"Your daughter?" Chen Sheng glanced at Fang Yu and sneered, "She is my honored guest, I should at least treat her well for a while." After that, he put down the phone. "You kidnapped my mother, what did you do to her... Where is she?" Fang Yu remembered that her mother was also missing. This must have been done by Chen Sheng. She always had a bad premonition that her mother seemed to be in danger. But on second thought, Chen Sheng seemed to have gone to that step, right? Chen Sheng looked at her with a playful look on his face: "Want to see your mother? Since you are my guest, I will let you see your mother once."

"But this is the last time you see her!"

Go ahead, Chen Sheng asked Xiao Luo to drive, and he took Fang Yu into the car.

Fang Yu was completely confused.

She didn't know what Chen Sheng meant by that sentence.

What did he mean by the last time.

Is it the end of me?

He didn't intend to let me go...

The car stopped soon.

In a very remote neighborhood.

This is a surveillance blind spot, and the camera can't capture it.

Near a very dirty garbage dump.

Chen Sheng brought Fang Yu down.

Her legs were weak!!

Her mother, here?

Is what Chen Sheng said a lie?

He must be scaring himself, he must be!

Chen Sheng picked up a branch and picked up a woven bag in the distance.

"Your mother is right there, go and take a look."

Fang Yu fell to her knees with a plop.

Blood was flowing from the woven bag!

Is it her mother inside?

This is impossible, impossible!

She endured the stench around her and went to take a look.

Just one look.

Her legs went weak.

She fell to her knees again.

It's really her mother!

But now she has become incomplete!

The jewelry on her body, the mole on her face, and the spots on her neck can all prove that it is her mother! !

She is dead!

Killed by Chen Sheng!

Chen Sheng patted her on the shoulder and said earnestly: "What kind of parents will have what kind of children. She deserves to lie here for educating a scum like you."

Fang Yu fainted directly.

She was scared.

Her mother had nothing to do with this matter and became like this.

What will she become?

She dared not imagine.

Chen Sheng sneered: "Can't you bear it now? You don't even feel the grievances my sister suffered at the beginning."

"The pain has just begun!"



In a quiet alley.

Fang Long drove his luxury car to a stop.

He was stunned after getting off.

Because there was a garbage dump in front of him.

He kept checking the location of his phone.

The location was indeed here!

But he couldn't believe it!

So he called Chen Sheng back.

But it showed that there was no such number.

He felt empty in his heart.

Unprecedented fear filled his whole body!

But he wanted to find out, to see if his guess was true.

Maybe it was just a bad joke?

So he walked towards the garbage dump step by step.

He stopped in front of the blood-stained woven bag.

He opened the bag with trembling hands.

"Ah!!!" He was so scared that he sat down on the ground.

Just happened to have an eye pointed at him.

That was really his wife.

Li Yuqing! !

Only three hours later.

Fang Long was arrested.

He was in the police station, feeling uneasy!

After finding Li Yuqing's body last night, he did not report the case, but returned home immediately.

It was the enthusiastic citizens who reported that the police found Li Yuqing.

They found traces of Fang Long at the scene, so they arrested him immediately.

"Fang Long, you are the first person to find out, why didn't you call the police?" the investigator asked.

Fang Long didn't really think much about it at the time.

"I was just scared. The person in there was my wife. I was afraid that I would become like her, so I didn't dare to call the police and went back."

"Why do you think you will become like her? Have you done anything wrong?"

"My wife and I have never done anything bad except for some debts!"

"You didn't dare to call the police if you didn't do anything bad!"

"I was really scared at the time..."

"You chose to run away because you were afraid? Is this your conditioned reflex? The first thing the criminals think of is to run away."

"It's not me,

This was done by Chen Sheng! It must be him! Go arrest him, why are you looking for me! "

Fang Long was interrogated all night.

He felt that his spirit was about to collapse.

At dawn in the morning, he walked out of the police station.

There was not enough evidence to prove that he did it.

So they had to let him go.

The glaring sunlight made Fang Long unable to open his eyes.

In an instant, he seemed to have aged 10 years.

He suddenly thought of the painful and heartbreaking look of Chen Yuan's parents in the police station.

Chen Sheng wanted him to experience all their pain again!

From the incident with Chen Yuan to now, Fang Long has nothing.

Everything he worked hard for has turned into a bubble.

His wife is also dead.

Daughter is now It is still unknown whether she is alive or dead.

Even Mengyao and his unborn son died.

Fang Long suddenly felt that he had done something wrong.

Perhaps he should not have educated Fang Yu in that way from the beginning.

Perhaps he should have been more positive when dealing with this matter, and should not have bullied others.

But what is the use of saying this now?

Will Mr. Chen forgive him?

Fang Long was stunned at home for a day.

In the evening, he went to the police station again.

He didn't believe that there was no law in this world!

All this was done by Mr. Chen, and he didn't believe that Mr. Chen could escape punishment! !

"I report that Mengyao's car accident and my wife's death were all done by Mr. Chen!" Fang Long wrote a document and wrote down the whole process.

The police officer took a look and put it aside.

"I know."

"Then when will you arrest people?" Fang Long asked.

"There is no trace of the car and cargo at the scene, let alone surveillance, and the car has been burned, and there is no clue at all. "

"If you have figured out what happened to your wife, you can confess to us, because we only found your fingerprints and clues at the scene, and nothing else,"

Fang Long was furious when he heard this: "You mean, my wife became like that? Mengyao was pregnant, and she died like that? This matter is fine?"

The police officer was impatient: "We will investigate this matter slowly, everything needs a process!"

Fang Long stopped talking.

It needs a process.

This sentence seems to have been used to shut up Chen Yuan's parents before.

But now it is used on himself.

Is this retribution?


At night.

In a dim room.

Fang Yu woke up.

The first thing she felt was an unbearable pain sweeping over her.

She even wanted to faint, only by fainting would she not suffer these pains.

She found herself hanging in the air.

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