The next morning, Chen Guohua took people to the hospital. In the ICU, there was a man lying. He was full of tubes, with wounds all over his heart, and he had fainted. Chen Guohua frowned tightly, and finally confirmed his thoughts in his heart. "Captain Chen, Zhao Shuang was anesthetized last night and was seriously injured..." "His tendons in his hands and feet were all cut, his mouth was cut, and half of his tongue was cut off. Now the situation is basically stable and there is no danger of life." The person next to him was reporting. Zhao Shuang! He was negligent in his duty and did not go out to rescue Li Jun's family. It wasn't long after Li Jun was released from prison that he became like this. Could this be a coincidence?

Chen Guohua knew everything, but he had no evidence to arrest Li Jun.

Instead, he felt a sense of relief, as if a huge rock that had been pressing on him for a long time was suddenly removed.

"Captain Chen, do you want to follow up on this matter? Or list it as the recent focus?" The person next to him asked tentatively.

After all, Zhao Shuang was from the Guard Bureau, and they should be the first to deal with such a big thing.

But Chen Guohua refused.

"Li Jun's case has not been dealt with yet. We should focus all our energy on Li Jun. His wife and children were killed. Compared to him, Zhao Shuang's case is nothing! Let him take care of it first and wait until he wakes up!"

The man next to him hesitated for a moment, thought about it and said, "Captain Chen, as far as I know, Li Jun had a conflict with Zhao Shuang before and beat him into the hospital."

"Do you think Li Jun did this? Should he be listed as a suspect?"

Anyone would think so, but things can't be done this way.

Because the Guard Bureau has rules!

Chen Guohua said slowly: "Don't talk nonsense. Li Jun had a conflict with him, but Li Jun is a reasonable person. How could he be so cruel?"

"It's okay to arrest Li Jun, but we must have sufficient evidence and decisive evidence, otherwise we can never suspect him!"

The man didn't say anything else and could only nod and agree.


At the same time.

Around xx Lane.

There are many shops here.

There is not much business now, and many people are chatting outside.

One of the savage-looking aunties was eating melon seeds, and her conversation was full of cunning.

"Hey, I don't know how the guards handled the previous incident. I don't know how it progressed."

"Because the mother and son died in this alley, our business has been difficult in the past two days. Is no one taking care of this matter?"

"We also need to eat and support our families!"

The few people who chatted with her were all uncles and aunts, and they agreed with what she said.

"You're right, isn't it just two people who died? It's been three or four days, and the guards still come here from time to time to investigate and block the scene, making it impossible for us to operate normally!"

"Why don't we go to the guards together and ask them to give us an explanation! Or give us some subsidies!"

"It's really unlucky, I'd rather die far away!"

"I heard that the mother and son are not good people, otherwise why would they wander the streets at night?"

"I heard that the woman had done those things before..."

Whatever happened, it changed its meaning when it was passed on to these uncles and aunts.

Good people will also be stabbed.

"By the way, Aunt Li, didn't the surveillance camera in your store capture what happened that night? Why didn't you give it to the guards?" At this time, a person who was curious asked.

Aunt Li glared at him: "What nonsense are you talking about! I deleted that video a long time ago! Do you think I'm stupid? I provided the video to the people in the security bureau. What if they hate me? Can I keep my store open!"

"And it's not just me. Many people took the video, okay? Don't always target me!"

Uncle Zhang and Uncle Zhao beside him also nodded secretly.

"Don't help with this kind of thing if you can. Who wants to be involved in a murder lawsuit?"

"And the death of the mother and child has nothing to do with us! Why should we help them?"

"Alas, I still remember the content of the video! The woman and the child were really miserable. The woman was beaten to death, and the child was beaten to death directly."

"Who asked them to come out in the middle of the night? Blame them for their bad luck!"

"Anyway, after deleting the surveillance, the people in the security bureau can't find any evidence. This matter has nothing to do with us!"

"Yes, tell me

It has nothing to do with us!"


One of them pointed at Aunt Li's shop and shouted: "Aunt Li, it's bad, your house is on fire! ! "

Aunt Li looked back suddenly!

Isn't it?

My shop has already caught fire!

It caught fire inexplicably!

And the fire seemed to be raging, but in a blink of an eye, the whole shop was filled with thick smoke!

Not only that, Uncle Zhang and Uncle Zhao's shops also caught fire at the same time.

The flames spread and directly covered their shops!

They bought these shops with money, and then they did business by themselves to maximize their profits.

They almost spent all their family savings to buy this shop.

It hasn't paid back yet!

The shop caught fire, and they rushed to put out the fire one by one.

"Oh, what should I do! My turnover in the past few days is still in it, and it will be burned down!"

"Me too, my expenses this month are all in it!"

"Me too! ”

Several people were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They wanted to rush in, but it was impossible!

The billowing smoke restricted everything!

And their doors were strangely locked!

"What's going on? I clearly opened the door when I came out, why is it locked now?"

"It's over, it's too late, my money!"

"Call the police quickly! "

Grandpa Zhao was the first to take out his cell phone to call the police, but after waiting for a long time, no firefighters came.

He called anxiously to urge them, but was told that there was a traffic jam nearby.

It would take at least one or two hours for them to come!

They were completely desperate, kneeling on the spot, watching the shop they had worked so hard to run burn to ashes.

When the rescuers arrived, there was no need for rescue.

The fire was extinguished by itself.

And it was very strange.

The residential area adjacent to their shop and the cars parked on the street were not damaged at all.

The fire accurately burned only their shop.

Aunt Li fainted again and again because of excessive anxiety, and was awakened by Uncle Zhang and Uncle Zhao pinching her Ren Zhong.

"Old Zhang, do you think this matter is related to what we did before?" She seemed to have noticed something and asked weakly.

Old Zhang didn't understand, frowned and looked at her: "What did we do before? "

"We deleted the video and didn't testify for the mother and son. Logically, we should be punished..."

Uncle Zhang and Uncle Zhao's hearts skipped a beat.

The legendary retribution came so quickly?

They worked for seven or eight years in vain!

People will suffer for their evil deeds!

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