The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"Mr. Chen, I heard that something bad happened in your sister's training institution. 31 people were injured at once, and the injuries were almost the same..." Chen Jianguo's voice was serious, and he seemed a little uncomfortable.

He didn't want to believe that it was his son who did it, and he always had a bad feeling in his heart.

It seemed that Mr. Chen was slowly changing.

Or maybe it was his original character that was exposed.

In this world, Mr. Chen should have hidden his edge and lived in a low profile.

Mr. Chen had goodness in his heart, and he was not a bad person.

But a good person can really do anything when he is pushed into a corner.

"Not 31, but 33. There is also a teacher Fang and the head of their organization." Chen Sheng did not hide anything and answered calmly.

He seemed to be talking about something very ordinary.

"Sheng'" Chen Jianguo was choked by his words and didn't know how to speak.

"I have watched you grow up since you were a child. You are not a person who messes around. This time, 33 people were injured. I am worried about your safety..." Chen Jianguo kept taking deep breaths.

He had never experienced such a thing.

When he knew that Chen Sheng had killed Wang Yuehong and Fang Yu's family, he was relieved first!

The suffocation that had been suppressed in his heart was released instantly.

Recently, he always dreamed of the way Chen Yuan looked when she was killed.

More than a hundred knives on her body! !

Every knife stabbed her heart!

He also wanted revenge and wanted those who killed Chen Yuan to pay the price.

But they were all students... He couldn't do it.

Moreover, he was old and couldn't kill anymore.

Killing is like a road of no return, and the beginning is the hardest.

Now Chen Sheng wants to kill the whole family of those four beasts, that's right.

But Chen Jianguo didn't expect Chen Sheng to make such a big fuss!

He even entered the training institution.

Chen Jianguo didn't know how Chen Sheng did it, to enter the school under everyone's noses and injure more than 30 people.

What did his son experience in the past few years in other places?

Now he just doesn't want Chen Sheng to get into trouble.

He only has this one son!

After doing such a thing, can Chen Sheng still get away with it?

Mr. Chen smiled easily: "Dad, I'm fine, don't worry."

"They deserve this fate!"

"If they hadn't bullied Yuanyuan, if they hadn't followed suit, there wouldn't have been a tragedy in the end."

"Each of them could have stopped this, but no one did it! Of course, that would have been fine, but they still took pleasure in it and bullied Yuanyuan even more excessively! Dad! Do you know how helpless and desperate Yuanyuan was at the time! Almost all the students in the same class were bullying Yuanyuan!"

"Yuanyuan was timid and kind. She didn't know how to resist, and just thought that those people would stop bullying her enough, but who knew that they would get more and more Too much! If I don't teach them a lesson, they will still do it even if they have another choice! "

"This world needs to get rid of these evil, cancerous people!"

"Under an overturned nest, how can eggs remain intact! This is just the beginning, not the end!"

Chen Jianguo's phone was snatched away by Li Qiulan, and she cried in her voice: "Sheng'er, mom and dad think it's enough, why don't you stop it."

"Yuanyuan is dead, I really think it's almost done, there are more than 30 students, this matter will definitely cause an uproar, what will you do then, woo woo woo..."

Chen Sheng clenched the phone and squinted his eyes.

At this moment, his heart was full of bitterness.

My parents have been good people all their lives.

Diligent and hardworking, never hurting anyone.

When neighbors, relatives and friends around them have problems, they are always the first to go to help.

As long as they can do their best, they will definitely do their best.

I thought good will be rewarded.

I thought God has eyes.

But that was just a beautiful fantasy of a kind person.

Even if his sister was killed, even if so many students in the class were involved.

But his parents still didn't want him to hurt so many people.

But should he be bullied just because he is kind by nature? !

The world shouldn't be like this!

"Mom, this matter can't just be let go. Even if the guards want to arrest me now, there is no evidence. When they find evidence, it will be too late."

"No one can stop me from doing what I want to do!"

"Everyone involved in Yuanyuan's incident will have to pay the price!!"

"Mom and Dad, you are doing well abroad, don't worry about these things, I will pick you up after dealing with these things.

“Sheng’er! Your father and I are worried about your safety. How could no one catch you with such a big noise?”

“Stop now, maybe you can get a chance for leniency…”

Mr. Chen laughed: “Just them? Haha——”

Then his heart twisted hard!

Thinking of Chen Yuan, he felt very uncomfortable!

That was his own sister, his own sister!

“How painful it was when Yuanyuan was killed! How helpless! I will never forget this hatred!”

“They brought eternal pain to my family, I will send them to hell!”

“Yuanyuan is my dearest and most beloved person, why did she die like this? Why!! I want to make everyone suffer! Let those who participated, even those who sneered, pay the price!”

“Mom and Dad, don’t call me if there is nothing wrong, hanging up. "

Mr. Chen hung up the phone.

He felt his face was wet.

He wiped it with his hand.

I didn't know when tears had already flowed down his face.

Family is Mr. Chen's bottom line, he will never compromise on this matter!

He still often dreams of Chen Yuan.

She said, brother, you have to take good care of your parents, don't let your temper take you.

She said there are many injustices in this world, and there are many right and wrongs. There are a thousand kinds of judgments for a thousand kinds of people, we are just ordinary people, we have no choice.

Brother, I really want to go back with you to take care of my parents and fulfill my filial piety together.

I miss you so much, I miss you so much...


Mr. Chen's eyes were red, and he punched the windowsill hard! !

"Since the heaven is unjust, I will go against it! "

"It's far from over..."

That afternoon.

Several guards broke into Chen Sheng's house and took him back to the Guard Bureau for investigation.

This incident caused too much turmoil.

The Guard Bureau has sent all its manpower to investigate this matter.

The higher-ups have issued a death order that there must be progress within a week!

The Guard Bureau is under great pressure now!

They don't have any evidence!

More than 30 trainees, nearly half of them are mentally ill.

Although some of them can write down that it was Chen Yuan's brother who did it.

But Chen Sheng can't be arrested just by this.

Even taking Chen Sheng away at this moment is due to pressure from all sides, and they can only conduct routine inquiries.

To be honest, they feel powerless with these inquiries.

It is impossible to convict based on this.

"Mr. Chen, did you go to xx training institution on the 20th? "

There were three guards sitting in the interrogation room.

One of the young women asked

Among them was Zhang Qian's previous captain, Chen Guohua, and the captain's boss, Li Jun.

Mr. Chen sat there, looking as well-behaved as a student.

He was not panicked at all in the face of these people.

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