The old man was so angry that he was not afraid of anything.

"What do you do? Don't you know who I am?"

"My eldest brother is Brother Guang! Do you want to live?" Erdong looked at this man and although he was unsure, he still spoke loudly with courage.

Chen Sheng sneered: "I'm looking for you."

"I am the Cang Tian Hui, and I am not afraid of anyone!"


Cang Tian Hui!

He had heard of this name!

It was so well-known!

But he didn't expect such a mysterious organization to appear next to him.

He couldn't tell what the reason was for a while, and he just felt a chill all over his body.

On the opposite side, Li Jun walked towards him step by step, with the baton in his hand emitting a cold light: "On the night of the 3rd of this month, you and five other people killed a mother and her child. You beat the child to death and raped the woman..."

"And I am the father of the child and the man of the woman!"

"What..." Erdong finally understood what was going on.

His heart was pounding!

He thought it was impossible!

That night they did it very secretly, and their hands and feet were very clean.

How could they be discovered so quickly?

Those people from the Guard Bureau never acted so quickly!

What happened that night kept surfacing in his mind, and he immediately felt guilty.

After all, only he knew what he had done best.

This kind of thing that hurts the heaven and earth is intolerable!

Li Jun rushed over with a whistling sound from the baton in his hand.

A stick hit his leg!

There was only a click!

The leg was broken, right in the knee.

He knelt on the ground in pain, and cold sweat broke out instantly.

Only those who have experienced it know the power of this baton. It can easily break a few bricks. You can imagine the feeling of hitting your body.

Li Jun did not stop, kicked him to the ground, and hit his limbs fiercely with the baton.

He didn't plan to die so easily!

He wanted him to feel the pain first.

Crack, crack, crack...

The sound of broken bones kept coming from all around. The sound was crisp and harsh, but it made Li Jun very enjoyable.

He was already blood-curdling at this moment, but he forced himself to stay rational!

"Son, don't hit my son!"

"What can't be said nicely? Stop it!"

"Son, my son..."

In the room, Erdong's parents slapped the windows and doors hard, and let out heart-wrenching roars.

They saw it clearly through the window.

Their son was beaten severely!

Their hearts were pulled up!


They didn't know what their son had done, but they just heard the man say.

Killed a mother and son.

But no matter what their son did, he was their own son.

How could they watch their son being killed?

Erdong screamed in pain.

But no one cared.

Chen Sheng and others watched all this coldly, and Li Jun's baton did not stop at all, but he beat him more frequently.

Like venting!

Gradually, Li Jun got tired of beating.

He squatted aside and stopped.

"Brother, I was wrong. I followed their instigation that night. Can you spare my life?"

"The mastermind is Li Guang! I'll tell you his whereabouts, and you let me go! OK!"

Erdong had been beaten half to death, and he was still negotiating with him here.

Li Jun laughed when he heard this.

How crazy are they in the video?

Like a demon!

But now in his own hands, he would beg for mercy?

Why did he do it in the first place if he had known this would happen?

Li Jun glared at him: "Your sin is a one-way ticket, you won't get off the train halfway!"

"All six of you, all must die!!"

As he spoke, Li Jun took out the dagger.

"No... help!" Erdong screamed like crazy.

Behind him, his parents slapped the window harder, and their mouths made heart-wrenching cries.

But with the people of the Heaven Society guarding the door, they couldn't get out at all.

They could only watch it all happen.

Li Jun thought about it and felt that the dagger seemed a bit unsatisfying.

He picked up the hatchet next to him again.

"When you get there, use your soul to cleanse your sins again!"

"Apologize to my wife and son!!"


Li Jun called out fiercely.

A knife chopped his shoulder!

Blood spurted out, and our tear

Heartbroken, painful.

Li Jun didn't care at all, waving his arms mechanically.

One knife, two knives, three knives...

Each knife hit Erdong fiercely!

Later, Erdong's screams became smaller.

He had been chopped to pieces, bleeding all over his body, just like a blood gourd.

Li Jun felt that the kitchen knife in his hand was stagnant.

He was obviously venting and taking revenge.

But tears fell involuntarily.

Only he knew this feeling best.

Revenge was not refreshing, but deeper pain.

Thinking of this scene, he would think of the despair of his wife and son before.

But he couldn't control himself.

He must kill these people!

"I...%¥...wrong...%%¥%..." Erdong fell to the ground, spitting blood, and mumbling something.

Li Jun grabbed his hair and put it on the steps in front of the door.

In the room, Erdong's parents shouted until their voices were hoarse, each one more miserable than the last.

Li Jun looked at them coldly.

Then he raised his hand and cut off the knife.

Li Jun's head rolled down the steps and landed right in the middle of the yard.

Then, Li Jun threw down the hatchet and turned away.

Chen Sheng waved his hand, and several members of the Cang Tian Society began to clear the evidence at the scene.

After they left, Erdong's parents ran out.

The two of them knelt on the ground with a plop, holding their son's head and crying.

At this moment, they were feeling Li Jun's pain!


Two hours later.

Guard Bureau.

Chen Guohua had just returned with his men.

They had just gone to the suburbs.

Someone reported that their son had been killed.

But they went to investigate and found no clues.

They only learned about the murderer's appearance from the two old people.

Somehow, he always felt that he looked a bit like Li Jun!

The bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Li Jun was picked up last night.

It is said that Qiu Xinyu bailed him out.

No one knows why Qiu Xinyu bailed him out. There should be no connection between the two.

Could Li Jun really be related to this matter?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He called Li Jun when he got back.

But the call was not connected at all.

"Captain Chen, we are already following up on this matter. Other colleagues have already investigated. If there is any clue, we will report it to the bureau as soon as possible." A subordinate came to report.

Chen Guohua nodded, but his mind was not here at all.

"Captain Chen, I heard many people secretly discussing that this might be done by Captain Li? This is unlikely. I heard that when the man was killed, his parents were watching next to him. Captain Li should not be so cruel..." The man did not leave, but asked an extra question.

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