The police were arrested.

And they didn't run, they just stood there and let the guards catch them.

Everyone had a calm expression on their faces, no one said a word, and let the guards take them away.

The guards didn't have enough cars here, so Chen Guohua called for more reinforcements.

Brought all the more than 40 people from the Cang Tian Society back to the bureau for investigation!

This time they made up their minds.

We must find out the clues of the Cang Tian Society!

Wait for everyone to leave.

The people at the scene started to riot!

One by one, they woke up from a dream!

Even the netizens who were broadcasting live, they quarreled!

"The people from the Guard Bureau took the people away?"

"Who are those people? What is the Heaven Society?"

"Although I don't know who they are, they are all righteous people!"

"If there were only the people from the Guard Bureau, could they have rescued the hostages safely? Even if they could, it would take a lot of manpower and material resources! But look at the people from the Heaven Society, how straightforward they are!"

"Yes, if the people from the Heaven Society hadn't come, I don't know how bad this matter would have deteriorated!"

"This is the real master!"

"Why did you arrest them? The people from the Guard Bureau are too much! They helped, but they arrested them?"

"Release them!"

"Release the members of the Heaven Society!"

"The people from the Guard Bureau come out and speak!"

"Put pressure on the Guard Bureau!"

There is justice in everyone's heart, but the price of awakening is not enough.

The three words "Heaven Society" are also spreading rapidly on the Internet.


Guard Bureau!

Chen Guohua and his colleagues were busy investigating for a day.

But nothing happened and there was no result.

The people of the Cang Tian Society all have legitimate identities, and they are all company employees.

From the formalities, they can't find any problems!

And their confessions are surprisingly consistent.

They all said that they came over because they encountered something on the way home from get off work, and they never mentioned the three words Cang Tian Society.

And their behavior just now does not constitute a crime.

They are all brave!

On the contrary, they should be rewarded!

Chen Guohua scratched his head.

The colleagues who asked together also scratched their heads!

They can't get any useful clues at all if they go on like this.

Not to mention investigating the Cang Tian Society.

"Captain Chen, what should we do with these people? It's been almost a day, and the food expenses are a bit..."

More than 40 people went to three guard bureaus for questioning and interrogation.

It took a whole day.

The guard bureau has to provide meals!

They are all young and strong men, and the meal money for a day is quite painful.

The key is that nothing has been asked, which is the most depressing.

Chen Guohua rubbed his forehead and didn't say anything for a long time.

"Xiao Chen, how is the situation going?" Li Jun rushed in from outside.

He had been attending a meeting in another place today. When he heard that the people from the Cang Tian Society were arrested, he rushed back as soon as possible.

He wanted to catch all of them at once.

This is a rare opportunity!

"Nothing was found out. They are all employees of the company and have formal procedures."

"What's more, they helped us once, and none of the hostages were hurt." Chen Guohua told the truth.

"What?" Li Jun frowned and his eyes widened.

"Is this their plan? Can they do good things?"

In his impression.

The Cang Tian Society is a group of lunatics!

It is a cancer of society!

They should all be arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible!

Although Chen Guohua was reluctant to admit it, he still said, "It's true, especially Chen Sheng. If it weren't for his help today, the hostages would not have been easily rescued."

"And all the major media are filming today, and some are even broadcasting live. You should be able to see the replay online."

Li Jun frowned. He had no time to look at his phone all day, but he found it incredible to hear this.

Can a person like Chen Sheng get rid of harm for the people?

What exactly is the Cang Tian Society?

"Is there any conspiracy here?" Li Jun was still skeptical.

"For example, using this as bait, there is a bigger plan behind it... For example, the Cang Tian Society wants to take this opportunity to divert everyone's attention..."

"Captain Chen, Captain Li!! Look at the popularity on the Internet!" At this time, a female guard next to him suddenly said loudly.

The two immediately gathered in front of the computer.

The biggest popularity today is the Cang Tian Society!

This popularity has lasted all day!

People are talking about the daytime


The clip of Chen Sheng and Xiao Feng rushing in to deal with An Qingsheng in the fog was played repeatedly on the Internet.

The number of likes below has reached 10 million!

It really poked the traffic nest!

Netizens left comments one after another.

"That An Qingsheng is a wanted criminal. Even the guards dare not approach him. But the two of them rushed through with bare hands?"

"What kind of mentality can make them face death with indifference?"

"If it were me, I would have stayed away long ago!"

"If you have justice in your heart, you are not afraid of anything. Justice will eventually defeat evil in this world!!"

"If there is a sense of justice in your heart, any monsters and demons must avoid it! This is what my grandfather said."

"What the above said makes sense. Too many people in our generation have lost that sense of justice!"

"Without a sense of justice, we have lived in a daze for so long, so we are getting lonelier and lonelier..."

"Everyone should be like them. When they encounter danger, everyone helps. Only then will there be no evil in this world!"

"Let those criminals have nowhere to escape and let those evils have nowhere to hide. Wake up!"


Looking at these words full of positive energy, Chen Guohua and Li Jun both widened their eyes.

Both of them were a little confused.

Why do they feel like they have been taught a lesson?

Isn't this what they have always wanted?

Everyone's heart is full of justice, and everyone is full of positive energy.

But they were awakened by the people of the Cang Tian Society.

This doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

Does the Cang Tian Society seem to be helping them?

Not only that.

For a time, netizens set off a wave of positive energy.

Some people even spontaneously organized to patrol the streets and catch thieves and car thieves.

Now you can see young girls helping old ladies cross the road, cleaning up garbage, and maintaining traffic everywhere on the street...

They are full of positive energy!

This is the attitude that young people should have!

This is the passion they should pursue!

Chen Guohua and Li Jun were silent.

Especially Li Jun, squatting aside and quietly lighting a cigarette.

He didn't believe that there was any pure positive energy in this world.

The reason why the Cang Tian Society did this must be profitable.

He still couldn't figure out what they were after.

But he never believed that they were good people!

The Cangtian Society had always been secretive, and today was the first time it showed up.

But it had caused such a big response and sensation just after it appeared.

Their infectious power was too terrible!

If this continued, it would pose a threat to them!

"Xiao Chen, what do you think? Regarding the Cangtian Society..." He took a deep breath, and after a long time, he finally uttered a line of words.

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