The scene was full of shock!

Everyone at the scene was shocked!

Chen Sheng dared to speak wildly in front of so many people!

"Chen Sheng, you are so presumptuous!!"

"You are not only provoking me, but all the guard systems! Are you crazy?" The captain didn't want to arrest Chen Sheng, he also wanted Chen Sheng to leave.

But rules are rules, he is still the former captain, so he must do this!

Chen Sheng mocked the guard bureau in front of so many people, he will pay the price.

Chen Sheng sneered: "All the guard systems? Then let's try and see who can laugh last."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and got in the car.

The captain hurriedly asked someone to drive to the guard bureau.

This incident also became a hot topic online at the same time.

"Following the last incident, Mr. Chen once again challenged the bottom line of the Guard Bureau!"

"Is this a suicide or a homicide?"

"More than 20 people had their organs removed from a forensic training institution. Is this a play or a real-life reappearance of hell?"

"Landmine array, only five people survived, a bloody landmine war was staged on the scene."

Such titles occupied all short videos and news.

Everyone's attention was on a man named Mr. Chen.

For this reason, there were also discussions online.

"I know that training institution. I have a friend who trained there before. It is said that it is very corrupt!"

"If ordinary people don't give anything, they don't even think about graduating!"

"The teachers there are all black-hearted. It is impossible to graduate safely without giving them enough benefits! I heard that a student named Yao Yu got into trouble!"

"She got sick and fainted on the playground, but no one cared! It is said that she almost died!"

"Her parents rushed in to save her, but the people from the training institution wanted to take the body away. In my opinion, they deserve it. They did evil and ended up like this!"

"Especially that teacher Wang, her death is not unfair! It is said that it was her idea that day."

"There are so many people in the Forensic Medical College, but they just watched Yao Yu fall alone on the cold playground without doing anything. If it weren't for her parents rushing in, she would be dead now..."

"There are such cold-hearted people in this world. They deserve their retribution!"

The public opinion on the Internet was one-sided, all leaning towards Chen Sheng.

In the Guard Bureau

The interrogation was also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Outside the one-way glass, there stood the senior officials of the Guard Bureau and the authority.

Chen Sheng was locked in the interrogation room, and Qiu Xinyu had already arrived.

However, the two did not seem to be very nervous. They were chatting in the interrogation room, laughing from time to time, as if everything outside did not exist.

But the people from the Guard Bureau did not question him immediately.

Instead, the captain held a meeting for them.

And summarized the process of the case, and several interrogators sorted out the process before entering the interrogation room.

This time they faced not only Chen Sheng, but also the media outside.

One day was the deadline Chen Sheng left for them.

It seemed to be a challenge to them!

The captain stood outside the one-way glass of the interrogation room, looking at the situation inside, his eyes narrowed.

He didn't believe it. Chen Sheng could still not plead guilty under this circumstance!

He wanted to get out in one day, he was just kidding!

"Mr. Chen, in the incident at the xx training institution, a total of 24 people died, including the instructor and the director of instruction, and there were five survivors... Do you have anything to say about this?" A female guard said loudly.

Chen Sheng smiled and answered slowly: "What does this have to do with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you?" The female guard was furious and her emotions were a little out of control. She shouted, "24 people died because of you! You laid mines at the scene and they were all killed! You also took their organs!"

"Do you know how cruel you are? They didn't even leave a complete body, and their families are already in a turmoil!"

"The five survivors are also disabled for life. You are simply a demon in the world. You have harmed so many people, and you still say it has nothing to do with you?"

Qiu Xinyu said coldly: "Watch your wording, Chen Sheng is just a suspect, not a criminal! You are just a reasonable suspicion, and you can't convict!"

Chen Sheng smiled and said it was okay. He replied: "So, have they thought about Yao Yu?"

"Yao Yu was excluded and oppressed by them, alone

She fell on the cold playground. How desperate and devastated was she at that time? If her parents hadn't arrived in time, she would be dead now. "

"What did she do wrong? Despite this, Teacher Wang took people to snatch Yao Yu away and wanted to dissect him before his parents rushed in. You never mentioned these things!"

The female guard felt her face a little red. She was angry: "Even if this is the case, it is not your turn to judge others!"

"Mr. Chen, what were you doing in the training institution that day! Why did you appear there? I heard that the people from the Cangtian Society were there with you!"

Mr. Chen smiled: "I have nothing to do, so I went for a walk."

"You went to the training institution for a walk?"

"Is there any rule that I can't go to the training institution for a walk?"

"Okay... Then, where were you when it happened?"

"I was in the classroom listening to the class. Who knew that such a thing would happen?"

"The organs of those students were taken out. You should have seen it, right? ”

“I saw it, but it has nothing to do with me. They took it off themselves.”

“Are they crazy or idiots? Would they take off their own organs? Mr. Chen, please pay attention to the occasion. I am asking you!”

“How do I know if they are crazy? I just told you what I saw with my own eyes. If you don’t believe me, don’t ask me.”

“You… Then I will continue to ask you, why didn’t you stop them from doing this kind of self-harm?”

“Why should I stop it? It’s like they saw Yao Yu fall to the ground and didn’t care. Did they help?”

“Mr. Chen, I am asking you a question. I hope you can answer me well! !” The female guard slammed the table.

Qiu Xinyu cleared his throat twice: “Please pay attention to your attitude. You are just an interrogator! If you don’t want to be sued and lose your job, be gentle to me! "

The female guard's heart skipped a beat, she took a deep breath, and swallowed her anger back into her stomach.

Qiu Xinyu really has this ability, she doesn't want to offend such a person.

"What about Teacher Wang?" The female guard calmed down and continued to ask, "Her body has been hollowed out, there are no organs inside! Did she do this herself?"

Chen Sheng still had no expression on his face, but there was a hint of amusement: "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

"She just reached her hand into her body and took out the organs."

After saying that, he and Qiu Xinyu smiled at each other.

This sounds like a lie!

But they couldn't find any words to refute.

The two interrogators couldn't find any breakthrough for a while, so they could only use the previous set of procedures to lead the rhythm.

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