The woman was beaten to death.

"Drag her to the alley next to her, there's no one there!" Li Guang said loudly.

Several brothers dragged the woman to the side.

The woman kept screaming and struggling, but it was no use.

Instead, it made them more excited.

Especially Li Guang, his eyes began to glow green.

"Hehehe, beauty, you'd better cooperate with us. We'll let you go when we're done. Don't struggle!!"

"Don't worry, we'll be gentle and promise not to hurt you!"

"Don't look at our rough looks, but we still know how to be gentle with women!"

The woman protected herself with both hands. How could she stay out of a group of hungry wolves?

She was so scared that she kept shouting and crying. She never dreamed that she, a family member of the Guard Bureau, would encounter such a thing.

The claws of the criminals would actually reach out to her!

She saw her son in a trance, standing there stupidly, as if he was scared.

It was okay for her to be taken advantage of by these bastards, but her son must not get into trouble!

She shouted at the top of her voice.

"Xiao Wang, run, go find your father!"


Xiao Wang is only 5 and a half years old this year, but he is much more mature than ordinary children.

Because his father taught him to punish evil and promote good, and to dare to fight against evil forces since he was a child.

Now that his mother is in danger, how can he leave alone?

Usually, even if children are bullied by seniors, he will help.

Facing these evil people like wolves and tigers, a 5-and-a-half-year-old boy showed unprecedented courage.

He rushed towards Li Guang and others with his fists.

"You bastards, let my mother go!"

"You are all bad guys, and bad guys should be punished by good people!"

"My father told me that you bad guys will be exposed to the sun sooner or later, and he will wipe you out sooner or later!"

"I will beat you to death!!"

Xiao Wang beat them like crazy, but he couldn't do any harm to them at all, so he grabbed a man's leg and bit it hard.

"Fuck! This kid dared to bite me!"

"Madby!" The man slapped Xiao Wang in the face and slapped him away.

Xiao Wang was only 5 years old after all.

How could he be the opponent of these five or six adults?

No matter how brave he was, it was futile in the face of absolute power.

"Xiao Wang~~~!!! Don't hit my son!" The woman screamed and ran towards Xiao Wang like crazy.

But Li Guang and the others pressed her down.

Several people had a smile on their faces: "Look, this is the consequence of not taking care of your son."

"Children should know what's good for them. Why go against adults for no reason?"

"Today, we will teach you a lesson in front of your mother!"

"Be careful, uncle's fist hurts!"

Li Guang said as he walked over, rubbing his fist, with an extremely ferocious expression on his face.

Xiao Wang was dizzy from the slap just now, and it took him a long time to get up from the ground.

But he did not retreat, but put his fists in front of his chest and took a fighting posture.

"You bullied my mother, I will fight you!"

"Dad said that evil cannot prevail over good, you can't beat me!"

This made several people shout.

What bullshit evil cannot prevail over good is all nonsense that adults tell children.

Where there is good in this world, there is evil. It has been like this for thousands of years. No one can really get rid of the evil in this world!

This little brat is too naive.

Let's teach him a lesson today.

Learn to punish evil and promote good?


Xiao Wang put all his strength into punching him.

But his fist seemed to hit a piece of iron.

This punch had no effect at all.

Instead, Li Guang turned around and punched Xiao Wang in the face.

He did not show any mercy and almost used all his strength.

How could a 5-year-old child withstand such a heavy blow?

He screamed and fell to the ground again.

He rolled on the ground in pain, covering his face.

He couldn't bear it and cried out.

"Hahaha, this fool dared to fight with my brother!"

"Boy, today I have taught you a lesson. There is no justice in this world!"

"Innocent and silly child!"

The woman cried and knelt on the ground: "Please, don't hit my son! I will do anything you want me to do!"

"He's just a 5-year-old child!"

"Please let him go..."

But Li Guang didn't listen to his begging at all. Instead, he walked up to Xiao Wang and stepped on his chest, stomping hard.


Everyone heard the sound of broken bones.

And Xiao Wang's heart-wrenching screams!

Xiao Wang began to vomit blood from his mouth.

"No... my son..." The woman almost fainted and burst into tears.

The son she held in her palm was beaten so badly at this moment?

The expression on Li Guang's face slowly collapsed, and he stepped on him one after another.

Until the boy's chest flattened.

He aimed at the boy's head again and started kicking hard.

One kick, two kicks, three kicks...

Xiao Wang was completely unable to resist. He just watched this vicious man hit him hard, as if he was venting.

Later, he could no longer feel the pain, but felt that everything was vague and ethereal.

At this moment, he recalled his father's words in his head.

Justice will eventually defeat evil in this world. When you grow up, you must be a righteous man and eliminate harm for the people.

My Xiao Wang is the best, Dad is proud of you!

In the future, you must protect Mom and Dad!

A tear fell from the corner of Xiao Wang's eyes. At this last moment, what existed in his mind was the appearance of his parents.

Without saying "Mom" out loud, he closed his eyes forever with an extremely painful expression.

Li Guang didn't know how many kicks he had kicked until Xiao Wang hung his head and didn't move.

After venting, he returned to the woman.

He looked at her with a smile.

"Your son can't move anymore. Are you going to be obedient now?"

"Ahhh, I'm going to fight you!" The woman yelled like crazy, her voice was hoarse.

Xiao Wang was no longer moving!

That's her own son! !

He became like this to protect himself!

"You bitch, you still dare to resist? You want to become like your son? I can help you! But we have to have fun first!" Li Guang laughed evilly, then grabbed the woman's hair and threw her aside.

Several younger brothers came to hold the woman down.

Even though the woman struggled and resisted, it was useless.

How could Li Guang and his men let her go?

Everything was shrouded in darkness, and the worst side of human nature was completely revealed.

In this dark alley, it was played out without any pressure.

This was a crazy, unscrupulous vent!

Li Guang and his men had turned into demons that night.

This scene was intolerable! !

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