The guards rescued Nakata and others.

And they released the news immediately.

After all, this is a major event that affects the two countries, and they can't be careless.

In addition to the public opinion storm on the Internet before, the guards have come forward to clarify everything and said that they will arrest the suspect.

But the actual situation is that they did not find any evidence at the scene, not even a trace of fingerprints.

Chen Guohua is sitting in the guard bureau at this moment, looking at the news on the Internet in a daze.

The pressure from above has been given to him, telling him to catch Chen Sheng within a week.

But this is easy to say, but Chen Guohua knows better than anyone what is going on.

Catch Chen Sheng?

It's like a fairy tale.

Insufficient evidence, even if he is arrested, he must be released.

Moreover, the lawyers behind Chen Sheng are no joke. With Qiu Tianyu in charge, who can touch him?

That mouth can turn white into black!

He is now wondering what Chen Sheng's next plan is.


At this time, his mobile phone vibrated.

It was a call from the captain.

He answered it helplessly: "Captain, I am investigating that matter now, but you also know the specific situation. I am afraid that nothing can be found out for a while. It is not realistic for us to arrest Chen Sheng now..."

Chen Guohua thought that the captain was anxious and urged him, and said helplessly.

But the captain did not say this on the phone: "Chen Guohua, take people to the Third Hospital now to maintain order!"

"The Third Hospital? Isn't that the hospital where Nakata and the others are..." Chen Guohua was stunned.

Nakata, Kojima, Xiaolang and the other three are all in the Third Hospital at the moment. What if something happens in the hospital and they are in danger?

"I'll take people there right away!" Chen Guohua answered loudly.

"Remember to put on protective clothing!"


After a while.

Chen Guohua took more than 20 people to the Third Hospital.

They all wore protective clothing and were very cautious.

From the tone, it seemed to be related to viruses, and no one dared to be careless.

As soon as I arrived here, I was shocked by the scene in front of me.

In the hospital, many patients and doctors were fleeing, as if the world was coming to an end.

Chen Guohua's phone rang again. The captain just said too anxiously. This was someone connecting with him about the situation here.

"Team Chen, Nakata, Kojima, Xiaolang and others have found a terrible virus. Now everyone in the hospital has received this news. Only a small number of doctors are dealing with the virus. Other people and doctors have been temporarily evacuated!"

"Team Chen, you and your colleagues should be careful!"

Chen Guohua's eyes were clear for a moment.

What's going on.

Didn't Nakata and others just escape death? How did they get infected? The key is that the guards haven't had time to ask them for their confessions. They are important witnesses.

"What virus do they... have?" Chen Guohua asked.

"It is said to be rabies... and it has already developed."


Chen Guohua's heartbeat quickened a few times.

He couldn't help but associate this matter with Chen Sheng!

Nakata and the others have rabies?

And they developed the disease so quickly!

Once this disease develops, 99% of people will die!

If this was done by Chen Sheng, then his method is too vicious...

"Quick, block the surroundings and maintain order. The remaining two people follow me to see the situation upstairs!" Chen Guohua made a prompt decision.

Then he led people upstairs.


Tian Ben Taichu's place.

He lost 50 elite soldiers of Yingguo, and none of them came back.

He got the news that those people were killed in the explosion!

"Master Tian Ben, Country A said that they are still investigating this matter and that there will be results soon..."

"What are you investigating!" Tian Ben yelled, his voice full of complaints.

"That must have been done by Chen Sheng, what are you still investigating! Country A is shielding Chen Sheng!"

"I want Chen Sheng to die, I want his damn Heaven Society to be destroyed!" He yelled angrily, his voice full of anger.

The man next to him reminded weakly: "Master Tian Ben, this is in Country A..."

The latter part means that you have to abide by their rules in Country A.

Although you, Tian Ben, are powerful, that is limited to Ying Country.

There are still great restrictions in Country A, right? More than 50 elites are dead, right?

Tian Ben Taichu took a deep breath when he heard this. If he was in Ying Country, he would have killed Chen Sheng several times!

"Contact Zhang Tiancun and ask him to send someone to catch Chen Sheng!" He said unhappily.

The call was quickly connected.

Zhang Tiancun has been paying attention to this matter recently, and he had sent people out that day.

But he didn't catch Chen Sheng, Chen Sheng was too cunning!

"Lord Tian Ben, the public opinion in country A is too strong now, it's not easy to catch Chen Sheng, but don't worry, wait for this gust of wind to pass a little, I will do it immediately!" Zhang Tiancun expressed his position.

Tian Ben wanted to catch Chen Sheng now!

He didn't know if Zhang Tiancun was evading him, he became unhappy: "Zhang Tiancun, you'd better see your own identity clearly!"

"Who let you sit in this position today? I can push you up and I can finish you off!"

This made Zhang Tiancun unhappy, thinking that I didn't want Chen Sheng to die?

It's because of the 50 people you sent out, and now they have alerted the enemy.

Not only did Chen Sheng escape, but Country A also paid special attention to this matter, and his people couldn't move even if they wanted to!

It's so troublesome!

"Don't worry, sir, I will do my best."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Tiancun paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.

There are so many people in the Third Wu Group, but they are useless in Zhang Tiancun's hands.

Chen Sheng is fighting a guerrilla war with him, what can he do?

"It must be the captain. This old guy probably received benefits from Chen Sheng, so he didn't try his best!"

"The Guard Bureau sent so many people that day, but they couldn't even catch Chen Sheng?"

"Captain, you are very good, very good!"

Zhang Tiancun narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of ferocity in them!



This was created by the Tianben family to consolidate their power.

In Country A, these people are also their spies.

Yingchuhui is all Yingguo people.

Many have lived in Country A for more than ten years.

They know the situation here very well.

Yingchuhui has now become the core force of Tian Bentaichu.

The elites who protect them are trained by them.

Today is the annual gathering.

Tian Bentaichu arrived early in the morning.

He came here today to supervise the development of Yingchuhui this year, and also to issue orders to raise Chen Sheng’s incident to a higher level and let the people below investigate as soon as possible!

The death of Nakata and others is a shame for Yingguo!

Just in the morning, many people have entered.

There is a constant stream of people at the door.

Among them are Chen Sheng and Xiao Luo who are disguised as Yingguo people!

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