The message was sent to the police, but the police officer was not allowed to speak.

There was only a simple sentence on it.

"How does it feel to lose a loved one?"


The captain's head exploded!

If Zhang Tiancun hadn't sent him a message at this time, if it wasn't at this sensitive time, he might not have thought about it.

But now, all kinds of emotions and bad guesses were brewing in his head.

He had to think so!

Could it be that Zhang Tiancun was behind this matter!

In recent days, he and he have been at loggerheads, and have quarreled more than once or twice in the power center.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Tiancun would be so cruel! !

Killed his daughter's family!

He called back immediately.

"Zhang Tiancun, you killed my daughter's family, you..."

Zhang Tiancun looked indifferent and sneered: "Captain, don't say anything. You are the captain, and you must have evidence when you speak and act. I just sent a message to comfort you."

"You... Zhang Tiancun, you..." The captain was so angry that he couldn't speak, and he was screaming in grief.

Since Zhang Tiancun dared to do this, he must have been fully prepared. He didn't admit that he really couldn't take his blame now.

"Captain, it's better to be pragmatic. Why do you have to go against others everywhere? I hope this lesson can make you change some of your usual ways of doing things. It can be regarded as a lesson for you."

"And don't say I didn't remind you that your old father and mother are still alive. Think more about them."

Zhang Tiancun hung up the phone here.

His old father and mother...

The captain was stunned.

I have never felt this way before. It is a feeling of helplessness and anger! !

Zhang Tiancun killed his daughter's family, but he had no evidence to arrest him, and now he threatened to hurt his parents!

How could he tolerate this!

He was going to call his subordinates and ask them to send a few elite soldiers to help him solve the case.

But just as he picked up the phone, the phone rang again.

This time it was Chen Guohua.

"Captain, the murderer... the murderer has surrendered!"

"It's a man named Han Qiang. We have compared the fingerprints at the scene, the motives, and the methods of committing the crime. It must be him..."

Chen Guohua rushed to Hengcheng as soon as the incident happened, and assisted the guard bureau here to start investigating the case.

Captain Qian is his benefactor. Without him, he would not be where he is today.

Now that something happened in his family, how could he not help?

But this ending was much smoother than they thought.

And... this doesn't seem to be the ending they wanted.

It was a bit surprising that Han Qiang surrendered so quickly.

The captain took a deep breath: "Then follow the procedure. Just let me know if there is any result."

"Yes, captain..." Chen Guohua wanted to say a few words of comfort, but he didn't know where to start, so he could only hang up the phone silently.

The captain's clenched fist gradually became weak, and then he sighed softly and put the phone steadily beside him.


Two days later.

The captain held a funeral for his daughter's family.

Originally, their bodies should have been left at the Guard Bureau for investigation.

But someone surrendered, and the matter had been investigated clearly, so there was no need to leave the bodies there.

The whole incident took two days in total.

Two days changed a family and the captain.

At the funeral, he became turbid and seemed to have aged a lot.

In the corner of the funeral, he sat there silently without saying a word.

There was no tall mourning hall, only a simple mourning shed, which was set up downstairs of his daughter's house.

This also makes it convenient for the daughter and son-in-law's friends to come here to pay tribute.

A lot of people came that day, most of them came for the captain.

"Captain, I'm sorry, no one wants this to happen."

At this time, a very familiar voice came.

The captain looked up immediately after hearing the voice.

In front of him were two people he was familiar with but didn't want to see.

One was Chen Sheng, and the other was Li Jun.

Chen Sheng already knew about the captain's family and expressed sympathy.

Li Jun was the most deeply touched by this matter. When he entered the mourning hall, his eyes were red.

It seemed as if he thought of his wife and children.

The dead cannot be resurrected, and those who are alive must

You have to stay strong.

"You are here... sit down." The captain no longer had the strength of the past, and his whole body became soft.

The pain was self-evident, like a heavy punch that knocked him down.

"Li Jun, I didn't help you with your family affairs before, I'm sorry for you." The captain sat on the ground, leaning against the wall.

Li Jun shook his head: "Captain, when I was assigned after school, you helped me arrange everything. You are my benefactor. If it weren't for you, my work would not be so smooth."

"I just didn't expect that such a thing would happen in your family..."

The captain smiled and shook his head: "At the beginning, I also saw that you were hardworking and passionate, so I took you in. This is all because of your own efforts."

"It's a pity that you have left the Guard Bureau now, but you can decide how to go in the future, don't care what others say."

Li Jun took a deep breath and nodded seriously, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"I heard that the murderer has surrendered." Chen Sheng sat next to the captain and said.

The captain nodded helplessly, but there was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

The murderer surrendered and is now waiting for the verdict.

This can't erase the pain in the captain's heart.

Only those who have experienced this feeling can understand.

He wanted to let the murderer cut into pieces, and he wanted to kill him with his own hands, and even kill his family!

The captain thought so in his heart, but he knew he couldn't do that, he was the captain...

"This world is not only black and white, there is another one, called killing."

"Killing people is right and proper, but the pain they bring us will exist for a lifetime. This kind of pain and desperate collapse should also be taken back from them."

"The murderer deserves to die, but he shouldn't die so easily."

Chen Sheng looked at the captain: "I'll help you with this matter."

At this moment, Li Jun also looked at the captain.

They were all holding their breath, and they also wanted to help the captain to avenge himself!

The captain lowered his head and scratched his fingers on the ground.

After a long while, he answered.

"Mr. Chen, Li Jun, thank you for coming to see me at this time."

"But things are not as simple as you think. The murderer is in prison now. You... can't do it."

"I believe that the higher-ups will definitely give me a reasonable explanation for this matter. I believe that there must be justice in this world..."

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