The prison was dark and dark.

A water dungeon.

Everything inside can be described as hell on earth.

Especially in the last few days.

Mr. Chen gave them seriously insufficient food, and he would heat the water from time to time.

Gao Xue and Liang Xiaohong were wandering on the edge of hell every day.

Life is worse than death!

The scene they saw that day is still fresh in their memory.

Gao Xue didn't dare to close her eyes at all.

As soon as she closed her eyes, her head was full of the scene of Liang Baojian and others being killed.

That has become her psychological shadow.

Liang Xiaohong has become a demon!

She no longer cares about anything, just wants to survive!

These days she has been lying on the wooden board, not letting Gao Xue come up for a moment.

Gao Xue has been on the verge of collapse.

At first it was despair, then crying, and finally silence.

She curled up in a corner alone.

Feeling the pain of strong acid corroding her body.

Her desire to survive at this moment was extremely strong!

Although she was blind in one eye, she seemed to see things more clearly than before, and she also saw through many things.

In life, you can only rely on yourself.

Sometimes even your biological parents can't be relied on.

"Gao Xue, you should die soon! After you die, Mr. Chen may calm down, and I may still have a chance to survive!"

"It's all your own fault that you have come to this day! Your father and I have been implicated by you! All the Liang family members are dead, shouldn't you atone for this?"

"What did I do wrong to give birth to a daughter like you? It's so unlucky..."

Liang Xiaohong's voice came one after another, complaining and blaming.

Gao Xue covered her ears with both hands, not wanting to let these vicious words enter her mind.

Liang Xiaohong was getting more and more excited, with no intention of stopping.

"Stop talking, ahhhhh!!!"

Suddenly, Gao Xue seemed to collapse, covering her ears and yelling wildly!

It was more like she was venting the grievances she had suffered in the past few days.

She was already miserable enough, she was almost dying...

But Liang Xiaohong was still talking nonsense here! !

She was no longer her mother!

She was a demon!

A crazy woman! !

"Damn, you dare to talk back to me?" Liang Xiaohong picked up the plate she had used before and smashed it hard on Gao Xue's head.

Once, twice, three times...

Gao Xue screamed in pain, tears and despair brewing in her heart!

She didn't want to live like this anymore.

What had she done wrong?

She just wanted to live!

"Enough!" Gao Xue pushed Liang Xiaohong away.

Liang Xiaohong screamed and fell into the pool.

"You... you dare to hit me?"

"I'm your mother! You're an unfilial daughter!" She screamed sharply.

Gao Xue's eyes collapsed and she laughed: "Hahaha, yes! You are my mother, my biological mother! In the past, you protected me and gave me food and drink, but now you want me to die..."

"You are no longer my mother, you are my enemy, a devil!"

"Yes, you are a devil... You are not my mother at all..."

"Hahaha, I will kill you, kill all the devils in the world..."

Gao Xue stood up slowly, with a ferocious expression.

Liang Xiaohong was so scared that she kept backing away, and the image of Gao Xue rushing over was reflected in her pupils.

Then, Gao Xue suddenly pounced on her!


When Chen Sheng came to the dungeon.

It had become quiet here.

Gao Xue squatted on the wooden board alone, and there was an indescribable stench in the pool.

Liang Xiaohong floated on the water with her head down.

Gao Xue's mouth and body were covered in blood.

The scene was like hell on earth.

"Brother Sheng, Liang Xiaohong is dead." Xiao Feng went over to take a look, then came back to report.

Chen Sheng had a sneer on his face: "Did you take all the pictures just now? Back them up for me."

"I'll arrange it right away." Xiao Luo agreed.

Chen Sheng came to Gao Xue and looked at her with a smile, with some admiration in his eyes.

Gao Xue seemed to be a monster she had created.

"Mr. Chen, you are Mr. Chen... Please, spare my life!"

"I want to live, I don't want to die, woo woo woo..."

Gao Xue immediately begged for mercy when she saw Mr. Chen.

Her skin was festering, and the stench was coming out one after another.

She had almost lost her mind before.

She bit Liang Xiaohong to death alive.

But when she saw Mr. Chen, she was still so scared that she trembled all over!

This is

The fear in her bones could not be shaken off.

"Gao Xue, the daughter of the Gao family, a wealthy person worth over 100 million..."

"Your family probably never dreamed that you would end up like this, including Liang Baojian."

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily. Wait, I'll take you to a place."

Gao Xue's pupils suddenly shrank into the most dangerous needle-like shape, she trembled all over, and dared not speak.


Chen Sheng, Xiao Luo and others watched the video.

The scene of Gao Xue and Liang Xiaohong fighting was wonderful.

Gao Xue bit Liang Xiaohong to death with her teeth.

The water in the pool was dyed red.

It was all her mother's blood!

Gao Xue was tortured for so many days, and she might have had a brief hallucination and regarded Liang Xiaohong as her enemy.

In addition, her psychological defenses were constantly broken and collapsed.

She was like crazy.

Chen Sheng was very satisfied and cut the video.

Then he posted it online.

"Brother Sheng, I have arranged everything for Zhang Kai." Xiao Luo came over and whispered.

"Well, cut the screen over, I'll take a look." Chen Sheng said calmly.

The screen cut to Zhang Kai.

After Zhang Kai communicated with several dogs, he had no strength left.

Now he only had his last breath left.

But he couldn't resist Chen Sheng's medicine!

Those medicines seemed to make him forget the pain and seemed to make him reborn!

Moreover, the medicinal properties were also developing in another direction.

Before, this medicine was used for boars...

"Zhang Kai, you... why are you here?" Gao Xue woke up and trembled when she saw Zhang Kai.

"You are Gao Xue? Fuck..." Zhang Kai was also stunned when he saw her.

Gao Xue, the popular girl before, has become like this?

Is she still human?

Her skin was festering and emitting a foul odor.

One eye was gone, and her face was covered with blood, as if she had walked out of a refugee camp.

In fact, Zhang Kai's situation was not much better.

He was carrying a shit bag, and his back was already horrible.

He could no longer feel the existence of his back.

It was a bloody hole.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault... woohoo! If you hadn't bullied Chen Yuan, we wouldn't have become like this!"

"My family is all dead, and I'm a ghost now!"

"Zhang Kai, you are such a scumbag, bastard..."

Gao Xue couldn't hold back the collapse in her heart anymore, and cried loudly.

Recalling the previous scenes, it was Zhang Kai who led the rhythm!

She was also bored, so she went to bully Chen Yuan with Zhang Kai.

She didn't think too much at the time, she just thought it was fun.

Who knew things would turn out like this.

Who knew that her family would lose their lives because of this.

"Damn, you're the bastard, you stinky bitch, weren't you having a lot of fun when you bullied Chen Yuan before? Do you regret it now?"

"We are in the same boat, no one can escape! The moment we were caught by Mr. Chen, our fate was already determined!"

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