The only thing he did was to make a fool of himself.

What a mere one...

Zhang Kai was almost laughing out of anger.

Didn't his father see Chen Sheng's strength?

"But Dad, the Gao family asked An Qingsheng to deal with Chen Sheng, but he caught him on the street, in front of so many guards. I think his power should not be underestimated..."

"Okay!" Zhang Zhongsheng was a little upset.

"I don't care about anything else!"

"As long as he doesn't come to us, everything will be fine! If he dares to provoke us, I will make him live a life worse than death!"

"Your grandfather has already said so, what are you afraid of? Coward!"

"Stay at home recently and learn more about management. This will be good for you in the future!"

Zhang Zhongsheng slammed the door and went out.


At this moment.

In a hidden basement in Beitian City.

Anqing City woke up.

He opened his confused eyes.

First, he looked at the surrounding environment.

Then he was stunned.

As if he thought of the previous scene, he clenched his teeth.

He found himself tied to a chair.

There were iron chains all around.

He couldn't break free at all!

There was a damp and rotten smell everywhere.

This smell made him feel more and more uneasy!

There was only one dim lamp here, and the lampshade seemed to be stained with blood, swaying, making the atmosphere around even more terrifying.

"Someone come!"

"Where am I!!"

"Is there anyone!!"

An Qingsheng struggled hard, and the whole person jumped on the chair.

There were echoes all around, but no one answered his question.

He suddenly thought of the time when he hurt a lone woman, and it seemed to be the same.

He locked her in the basement, but tortured her to death.

No one can find her body now.

At that time, An Qingsheng enjoyed the pleasure, but now the roles have been reversed, and he is standing in the position of the victim!

He never thought that he would become like this one day!

An Qingsheng still can't believe it! !

The scene that happened before was as unreal as a dream.

The last picture he remembered in his mind was that Chen Sheng suddenly appeared beside him like a ghost, and then he felt a chill on his neck and fainted completely.

After waking up, I was here.

The fear in my heart spread like ripples!

I was captured alive by the Heavenly Society!

What would the Heavenly Society do to me? He had no idea!

The things he had heard about the Heavenly Society before also came to his mind like snowflakes.

The Heavenly Society only accepts evil people!

Isn't this a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth?


At this time, the door opened a crack.

Two people walked in from outside.

One had a handsome face, and the other had a full beard.

"You're awake." Chen Sheng walked in front of him, and the bearded man brought a chair for him to sit down.

"I injected you with anesthetics before, but it seems that the dosage was excessive, so you were unconscious for a day."


An Qingsheng felt his scalp tingling!

No wonder he couldn't feel anything before!

He suddenly felt very scared!

During the time when he was unconscious, if Chen Sheng wanted to kill him, it would be almost a matter of hands.

But he did not do so, and waited for him to wake up.

Could this be a bigger conspiracy?

He suddenly thought of a word, called life is worse than death!

Cold sweat instantly covered his forehead!

He took a breath and said hurriedly: "Chen Sheng, I also take money to help people get rid of disasters. In fact, I have no grudges against you."

"If you are willing, I will mix with you in the future. How about you let me join the Cangtian Society and enforce justice for the heaven in the future?"

"I dare not say how powerful I am, but seven or eight ordinary people can't get close to me! I can be your bodyguard!"

Chen Sheng laughed when he heard this and flicked the ash casually.

Then he walked over.

Bang! !

He suddenly slapped An Qingsheng!

This slap made his nose bleed and his head was stunned for a moment.

He secretly thought that Chen Sheng was strong!

Chen Sheng looked a little thin, but he had such a strong explosive power!

"Do you think anyone can join the Heaven Society?"

"A filthy person like you, covered in sin, is unforgivable to heaven!!"

"The Heaven Society has always been a justice for heaven, how can we allow someone like you to join? From now on, you will be judged by the Heaven Society!"

"An Qingsheng, you have killed four people! Two women, one man, and a child!"

"You robbed those two women to vent your animal instincts. You tortured them to death and took away their belongings!"

"One of them, Yu Miao, was a mother! She had just given birth, and the child was only one month old! How could you do such a heartless thing! You cruelly hurt so many people to satisfy your own selfish desires!"

"The man you killed was buying medicine for his old mother. On the way, she later learned about her son's death. The old mother was heartbroken and died at home! "

"And that child, he is the hope of the whole family! After he got into trouble, his parents jumped off the building and committed suicide because of emotional breakdown, and his grandparents also had a mental breakdown!"

"Because how many families have you destroyed? How many kind people have you destroyed! ! "

"If you fall into my hands today, I will make you want to live but not to die, and slowly experience the fear of hell. It is because of people like you that hell exists! ! "

"You..." An Qingsheng heard this, and his pupils trembled.

The heart tightened instantly.

An inexplicable sense of fear roamed the whole body! !

What I did, Chen Sheng actually knew so clearly?

Has he been watching me from the beginning?

The Heaven Society is not a legend, then everything is true!

They only kill evil people!

"You are not qualified to judge me!!"

"This world has its own laws. If I commit a crime, you can just hand me over to the guards and let them judge me. Why do you do this? Who do you think you are?"

"You are committing a crime!!"

"Let me go now, let me go!" An Qingsheng screamed like he was collapsing.

He was shaking with fear!

Because he could not see any compromise in Chen Sheng's eyes!

He could not see through this man.

He did not know what method he would use to torture himself.

The pain seemed to have spread!

Is this the legendary retribution?

He never thought it would fall on his head...

"Hand it over to the guards?" Chen Sheng laughed, as if he had heard a big joke.

"Wouldn't it be a bargain for you to hand you over to them?"

"You kill people wantonly and commit unforgivable crimes. This is your fate!"

Chen Sheng got a knife out of nowhere and slashed him under the armpit.

Blood spurted out immediately.

Then he stabbed his soft ribs with a knife and twisted them violently.

"Ahhh... it hurts..."

"Ah ...

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