The atmosphere at the scene reached its peak.

The captain could even feel the humiliation and helplessness.

These kids know everything.

They understand everything.

But they didn't stop these things from happening!

"This person is Chen Yuan, the victim a while ago..."

"I counted and found that there are 36 people in the video. In addition to the four people who bullied Chen Yuan, there is also a man named Wang Xiangdong, who was found yesterday."

"His injuries are the same as these people. I think this incident should be inseparable from Chen Yuan's brother Chen Sheng. Of course, we haven't found any evidence yet, just suspicion."

The man spoke in a low voice.

The captain turned off the video.

He sat on a bench nearby and lit a cigarette.

Suddenly he realized that smoking was not allowed here, so he quickly put out the cigarette.

He rubbed his head, his eyes full of hesitation.

He had been in the industry for so many years, and this was the first time he had such a feeling.

He didn't understand whether what he did was right or wrong.

Arrest someone, arrest Chen Sheng?

But who can erase the pain of Chen Sheng's family losing their sister?

This incident is the best reflection.

These bullies did nothing, but Chen Sheng's family had to bear the pain.

Is this reasonable?

There is no right or wrong in this world, only the strong and the weak.

"This matter, slowly investigate it, investigate it carefully, and don't do it recklessly." The captain said a word after a long time.

"But the captain..." The people next to him were a little unbelievable when they heard this.

The matter was a big deal.

The higher-ups have taken it very seriously.

The captain actually said to investigate it slowly?

"Why did you become a police officer in the first place?" The captain asked him.

"For justice, to punish those criminals!" The person next to him answered without hesitation.

The captain nodded: "But now, the real criminals are at large, not only that, they are also protected by us. Do you think this is fair? If you knew this earlier, would you still be a police officer?"

"This..." The man hesitated.

But is this world reasonable?

They are just working part-time, just to make a living.

Don't take anything too seriously.

"Each of them is an accomplice. In my opinion, this punishment is the lightest!"

"If there is a chance, I really want to talk to Mr. Chen in person and see what kind of person he is." The captain looked into the distance.

It seems that he has begun to pursue the true justice in his heart.

"Captain..." Suddenly, another person came to report.

"Zhang Qian was found! She...she..."

"How is her condition?" The captain asked hurriedly.

"She is not in danger of life, but her injuries are similar to these people..." The man is still full of fear, as if he can't believe what he said.

Zhang Qian is particularly miserable, she will be a disabled person in the future.

What a pity for such a beautiful skin.

The captain's pupils trembled.

But he didn't say anything, just lowered his head silently.

The man took a few breaths and said, "By the way, we also found out that Zhang Qian's brother Zhang Hu is studying in the class and is also one of the injured..."

The captain sighed and supported his hands behind his head: "Okay, I know."


This matter was once on the news.

Beitian City exploded again.

This time it was not simple.

All of them are students!

And they are all children of the rich and powerful!

They all became disabled at the best age.

All blind, ruined, and their lives are over.

At the same time, a video was circulated on the Internet.

The content of the video was a picture of the whole class bullying a girl.

The girl did not resist at all throughout the whole process. They were stripped naked by them and exposed to everyone's shameless and evil eyes.

That person was the victim Chen Yuan some time ago!

The sound of the video has not been processed at all.

It is all the most primitive, disgusting and dirty language.

These words can kill a person!

People who have seen this video have spoken out online.

"This is the girl who was killed by 80 before, Chen Yuan! Has she been bullied like this?"

"It is said that those who went to the hospital are all the people who bullied her at the scene!"

"These people really deserve it. I thought the sky was blind, but I didn't expect that the sky still has justice! These people deserve to die!"

"It's much more painful to be like this now than to die! If it were me, I would rather choose to die!"

"Such a thing happened in the school

Big things, nobody cares? This principal is done for!"

"I heard that the students in this class are all powerful..."

"Hahaha, I hate these dandies the most, they deserve it!! "

Under the influence of this incident, more than half of the students in the school asked for leave, and they didn't dare to come to school during this period, for fear of becoming like them.

The principal also asked for a long vacation.

Compared to his future career, he felt that his life was more important.

Now he always felt that someone was following him, even in a closed space, it seemed that someone would suddenly appear and cut him into pieces!

He didn't expect that Chen Yuan's matter would become his nightmare!

Whether Chen Sheng would come to him, this was unknown!

He didn't want to gamble with his life!

"Come out to eat, you stay at home, and you won't eat in the future? "

The principal's wife came to call him for dinner, and she was very annoyed.

The principal took a deep breath and rubbed his swollen forehead.

This is his own home.

It should be safe.

Mr. Chen wouldn't come in and kill himself, right?

So he came to the restaurant.

He came over, but found that there was another person in the living room.

It was a student-like person wearing a school uniform.

He was sitting there waiting for him.

The slightly long bangs covered his eyebrows.

He had a bit of elegance and bookishness.

There was even a smile on the corner of his mouth.

No matter how you look at it, he is a good student with good conduct.

"Who are you?" The principal sat down suspiciously, and naturally did not connect the boy in front of him with Mr. Chen.

"This is a student from your school. The young man is very nice. He said he wanted to see you to ask something. If you can help him, please help him!" The principal's wife said beside him.

"Hello, principal, I am Mr. Chen. "

The boy's words frightened the principal so much that he sat on the ground.

Chen... Chen Sheng?

It was him who made the whole class look like that.

It was him who made the Wang family, the Fang family, and the whole family go to the crematorium.

He actually came to me!

The principal immediately realized something and knew that he was in danger today.

"Look at you, you can't even stand steadily..." The lady complained angrily and was about to help the principal.

But after taking two steps, he was hit on the back of his head and fell to the ground and fainted.

It was Chen Sheng who hit him.

"You...what do you want to do! !" The principal screamed and had already lost his composure.

Chen Sheng is just like a devil!

He is almost everywhere!

What happened in the school just now, he didn't hide at this time, but dared to come to my house to find me?

It's really bold!

Chen Sheng sat down, crossed his legs, and his eyes became sharp.

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