The incident was a big deal, but the truth is that the two sides have been very close.

Zhang Tiancun and Zhang Zhongsheng were injured, and this incident was a big deal and should have been a hot topic.

After all, Zhang Tiancun's identity is too special.

But it was suppressed by the popularity of Gao Xue's incident.

Gao Xue killed her mother with her own hands, and this unscrupulous thing quickly caused a huge response.

Many people who knew Gao Xue also expressed their disbelief.

Is the person who was tortured beyond recognition in the picture really Gao Xue?

She used to be a great beauty, but now she is so miserable and embarrassed.

What's even more unbelievable is that she actually killed her own mother?

And in such a crazy way!

She bit her to death with her mouth!

How crazy!

The people in the Security Bureau received this video immediately.

At the same time, they also sent people to look for Gao Xue.

But they returned in vain.

Gao Xue, they couldn't find her at all.

She seemed to have disappeared.

This case was also put on the Guard Bureau by them, and a death order was issued from above that within a month, they must investigate the matter to the bottom.

In the Guard Bureau.

Chen Guohua, Li Jun and others were lifeless.

They really didn't know where to start with this matter.

"Gao Xue was kidnapped by Chen Sheng before, could she be with Chen Sheng?"

"Could this kind of thing be done by Chen Sheng?"

Someone raised his doubts in his heart.

At this moment, everyone in the Guard Bureau thought so.

But what can they do?

Go to find Chen Sheng, do they have evidence?

In the end, it will definitely be in vain.

"Even if it is, do you have evidence?"

"Will Chen Sheng leave evidence for you?" Chen Guohua turned around and questioned the man.

The man immediately stopped talking, and was also very worried.

Li Jun took over from the side: "But the higher-ups have given us a death order that we must make progress within a month. Looking at the current situation, it will be difficult to make progress within a month, even a year!"

"That video has a great impact on the Internet, and public opinion is no longer on our side!"

"This matter is very troublesome!!"

The people in the room fell silent again.

At this moment, they were all thinking, if they were Chen Sheng, what would they do next.

"Captain Chen! There is a discovery!"

At this time, a person ran in from outside the door, looking panicked and anxious to report.

"What happened? Is there any trouble again?" Chen Guohua was almost worried to death these days.

Thanks to Chen Sheng, they have been busy.

There has been no progress in the Zhang family's affairs, and now there is such a thing.

The man lay down and took a few breaths, and then slowly said: "Gao Xue, caught..."


Last night.

In fact, Gao Xue had already come out.

But no one could recognize her.

She was like a madman now, walking on the street like a beggar.

Her clothes were tattered, her speech was unclear, her thoughts were disordered, and when she closed her eyes now, she thought of the torture she had suffered before.

By Chen Sheng, by Zhang Kai...

When she thought of Zhang Kai venting his madness on her, she couldn't help but scream.

"Zhang Kai, it's all your fault!! It's all your fault! If you hadn't offended him! How could I have become like this?"

"If I had the chance, I really wanted to kill you with my own hands, it's all you who harmed us! You bastard, shameless villain..."

Then, she squatted on the ground and cried with her head in her hands, looking extremely collapsed: "Chen Sheng, please let me go, I really didn't mean it..."

"Please give me a chance to reform, don't kill me, okay?"

Repeating these actions back and forth, Gao Xue had collapsed.

At night, she was like a walking corpse.

Wandering back and forth in the city she was once familiar with.

"Hey, is that a woman?"

"Wow, she has a nice figure!"

"Brothers, let's go over and play?"

In the alley late at night, a group of drunks happened to pass by here.

They found Gao Xue who happened to pass by.

"Little sister, come and play! You are out alone so late, don't you have anyone to care about you?" Several drunks smiled and touched Gao Xue.

Although Gao Xue was in a mess, her former charm was still there.

To these drunks, she was also a pretty girl.

"Ahhh! I don't want it! Don't kill me!"

"I really didn't mean it, and I don't want things to turn out like that. Please, don't hurt me!"

Gao Xue immediately collapsed and cried with her head in her hands.

"Oh, are you stimulated?" One of them rolled his eyes and immediately

Be happy.

Women will only be easy to get at this time.

"It's okay, brother is good to you, you come with brother!"

"We won't hurt you!"

Several people patted their chests and promised.

"Really?" Gao Xue's eyes gradually became clear.

"That's for sure! How can we bear to hurt you?"

"Come with us over there, we can protect you!"

Several people seduced Gao Xue while talking, and took her to a deserted place.

Then, seven or eight drunks began to attack in turns.

Gao Xue was unable to resist and fell into a place of no return...

The next morning.

Gao Xue was found in a stinky ditch.

When she was found, she was already dying and her clothes were in disarray.

Only gasping for breath was left.

Afterwards, she was sent to the hospital by kind people.

The hospital contacted the guard bureau as soon as possible.

The guard bureau then sent people to arrest her.

The people in the guard bureau also confirmed again and again before they knew that this was Gao Xue.

The eldest daughter of the Gao family who was once the best.

Who could have thought that it would turn out like this?

Gao Xue was locked in a single room in the hospital at this moment.

Chen Guohua and his men rushed over immediately.

"Gao Xue, you killed your mother Liang Xiaohong, right!"

"We already have video evidence, you should confess your guilt!"

Chen Guohua said as soon as he came in.

"Ahhh... You are a bad guy, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"Please let me go, please, I won't dare to do it again! I just want to be a good person..."

"Captain Chen... Don't stimulate her first, she may be a little mentally abnormal." The people next to him hurried over to persuade.

They also knew that Chen Guohua was anxious to handle the case.

But forcing Gao Xue like this was not a solution.

"I heard from the doctor that she was beaten by seven or eight drunks last night... and they were all torn!"

"So serious?" Chen Guohua frowned. He was not worried about Gao Xue, but it seemed that he couldn't ask in such a situation.

At least we have to wait until her injury heals.

He just wants to close the case quickly now.

"Captain Chen, why don't you go back and have a rest first? You haven't had much rest these days. Come back when Gao Xue's condition stabilizes."

Chen Guohua took a deep breath and shook his head: "I won't leave. I'm going to wait here!"

"This matter is taken very seriously. There must be no problems!"

"Tell the doctor to stabilize Gao Xue's emotions as soon as possible. We have something to ask her!"

At this time, a doctor pushed the door in.

He frowned in annoyance when he saw so many people around.

"You have so many people gathered here, which will affect the patient's rest. Besides, the patient doesn't have much time left. Do you have to force her like this?"

This made Chen Guohua and others frown instantly.

Chen Guohua grabbed the doctor and asked loudly: "Wait, what do you mean by how long she doesn't have left?"

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