The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Wang Yuehong disappeared.

Qin Suhua also disappeared.

This matter soon reached the ears of Fang Long and others.

He called several other parents together to discuss countermeasures.

It is obvious that Chen Sheng wants to fight them to the end!

They were wrong from the beginning.

They should not underestimate Chen Sheng.

This kid is much crazier than they thought!

He really dares to do it!

"Qin Suhua, Wang Hongli's wife, is also missing. This must have been done by Chen Sheng. We underestimated him." Fang Long's voice sank, and he seemed a little powerless.

Now the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, and they have lost the initiative.

I thought the other party was just a child.

Now it seems that his mind is more mature than an adult.

Just the things he has done so far are enough to shock them.

First, Wang Hongli was taken in.

Then Wang Yuehong disappeared.

Now even Qin Suhua is missing.

They are still clear about the strength of the Wang family.

There are so many bodyguards around him, and many people are kept by him, almost following him 24 hours a day.

Even Chen Sheng could take him away like this.

Is the safety of these people guaranteed?

"Is there someone helping Chen Sheng behind his back?" Zhang Zhongsheng couldn't help but question himself.

Is this something a child can do? Obviously someone is helping him!

"It shouldn't be possible!" Gao Chenhong shook his head. "Even lawyers are too lazy to take such cases. Who will help that kid? Unless he is a desperado!"

"But he is just a student. We have already checked his background. Maybe he is lucky and has achieved this step."

"Anyway, barefoot people are not afraid of those wearing shoes. We have to be on guard."

"The lives of such people are not as important as our children!"

"If it doesn't work, we should not confront him head-on. What do you think?"

There was a moment of silence.

Zhang Zhongsheng spoke: "How about this, I will find someone to talk to him about it. At most, we will pay more money and regard it as spending money to avoid disaster. How about it?"

Although the two were still a little reluctant, they could only nod silently.

No one wanted to touch such a person.

At most, we can spend more money and settle this matter.

Zhang Zhongsheng did not show up.

He was also a little afraid of Chen Sheng.

So I asked an employee of the company to go to Chen Shengdan.


The employee and Chen Sheng sat in a coffee shop.

This coffee shop is well decorated and very suitable for girls to come.

Chen Yuan said before that she wanted to taste the taste of coffee.

But the price of a cup of coffee can be equal to the cost of food for several days at home.

She couldn't bear it.

Chen Sheng promised her that he would definitely bring her to drink coffee in the future.

But this oath has never been fulfilled.

Now Chen Yuan has gone to another world.

Chen Sheng only feels sorry for his sister!

He hates those people even more in his heart!

Originally, his sister's future would be very bright.

Originally, his sister could live a very good life!

Now it's all gone!

"Mr. Chen, I think it's better to forgive others when you can. It's not good to push anyone too far! After all, even rabbits bite when they are angry, right?"

"And now the other party is sincere enough. To put it bluntly, isn't it normal for someone to die in today's society?"

"I advise you to stop here. They won't pursue the previous things. As long as you take the money and promise not to cause trouble for their children again, then this matter will be over."

"I wrote down everything I said. Do you see if there is anything else to add?"

The staff pushed a contract in front of Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen didn't even look at it.

He was fantasizing that if his sister was still alive, he would bring her here to have a leisurely cup of coffee.

What does that feel like?

"Have you ever had a sister?" Mr. Chen asked casually.

"Me? I don't, haha..."

"Then you will never understand. What I say to you is just talking to a cow." Mr. Chen's voice turned cold.

"Mr. Chen!" The staff's tone was also very bad when he heard this.

"You don't seem to understand your position yet?"

He is also a clerk in the company.

He is considered a person of some status.

Those people have always been respectful to him.

But this kid actually ignored him?

I have said so much to him with all my heart, but it was all in vain!

Originally, Zhang Zhongsheng asked him to come to discuss things today, and he thought the other party was an old man.

Youtiao, I didn't expect it was just a child.

If it weren't for Zhang Zhongsheng, he would have disdained to talk to a young boy!

Now the other party doesn't care about him, which is an insult to him!

Chen Sheng looked at him when he heard this, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

The staff was stunned.

This kid has a sharp look!

It's okay if he's not angry, just like an ordinary high school student, with a bit of childishness.

But once he gets angry, his eyes change immediately.

It seems to make him a little palpitating.

But there are so many people in the coffee shop, what can he do to himself?

"You said, I didn't understand my position?" Chen Sheng said coldly.

"Now the other party is paying you money, and giving you so much money, you should feel lucky!"

"If this happens, you may not get a penny. I really don't know what you think. Do you have to fight to the death? Can you beat him?"

"Let me tell you, Mr. Zhang's strength is not something you can touch..."


He hadn't finished his words yet.

Chen Sheng threw a cup over!

It just exploded on his head.

"Ah..." He screamed and sat on the ground.

He never dreamed that this guy would dare to fight with him!

In public.

Seeing this, the people in the coffee shop also exclaimed and made way.

Chen Sheng grabbed another cup and smashed it hard on his head.

He smashed it five or six times in a row.

He didn't stop until the cup was completely broken.

The staff covered his head with blood.

He was so scared that he curled up on the ground and dared not move.

Chen Sheng's cold and ruthless, but very calm voice came over: "You should be glad that you have nothing to do with this, otherwise... I will kill you!"

If this was said by someone else, the staff would definitely take it as a joke.

But when it came from Chen Sheng's mouth, the nature of this word immediately changed.

He firmly believed it! !

This kid seems to have a kind of magic power.

It seems to be the magic power bestowed on him by the God of Death!

After saying this, Chen Sheng elegantly pulled a few tissues to wipe his hands, and then swaggered away.

He was not worried that the staff would call the police at all.

Because the other party still wanted to solve the problem.

It would definitely not make a big deal.

The staff really stopped the person who wanted to call the police, and he covered his head in embarrassment and went to report the situation to Zhang Zhongsheng.

Zhang Zhongsheng's heart sank.

Things seemed to be troublesome!

It was much more troublesome than he thought!

Fang Long happened to be next to Zhang Zhongsheng at the moment.

This result also surprised him!

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