The police were busy, but the police were busy.

Zhang Qian hurriedly reported the situation last night truthfully.

Everyone was silent.

I couldn't tell what I felt.

Is the Cang Tian Society good or evil?

What they did was right, but the means were a bit too extreme.

"Captain, I think we should issue a wanted order first to catch Haozi and the others. These people are desperate criminals. As far as I know, they have kidnapped several female students. I don't know if they are still alive..."

Zhang Qian saw that no one was talking, so she hurriedly reminded loudly.

"The Haozi gang, a total of nine people, are all dead."

"Haozi's body was dismembered and thrown into the trash can. The rest were thrown from the building, crushed by trains, hit by cars, beaten to death, and buried alive..."

"What?" Zhang Qian was stunned.

A brief thought flashed through her mind!

These are all done by the Cang Tian Society!

This is too lawless!

Haozi and his gang are so miserable.

Even if they were caught, their end would not be so miserable.

At most, they would be shot.

But now...

"What about those female students? How are they!" Zhang Qian slammed the table and shouted.

"Those students are fine and have returned home safely. Not only that, I heard that the Cang Tian Society also gave them a sum of money."

"But when I asked them about the Cang Tian Society, no one said anything."


Zhang Qian was completely dumbfounded.

Even some old police officers found it incredible.

The Cangtian Society is both good and evil. Is it good or bad?

Is their existence right or wrong?

The police have not announced the death of Haozi yet.

Fang Long still doesn't know that his two million has gone down the drain. He is waiting for good news from Haozi.

Fang Long is obviously much more relaxed today. In the evening, the family sits together and eats hot pot in peace.

"Wait a few days, there will be news from Haozi, and we can go home."

"Yu'er, after this incident is over, how about our family of three go out for a trip? I think foreign countries are pretty good." Fang Long said while eating, very happy.

He still has confidence in Haozi.

Facing so many desperate people, how could Chen Sheng be an opponent?

Chen Sheng is probably dead now.

Ding Dong.


Li Yuqing's phone rang.

"Who is it? I'm sending you a message at this time?" Fang Long frowned and looked over unhappily.

Li Yuqing also felt strange.

Put the phone on the table and open the message.

This is to explain her loyalty.

She has never been promiscuous and has always been a decent person.

It is a video message.

The door is "Phoenix Hotel".


This hotel...

Fang Long was stunned when he saw the four words "and".

Isn't this the place where he often dates with his mistress?

Then, an unbearable picture came over.

The protagonist is Fang Long!

The camera angle is very tricky, completely recording the whole process of Fang Long and his mistress.

And they took pictures of both of their faces.


Li Yuqing didn't waste any words, raised her hand and slapped him.

Fang Long was almost hit on the ground.

His head was buzzing.

He thought he was dreaming!

Fang Yu also looked over with a surprised look.

His father actually had someone else outside?

And the two of them were playing so wildly.

"Fang Long, you dare to keep a woman outside! What do you mean? Do you think I'm old?!"

"I work so hard to make this price, but you mess around with me outside!"

"I can't forgive you! I'm going to fight you today!" How could Li Yuqing bear this anger?

She was more envious!

Every time she wanted to find a man, she held back.

It was for this family.

But he, Fang Long, was so unscrupulous.

Now that my daughter has seen it, this matter must not be let go!

"Dad, you're too much!" Fang Yu was also angry, and came over with her mother to fight him.

Fang Long was pressed to the ground and beaten.

He screamed in pain.

However, there was more confusion in his head.

Who sent this video!

I have already agreed with Meng Yao that I will give her a name and endless money after giving birth to the child.

She shouldn't sell herself at this time!

"Wife, stop hitting me, listen to me first!!"

"I did something wrong, but I just made a mistake that every man would make. Can you give me a chance to explain?


"She seduced me first. I have already made an agreement with her. It won't be long before we completely break up! I promise I will never contact him again. This family is all I care about now!"

Fang Long cried and begged for mercy.

Li Yuqing was just venting.

She would never divorce Fang Long.

After the divorce, what would she do?

And wouldn't that be a bargain for the mistress?

"I don't care. You have to break up with her in the next two days! Break up completely! Otherwise, don't come into this family!" Li Yuqing shouted with a vicious expression.


At this time, Fang Long's phone vibrated.

It was a message from Meng Yao.

"Fang Long, give me the money you promised. I will go abroad in a few days. Otherwise, I will let everyone know about your affairs."

Threat! Naked threat!

How could Fang Long bear this?

He replied immediately: "Where are you? I'll give you money! ”

“In half an hour, I will wait for you at your back door.” Mengyao replied quickly.

“Do you know where I am?” Fang Long frowned, thinking that Mengyao seemed to have a plan.

It seemed that she had been plotting against him for a long time.

Sure enough, mistresses are not trustworthy!

I had thought about having a baby with her before, it was really too much.

“Hehe, of course I know, Fanglong, do you think you can hide your little thoughts from me?” Mengyao sent a smiling expression.

It was ironic.

Fang Long cursed secretly.

I thought that if I saw Mengyao this time, I would kick her to miscarry. According to her character, this matter would definitely not be resolved so easily.

She would definitely use the child to continue to threaten me!

“I will go with you! I want to see who this mistress is! "Li Yuqing snorted coldly and followed Fang Long out.

The back door is more than ten meters away from the villa.

Fang Long was careful when he went out and locked the door.

To prevent Fang Yu from getting into any accidents.

The two stood in the cold wind and waited for a long time, but did not see the figure of the mistress.

"Damn, she is playing with me?" Fang Long called back, but no one answered the phone.

Fang Long walked out of the back door angrily to see if there were any cars on the road.

Maybe Mengyao didn't dare to come out because she saw Li Yuqing?

It was just one or two minutes for Fang Long to go out and come back.

Li Yuqing disappeared!

The whole person seemed to have disappeared out of thin air!

"Yuqing! Where are you?" Fang Long shouted.

No one responded.

Fang Long hurried home.

"Is your mother back?" He seemed to realize something and shouted loudly.

Fang Yu was confused, she was playing with her mobile phone.

"No, she went out with you."

"Something bad happened! "Fang Long cursed.

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