they can only be disabled in the future!

Now they are extremely regretful!

If they had known this earlier, they would have stood up to speak for Yao Yu even if they died that day.

Who knew that the plot that only happened in the movie would happen in reality?

The only rationality has long been broken!

At this moment, they just want to survive!

What are those mines?

"Ahhhhh!! My liver is in the box, please arrange for medical personnel to come!"

"I have an adrenaline injection, this situation will not last long, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

Soon, a man couldn't hold it anymore.

The wound on his body was still bleeding.

The white coat was stained red.

It looked a bit crazy!

He stared with wide eyes, opened his mouth exaggeratedly, and breathed desperately, exuding a feeling of going crazy.

"Don't come out, calm down! Give us some time, I will save you!"

"Everyone, calm down! If you rush out rashly, you will only die!"

"As far as we know, there are many mines in here..."

The guards were desperately trying to stop them from coming out.

But the people inside couldn't listen at all.

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