The truth is, the truth is.

Mr. Chen smiled and said, "If you have evidence, you can arrest me at any time. I have no complaints."

Chen Guohua felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him.


That was what they had been looking for, but they could not find it.

They were helpless against Mr. Chen.

"Mr. Chen, I understand your feelings. I think you have done the right thing so far!"

"But this is Beitian City, a place that follows rules. I don't want you to continue making mistakes. It may be too late to repent in time."

"And now the murderer who killed Chen Yuan is dead. Shouldn't you stop?" Chen Guohua was convincing Mr. Chen very seriously.

Chen Sheng did not answer his question, but asked back: "What do you think is right and what is wrong in this world?"

"My revenge is right, but it is wrong in your opinion."

"Yao Yu was targeted, which is right in the eyes of the training institution, but it is wrong in our opinion."

"Evil people are rampant and occupy the resources of most people in this world. This is wrong, but in their opinion, it is a matter of course."

"I am taking revenge and clearing the world of sin. I know this may be a difficult road to take, and perhaps my existence can't change anything at all, but once I choose this road, I will keep going."

"As long as the evil in this world still exists, I will never stop."

After Chen Sheng finished speaking, he handed Chen Guohua a cigarette and stood up and left.

Disappeared in the vast crowd.

Chen Guohua was stunned for a moment.

He sat there for a long time and couldn't come back to his senses.

Chen Sheng was born for evil, stuck in the mud, but still insisted on his original intention.

An idea in his mind became stronger and stronger.

Want to join the Heaven Society.

Want to eliminate harm for the people.

Want to enforce justice on behalf of heaven.

Want to eradicate all evil!

Beitian City, the center of the power structure.

An emergency meeting is being held here.

The initiator is Zhang Tiancun.

He had just been discharged from the hospital and was still on an IV drip, but he couldn't wait to come to the meeting.

The people above also knew that Zhang Tiancun was anxious, and they all cooperated to attend the meeting.

In the largest auditorium, everyone gathered here.

These people are all people at the top of the power structure.

The power in their hands is greater than the sky.

All eyes are on Zhang Tiancun.

He has always been very healthy and has never been sick. Even if he encounters a big thing, he can laugh it off and never take it to heart.

But now, he seems like a different person.

The whole person has become extremely weak, and there is a deep fear in his eyes.

It seems that he is suffocating under the pressure of something huge.

Plus, he was on IV drip, which made him look a bit weak.

Seeing that everyone was there.

Zhang Tiancun spoke tremblingly.

"Dear leaders and colleagues, I have no choice but to convene this emergency meeting today. Please forgive me if I have disturbed you."

"I, Zhang Tiancun, come from a martial arts family. I have made many contributions to Country A and even produced several generations of famous generals. Our family has always been fair and law-abiding and has never done anything wrong."

"On the contrary, we have contributed more to Beitian City than anyone else! It can be said that we have a clear conscience! The same is true for the Liang family."

"I believe everyone should have heard about the Liang family. Liang Baojian is dead. Although he did a lot of things that hurt the world, I think he is not guilty of death. His merits outweigh his faults. Even if he did something wrong, it should not be judged by Mr. Chen!"

"This is a contempt for us and a provocation to the power structure of Beitian City! They are simply a cancer!"

Zhang Tiancun became more and more angry as he spoke, his voice trembled, and he waved his fists to vent.

Then he started coughing violently. He was very weak!

On the one hand, there was the aftermath of the last explosion, and on the other hand, there was grief!

His grandson was killed.

He was killed right in front of him!

He didn't even leave a complete body. He couldn't swallow this!

"Old Zhang is right. Beitian City is a rule-based city. Even if there is a mistake, it shouldn't be judged by one person!"

"This is a provocation to us! This is a contempt for the entire rule!"

Someone immediately responded to his words.

Others nodded one after another.

This matter is indeed too much.

Liang Baojian died, and his death was quite tragic.

Zhang Tiancun's grandson was also killed, and there was not even a complete body.

Now his son Zhang Zhongsheng is still lying in the hospital.

When has Zhang Tiancun ever suffered such humiliation?

He was planning to mobilize the power of Beitian City to deal with the Cangtian Society.

Zhang Tiancun took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, and then said: "The existence of the Cangtian Society is not in accordance with the rules. We should eradicate it to avoid disasters!"

"Justify the existence of our power institutions!"

"As far as I know, many things have happened recently because of the Cangtian Society. They are simply lawless and have committed countless crimes!"

"Why not take this opportunity to eliminate them in one fell swoop, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people!"

After saying this, 80% of the people below raised their hands to express their agreement.

They have also heard a little about what happened in Beitian City recently.

They also know that there is an organization called the Cangtian Society!

They will never allow this kind of crime to continue!

"Wait!" At this time, Sun Qinghai interrupted them loudly.

"You have said so much, all of this is nothing more than your own speculation. Do you have evidence? Prove that all this was done by the Cangtian Society!"

This made the hall quiet again.

Zhang Tiancun's face was even uglier.

If there was evidence, he would have arrested the person long ago. Why would he need to come here for a meeting?

He couldn't help but look at Sun Qinghai for a second longer.

"There is no evidence yet, but I guarantee with my head that this must have been done by the people of the Cangtian Society!"

"If you are wrong, then chop off my head!!"

"I am not doing this for my own benefit, I am doing this for the peace of Beitian City! With them around, this city cannot be at peace. They kill innocent people indiscriminately. They are simply a group of demons..."

"Lao Zhang!" Sun Qinghai interrupted him and his expression became serious.

"As far as I know, although the Cangtian Society exists, it has not done anything harmful to the world. On the contrary, during the days when they appeared at the Beitian City Guard Bureau, the public security here has never been better."

"The Cangtian Society also donated a lot of Hope Primary Schools, welfare homes, and various public welfare projects in the name of individuals..."

"They have never asked for any benefits, let alone harmed any innocent people. Why should we destroy them? Are we going to destroy a group of righteous people?"

"If everyone knows, won't we become executioners with blood on our hands? Who will dare to do good things and eliminate harm for the people in the future?"

The entire conference room fell silent in an instant, and everyone hesitated.

If it is really like what he said.

Then the existence of the Cangtian Society is not a bad thing for Beitian City, but a good thing.

But they can't help but doubt in their hearts.

Is there really such an organization?

Eliminating harm for the people without any benefits, donating so much money for free to help those in need.

This kind of people seems to exist only in movies, right?

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