The more he tried, the more he thought.

Her pupils shrank subconsciously, and the danger intensified!

Chen Yuan's hand!

This is his purpose!

She almost forgot!

Chen Sheng is Chen Yuan's sister!

He has already started revenge for his sister!

Almost everyone in Beitian City knows about this!

Now things are still going on, Chen Sheng is still killing, and still going crazy for his sister's affairs!

But I was confused at the time, accepted bribes, and participated in this matter.

Now that I think about it, it's really wrong!

She almost regretted it!

But looking at Chen Sheng's expression, she really didn't dare to tell the truth.

If I didn't say it, maybe I would still be useful to Chen Sheng, and he wouldn't kill me.

But if she said it, she might die in the next second!

She just wanted to live!

"Mr. Chen, your sister's hand has nothing to do with me. You can't kill innocent people..."

"I can tell you where her hand is, but you have to promise to let me go!"

"I don't want to die!"

Teacher Wang was still struggling to death. At this time, she was still negotiating with Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen was so angry that he laughed: "It seems that you don't understand your situation yet."

"Let me tell you what trial is..."

Mr. Chen took the scalpel and cut a hole along her chest.

The blood couldn't stop flowing out!

"Ahhh..." Teacher Wang was in great pain. The pain of her skin being cut made her cold all over.

It seemed that everything she had was revealed in front of Mr. Chen.

Her internal organs, her life...

Mr. Chen's knife opened ten centimeters and then stopped.

If the wound was too big, she would die from excessive blood loss.

She couldn't be allowed to die so easily.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a bargain for her?

"From now on, you only have about half an hour left to live. I want to see if you can keep being so stubborn!"

"In half an hour, I will turn you into an empty shell."

Chen Sheng said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed.

Then a bloody thing was grabbed out.

Chen Sheng crushed it in front of her!

"" Teacher Wang's eyes were red!

Under the effect of the cardiotonic injection.

Instead of reducing her pain, the pain seemed to be more fierce and clear than usual!

She could feel that every pore was emitting pain!

It made her collapse!

She couldn't tell what organ Chen Sheng had crushed just now, she just felt that her body was about to be unable to bear this torture!

Her eyes were congested and her body was boiling...

"Are you willing to talk?" Chen Sheng asked politely.

His tone seemed to be negotiating with her.

He was like a big brother who was reasoning with a child.

"I...I..." Teacher Wang hadn't even caught her breath yet, her chest heaving violently.

"Oh, you haven't thought about it yet?" Chen Sheng aimed at her kidney again and gently cut a line, just enough for him to put half of his hand in.

Then, Chen Sheng took out the kidney directly!

Teacher Wang trembled violently all over!

It was as if she was electrocuted!

Taking out the kidney alive!

You can imagine how it felt!

Now she finally understood a saying, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, it's not that there will be no retribution, it's just that the time has not come.

When she first came to the training institution, she just used her power to embarrass these students, forcing them to give her gifts to manipulate the test scores.

But later she felt that this was not enough, and she colluded with people outside and did many things that were harmful to the world.

For example, she took advantage of her position to get formalin, sold some scalpels at a low price, and even helped some people dissect corpses to destroy evidence...

Looking back now, she had walked her own path step by step.

Her head was covered with cold sweat, and the heart-wrenching pain was indescribable.

It was as if a violent lightning bolt struck her body.

"Where is my sister's hand?" Chen Sheng wiped the blood off his hand elegantly and asked casually.

"I say, I say..." Teacher Wang couldn't stand it anymore.

She felt that her consciousness began to blur.

At this moment, she finally felt the pain that Yao Yu had felt at the time.

"Please, give me a chance..."

"I was wrong before. Yao Yu was a good student with excellent character and academic performance, but she was too straightforward. Everyone in the class gave me gifts, but she didn't, so I targeted her openly and secretly."

"I thought this girl would bow to me or beg for mercy. But I didn't expect her to be so stubborn, she would rather die than surrender, so I was angry, and the tragedy happened later."

"If I were given another chance, I would definitely not do this, I already know I was wrong..."

"As for your sister's hand, I can tell you where it is, can you take me to the hospital now?

"In the drawer of my office, there is a USB flash drive, you will understand when you see it..."

Chen Sheng glanced at Xiao Luo.

He ran upstairs with a member of the Cang Tian Society.

In less than two minutes, a voice came from the intercom beside Chen Sheng's ear.

"Brother Sheng, the USB flash drive is here!"

"There is a man's information on it! The information is very complete!"

Chen Sheng nodded, and then his eyes swept to Teacher Wang.

Teacher Wang hurriedly explained: "That man is the one who took your sister's hand away. In fact, I don't know him, and we are just partners. ”

“He came to me to buy some formalin, and maybe to preserve the hand for greater benefits.”

“I think this is a bit strange, so I kept his information.”

Mr. Chen nodded: “Very good, wouldn’t it be okay if you said this earlier?”

Teacher Wang heard that he had compromised, and thought he was saved, so he said loudly: “Mr. Chen, can you let me go now? Just hand me over to the medical staff outside, thank you…”

Mr. Chen seemed to have heard a big joke, and laughed with his head raised. Suddenly, a pair of bloodthirsty eyes like a devil were aimed at her.

At this moment, she felt as if she had fallen into the depths of hell, and the bloody smell of blood was all around her.

“The door of hell has been opened, how can it be closed so easily? "

"Demons want to drink blood, hell wants to take people, and I, Chen Sheng, want to kill..."


Outside the door.

The mine-clearing team is still working hard to clear mines!

Although those students came out just now and opened up a road.

But that road is not safe.

If the mines are too densely distributed, there will still be remnants.

It took them more than ten minutes to check a distance of fifty meters!

It would not take so much time at ordinary times.

It's just because of Chen Sheng!

This mine was laid by him, and it is unknown how many conspiracies and tricks are in it.

If you are not careful, you may be deeply trapped in it.

They must be more careful and serious than usual.

"Team No. 1 has completed mine clearance, and this road has been basically confirmed to be safe! People from the Guard Bureau can enter!"

The voice of the mine-clearing team came from the intercom.

The captain gave a direct order, and the people from the Guard Bureau were fully armed and planned to rush in.

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