After reading all this, Zhang Tiancun fell silent. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Zhongsheng for a second. The picture showed the fate of the Liang family. Would he become like that one day? Would Zhang Zhongsheng kill himself like this? Would the consequences of provoking Chen Sheng be so terrible? "Dad, what should we do now?" Zhang Zhongsheng was completely out of ideas. Seeing this video, he felt bad. He subconsciously thought of Zhang Kai. He was kidnapped by Chen Sheng, and he didn't know what happened. Gao Xue's family was so miserable, would he have a good fate? Before Zhang Tiancun could speak, his phone rang. It was a video. The sender was unknown. He couldn't wait to click on it.

The content of the video almost made him collapse!

It was a scene of Zhang Kai and Gao Xue...

If they hadn't seen the previous video, they would not have recognized that the woman was Gao Xue.

Her skin was already ulcerated and unrecognizable, how could she still look like a human being?

Zhang Kai was with her...

But Zhang Kai's condition seemed very bad.

He was hanging a shit bag, with a hideous expression on his face, as if he was possessed.

The room was full of screams...

"Is this man Zhang Kai?"

"It's my eldest grandson!"

Zhang Tiancun shouted in disbelief, his voice trembling

It's only been a few days, and Zhang Kai has been tortured into this state?

"Dad, let someone check the source of the video!" Zhang Zhongsheng was also distressed and hurried to ask someone to check.

Zhang Tiancun seemed to have calmed down. He took a deep breath and sat aside in a decadent manner: "I just want to know what Chen Sheng wants now!"

"If he wants money, you can give him a satisfactory number!"

"But he said nothing and just tortured Zhang Kai. What should I do? Tell me, what should I do now?"

Zhang Zhongsheng sighed: "Maybe Chen Sheng wants us to suffer."

"When his sister died before, he swore that he would let her sister's pain spread to each of us. Now, he has done it..."

"Nonsense!" Zhang Tiancun slapped the table angrily.

"His sister is just an ordinary person! Zhang Kai is the blood of my Zhang family! He is a member of the Zhang family who is high above. How can he be compared with her? Ten thousand of them are not as good as one Zhang Kai!"

"Let us suffer? Does he have that ability!!"

Zhang Zhongsheng knew he was talking in anger.

Because Chen Sheng has done it.

Haven't they been living in fear and anxiety these days?

His mental state these days has been on the verge of collapse.

Sometimes he even wondered if Chen Sheng would suddenly appear in front of him and stab him when he opened his eyes!

This kind of fear has never been experienced before!

Soon, a message came.

"If you want Zhang Kai to live, go to the riverside at night."

It was sent by Chen Sheng!

Zhang Tiancun's whole body tensed up, and a little fear was printed in his pupils.

But soon, he clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes.

"Bring the people of the martial arts group with me tonight! This time, Chen Sheng must not escape!"


At night.

The riverside was quiet.

The reason why Chen Sheng chose to be by the river was more to pay tribute to Chen Yuan.

When Chen Yuan was alive, the two of them liked to take a walk here.

If people really have souls, then Chen Yuan might be watching all this in secret.

If those past sins are erased, Chen Yuan should rest in peace.

Zhang Tiancun is still the same as last time.

He came early in the morning.

He and Zhang Zhongsheng were in a car.

There were people from the Wu Tuan around them.

This time, he didn't let the Wu Tuan hide, but just stood guard on the bridge.

He let Chen escape last time, and he won't repeat the same mistake this time.

When he came, he made special arrangements to have people pay attention to the river, which might be Chen's escape route.

Zhang Tiancun brought a pistol with him in case of emergency.

He was also risking his life today.

If Chen really showed up, he would shoot him to death!

The agreed time had come, but Chen didn't show up for a long time.

"Sir, there is nothing on the river. Chen won't come up from the river?"

"Should we pay attention to the sky, or other routes..."

After a while, the Wu Tuan asked.

Zhang Tiancun frowned.

To be honest, he really couldn't see through Chen, and he didn't know how he would appear this time.


I just felt unsure.

"All routes must be guarded. We must not let Chen Sheng go this time!"

"Even if I risk my life, I will catch him today!" Zhang Tiancun gritted his teeth and clenched his pistol.

He must kill Chen Sheng today!


"Sir, we found a boat on the river!"

"There seems to be a person hanging on it!"

"It's too far away and we can't see clearly!"

The people of the Wutuan reported loudly.

Zhang Tiancun and Zhang Zhongsheng also looked over and looked for suspicious points on the river.

Not long after, a small boat floated over.

This boat was neither big nor small, and it seemed that it could only accommodate five or six people.

It floated on the stable river surface without making any sound.

You can see a person hanging on it.

The person's posture was quite embarrassed, and I don't know if he was still alive.

"Sir! The person hanging above is Zhang Kai! His identity has been confirmed!"

"That person is Zhang Kai!"

Zhang Tiancun's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly ordered: "Bring him back to me quickly!"

"Quick, jump down!" Zhang Tiancun shouted, and he looked like he was about to collapse.

Plop, plop...

The people of the Wutuan jumped into the water one by one.

They swam towards the boat one after another.

Zhang Tiancun also hurried down the bridge and got on the boat.

Zhang Zhongsheng advised him not to go, but he didn't listen at all!

He was almost dying of anxiety!

"Where is Chen Sheng? Have you found his whereabouts?" Zhang Zhongsheng was more alert and asked loudly.

"Nowhere has Chen Sheng been found yet..."

If Chen Sheng's whereabouts have not been found, something may be wrong!

Chen Sheng is like a ghost, everywhere.

Will he be so kind as to send Zhang Kai back?

There must be a trick!

"Dad, come back soon, there may be danger!"

"Mr. Chen is definitely trying to trick us!" Zhang Zhongsheng shouted on the intercom.

But Zhang Tiancun didn't respond.

Not long after.

With the cooperation of the Wu Tuan.

They brought Zhang Kai's boat to the shore first.

Then they notified the emergency personnel as soon as possible.

Zhang Tiancun looked at Zhang Kai's appearance and his heart was broken!

Both of Zhang Kai's hands were chopped off.

How miserable it could be!

He was hanging upside down, and his artery had been cut open.

Blood was dripping down like it was free.

But he still had a breath, and he was not dead yet!

Now as long as he was sent for treatment, he should still be able to survive!

"Mr. Chen, you treat my grandson like this, I must kill you!!"

"I, Zhang Tiancun, and you are irreconcilable, I will kill you with my own hands!"

Zhang Tiancun roared to the sky with anger in his voice!

"Grandpa... Grandpa... Grandpa..."

Zhang Kai seemed to have heard Zhang Tiancun's voice and spoke vaguely.

"Grandson!! My dear grandson! Grandpa is here!" Zhang Tiancun hurried over and cried out of heartache.

His open lips moved up and down, and he said a sentence vaguely: "There is a bomb... on me... You... run... quickly..."

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