The third military regiment was a hot search.

It was mentioned above.

The third military regiment was caused by Zhang Tiancun's management problems, so the soldiers accidentally touched the bomb, causing the ammunition depot to be damaged. Please forgive the inconvenience caused to all citizens.

Chen Sheng and Li Jun almost laughed to death.

This set of rhetoric is used to deceive these ordinary people. As long as you think deeply, you can know how many loopholes there are in this statement.

But Chen Sheng didn't think about it.

"Brother Sheng, it is said that Tian Ben Taichu returned to China last night, and it was Zhang Tiancun who sent him away."

"I also heard that Tian Ben Taichu was unconscious when he left, and he was scared to urinate all over the floor!"

Xiao Luo said loudly when he entered the door.

Everyone in the room laughed.

How arrogant was Tian Ben Taichu before? How awesome was he?

He had no room for anyone!

He even bullied the people of country A, and had no law in his eyes!

But in the end, wasn't he scared to death by Chen Sheng?

If he ran slower, Chen Sheng would definitely catch him!

Chen Sheng tapped his fingers on the table, seemingly thinking about something, and silently chanted: "Tian Ben Taichu can't be left. The Tian Ben family can't be left either..."

Hearing this, everyone got excited!

What Chen Sheng meant was that they were going to kill their way to Ying Country?

Destroy the Tian Ben family!

"By the way, brother Sheng, there's a Ying country person looking for you outside, do you think you should let him in?" Xiao Luo suddenly thought of something and said again.

"Let him in." Chen Sheng waved his hand.

A short Ying country person walked in.

This kind of person can be recognized as not a native in the crowd at a glance.

Because his face is so wretched.

Everyone present felt unhappy when they saw him.

Everyone wanted to punch him in the face.

He was carrying a box, and he looked very imposing, not afraid of the cannibalistic look next to him.

"Hello, Brother Sheng."

"Tian Ben Taichu asked me to come." He said politely.

"Well, what's the matter?" Chen Sheng looked at him coldly, with a slight smile on his lips.

"I came here today to talk to you about something, which was entrusted to me by Lord Tian Ben Taichu."

"It is said that something very unpleasant happened to you yesterday, but I think you, Brother Sheng, are generous and should not pursue that matter, and Lord Tian Ben Taichu is also miserable..."

Having one arm chopped off by Chen Sheng, how could it not be miserable?


Xiao Luo walked over and slapped him directly.

This little guy seemed fragile, and he sat on the ground after being slapped.

"Brother Sheng doesn't like you beating around the bush, just say it!" Xiao Luo said fiercely.

The man was stunned. He didn't expect the people of the Cang Tian Society to start fighting as soon as they said it.

"Brother Sheng, is this your way of treating guests? I've learned a lesson..." There was a hint of ferocity in his eyes, and he bit his teeth gently.

Chen Sheng sneered: "First of all, you have to understand that you are not my guest. Whether you can leave here alive today depends on your own luck."

"Brother Sheng, I'm here to talk to you. I'm afraid it's not right for you to do this?" Although the little man was scared to death, he still forced himself to speak out loudly.

He also knew who Chen Sheng was. How could he be an ordinary person who cut off Tian Ben Taichu's arm?

Moreover, he had heard about what the Cang Tian Society had done. He was afraid of Chen Sheng from the bottom of his heart.

"Tell me what you want to talk about first. If it is beneficial to me, I may consider letting you go." Chen Sheng smiled.

"It's about your sister's hand!" The little guy didn't dare to keep it a secret anymore, and hurriedly said what he wanted to talk about.


As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent.

Who doesn't know that Chen Yuan is Chen Sheng's Achilles' heel!

Chen Sheng has been looking for Chen Yuan's hand!

"Where is my sister's hand?" Chen Sheng asked loudly.

"Brother Sheng, don't worry, it's here." The little guy opened the box he brought with him.

A white and tender hand was lying there.

Surrounded by cold air, this hand was well preserved, as if it had just been cut off from the mountain.

It was Chen Yuan's hand!

Chen Sheng's eyes turned red.

His sister couldn't get a complete body after her death, which has always been a pain in his heart!

He didn't dare to tell his parents about this, but he had been investigating it silently.

If I let my parents know, wouldn't they faint?

Now that he has finally found his sister's hand, he can be considered to have put an end to his worries.

However, the hatred in his heart has not been extinguished!

"Tian Ben Taichu, are you scared?" Chen Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

The words came out of his mouth.

Tian Ben Taichu fled, but sent his sister's hand back.

No need to ask, he must be afraid.

Afraid of Chen Sheng, afraid of the Cangtian Society, afraid of the people of country A!

Is he using this method to ask for peace with himself?

Chen Sheng's words made the little man look very unhappy.

He is a Ying countryman, they have always taken their dignity very seriously!

Killing but not humiliating has always been their motto.

Now that he was insulted by Chen Sheng, he naturally felt bad.

But he knew that he came to discuss things today, and the anger that was suppressed in his heart did not burst out.

"Brother Sheng, no matter what, Lord Tian Ben is of noble blood of Ying Country. There is a saying that goes, one's body and hair are inherited from parents. His hand was cut off by you, and now he can only return home in embarrassment, but shouldn't his arm be returned to him?"

"The arm can't be reattached now, he just wants to keep it as a souvenir, after all, it's his hand..."

The little man spoke in a low voice.

Yesterday, Tian Ben Taichu had someone look for his arm at the scene.

But there was no trace of it.

He concluded that Chen Sheng must have taken it away!

He was going to give him a taste of his own medicine!

Tian Ben Taichu had to get his arm back no matter what!

In addition to his fear of Chen Sheng, he simply returned Chen Yuan's hand to Chen Sheng in exchange for his own arm.

I guess Chen Sheng wouldn't refuse.

"Oh, I see, you're here to get Tian Ben Taichu's severed hand." Chen Sheng patted his forehead, pretending to be forgetful.

Then he snapped his fingers in the distance.

A member of the Cangtian Society came out with an arm clamped in his hand.

The arm was already somewhat rotten and exuded a foul smell.

He came over and threw it in front of the little man and fanned his nose.

"Brother Sheng, this arm is already rotten, and the smell is too pungent!"

Xiao Luo, Xiao Feng and others also moved away with a look of disgust.

The little man's face changed instantly and his fists clenched!

This is Tian Ben Taichu's arm!

They treat it like this!

They don't take the Tian Ben family seriously!

When have the arrogant Ying people ever suffered this?

"Brother Sheng, Lord Tian Ben asked me to come to you with sincerity to discuss things, and you responded to us like this? Isn't it a bit too much?" The little man said, gnashing his teeth, suppressing his anger.

"Oh, that makes sense." Chen Sheng smiled apologetically, and then winked at the person next to him.

Then he moved to the side and said to the little guy with a smile: "Wait a moment, I will show you our sincerity."

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