The police said that the police had been arrested and the police were arrested.

"Captain, I'm out." Chen Sheng's voice was very flat on the phone.

"Chen Sheng... you've worked hard." The captain didn't know what to say, he knew Chen Sheng must have had a hard time these days.

He took the risk to go in personally, and he owed him this favor.

"Nothing, I'll send someone to pick you up later, you get ready." Chen Sheng said seriously.

"Okay..." The captain put down the phone and hurried to the bathroom to wash his face.

He knew what Chen Sheng meant by "get ready".

He caught Han Qiang!

And he brought him out of prison!

The captain looked at his decadent self in the mirror, and he immersed his face in cold water.

So that the hot blood in his body could calm down a little.

Wait, it's time for revenge!



A remote courtyard, a basement.

There is no one within a few hundred meters here, even if you stand outside and shout, no one will know.

A car drove over and stopped.

The captain got out of the car.

Xiao Feng, who was driving, followed closely.

People from the Cang Tian Society were all around, and they gave way to them all the way.

The captain came to the basement.

He saw a pool of bloodletting, and Han Qiang was tied there.

There is always an electric current between enemies.

The first time he saw the captain, his heartbeat began to speed up, and screams collapsed unconsciously.

He had already thought of his own end.

It was as if he saw the pain that was waiting for him!

That night, he madly killed a family of three, and they were the captain's relatives!

They were his last relatives in this world.

The captain's eyes were red.

Although he tried to control himself from bursting out, he still couldn't hold it back!

It was this man who killed his daughter's family!

He changed everything about him!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I was also commissioned to do that!"

"It's all because of Zhang Tiancun! He forced me! You go to him for revenge, don't come to me!"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong..."

Han Qiang was already crying when he saw the captain coming towards him.

Before, he always thought that he was a person with strong psychological quality, otherwise, how could he not be afraid of killing people?

But when he met Chen Sheng and the Cangtian Society, he knew what fear was.

For more than a day, his heartbeat had never stabilized.

He even thought it would be better if he had a heart attack and died, so as not to be so scared.

The captain grabbed his collar, lifted him up from the ground, and roared: "Why are you so cruel? You didn't even let my granddaughter go!"

"Why, you want to kill them all!"

His roar echoed around, shaking everyone's heart.

Everyone secretly clenched their fists, and felt very involved.

They were all thinking, if they encountered such a thing, what would it be like, maybe they would be so crazy and angry...

"I was wrong, I was really wrong..." Han Qiang didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of the captain, closed his eyes and begged for mercy loudly, admitting his mistakes.

The captain's fist raised high did not fall.

The fist seemed very weak at this time.

"Mr. Chen, can you help me find some boiling water and pour it in this pool." The captain looked at Mr. Chen.

"No problem." Mr. Chen immediately went to arrange it.

Then, the pool behind him was filled with water.

It was heated to the appropriate boiling temperature, and then Han Qiang was thrown in.

Han Qiang had no idea what they were going to do, he just felt fear all over his body!

After he went in, the captain slowly heated up the water.

Han Qiang didn't feel anything at first, but it got hotter and hotter, and his skin was scalded red.

He was just hovering between burns.

After a long while, the captain asked someone to find a sack of salt.

He poured it into the basin.

He took a knife, dipped it in salt, and walked towards Han Qiang.

Han Qiang seemed to understand something, his eyes were horrified, his whole body was shaking and struggling!


His screams resounded throughout the basement.

Chen Sheng, Xiao Luo, Xiao Feng and others were waiting outside at this moment.

"Brother Sheng, that captain is quite good, this will hurt Han Qiang to death." Xiao Luo whispered.

Chen Sheng smiled: "The captain has worked in the guard bureau for so many years, what methods has he not seen? If a person like him becomes a demon, that would be the most terrifying."

"It's just that there is always a moral bottom line that constrains him,

Now that his family is gone, his bottom line is being broken bit by bit. ”

“Brother Sheng, why not let him join…”

Before he finished speaking, Chen Sheng interrupted: “The captain is not suitable for the Cang Tian Society, forget it. "

The two nodded and didn't persuade him anymore.


Zhang Tiancun was sleeping when his cell phone suddenly rang.

It vibrated several times in a row.

He woke up with a start and quickly opened his phone to watch.

It was a video.

The content of the video was so explosive that he couldn't help but sweat!

A tortured man curled up on the ground, looking like he was taking his last breath.

He was covered with wounds of all sizes, and his body was swollen from being soaked. There was some crushed salt on the knife, and you could tell how painful it was to cut the wound.

It was Han Qiang!

He recognized him at a glance.

He quickly turned on the light and sat up straight!

Isn't Han Qiang in prison? How could he be brought out!

And he was treated like this!

Then, the man with the knife in the picture slowly stretched the knife to his neck and gently cut it.

Han Qiang made a sound. A heart-wrenching cry, and then slowly lost his life in front of the camera.

The video ends here.

Zhang Tiancun's back was soaked with cold sweat, and he was shaking all over! !

Although he didn't see the face of the man in the video, he still recognized it.

That man was the captain!

It must be him!

He and the captain have worked together for more than ten years.

He could recognize the pair of standard leather shoes he wore at a glance!

In addition, Han Qiang killed the captain's daughter and her family, so how could he not take revenge?

It's over.

Zhang Tiancun immediately felt guilty.

The whole person seemed to be drained of his body.

Until the morning, he didn't close his eyes. As soon as he closed his eyes, the face of the captain appeared in his head!

Early the next morning.

His guards outside came in to report immediately.

"Sir, something happened..."

"On the Internet, the video about you has become popular. "

Zhang Tiancun didn't understand what he meant, and immediately went online to search for the most popular videos.

A video claiming to be a revelation was at the top.

When he saw the cover, he seemed to have realized something, but he still clicked it with a hint of luck.

The video made him dizzy!

At the same time, he also knew that he was really finished this time...

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