The knife was cut slowly, but it was aimed at Chen Sheng's artery.

It was like cutting beef, one by one, slowly, but it was aimed at Chen Sheng's artery.

It pushed the fear to the maximum!


A stream of blood spurted out.

Chen Sheng threw him aside.

Wang Cheng's eyes were full of fear.

Blood poured into his trachea, and he could no longer speak.

He could only stare at Chen Sheng in horror! His whole body was convulsing!

He... really dared to kill people!

Chen Yuan's brother is back!

Now, things have gotten serious!

It wasn't until Wang Cheng stopped struggling that Chen Sheng came to the door and kicked it hard a few times, causing the cart at the door to be misplaced, and then he could open the door.

He strode out.

It was long after he left.

Those women ran away in a hurry.

Chen Sheng had planned to kill Wang Cheng from the beginning.

Doing it himself would definitely alert the enemy.

So the next action had to be faster.

But Chen Sheng was fully prepared when he went there.

Avoided all cameras.

And there were no fingerprints of his own at the scene, so it would not be so easy to investigate this matter.

This period of time was enough for him to take revenge!

After he went out, he threw the knife on the road.

Then he checked the kitchen knife stuck in his waist.

Then he went directly to the KTV.

The next target.

Wang Yuehong!

At this moment.

In the KTV room.

Wang Yuehong and Gao Xue were singing here.

There were seven or eight bodyguards sitting next to them.

They were all wearing black clothes and sunglasses, and looked like strangers were not allowed to approach.

After singing a few sentences, the two felt particularly boring.

"Yuehong, why don't you call a few friends out? It's too boring to have these bodyguards here!"

Wang Yuehong also felt a little annoyed, but she couldn't help frowning: "There's no way. My dad insisted that I bring these bodyguards out because of that bitch Chen Yuan!"

"She's dead, why don't you just stop!"

Gao Xue also cursed: "That's right, she was a waste when she was alive, and she's the same after she died! I really regret not stabbing her a few more times at that time."

"Humph! It's really a bargain for her to let her die like this!"



The door of the private room was kicked open.

At the door, there stood a boy in casual clothes.

The look between his eyebrows was very similar to Chen Yuan.

Wang Yuehong and Gao Xue couldn't help but look over.

All of a sudden, all the bodyguards in the room looked at him.

"Who are you!" Wang Yuehong shouted, frowning tightly.

The boy saw Wang Yuehong and Gao Xue as if he had seen an enemy.

The hot blood in his heart was ignited instantly.

They were the ones who killed his sister!

The wounds on Chen Yuan's body and the cold body kept appearing in his mind like an indelible shadow.

Over and over again, he couldn't stop at all!

Kill them to avenge his sister! !

At this time, the first thought that came to Chen Sheng's mind!

He pulled out the kitchen knife he bought before and rushed up directly.

In an instant.

The bodyguards also moved.

They came to surround Chen Sheng.

But they were still slow.

They also underestimated Chen Sheng's strength!

Before they could react, Chen Sheng had already rushed over and slashed Wang Yuehong fiercely with a knife!


A knife passed.

Blood splattered!

In the end, there was still a bodyguard who reacted quickly and pushed Chen Sheng away in a flash.

The blade of his knife tilted and fell on the coffee table.

Still cut off two of Wang Yuehong's fingers!

"Ahhhh!! My fingers!!" Wang Yuehong didn't feel the pain for the time being, but she was terrified when she looked at her two broken fingers.

She had just done a manicure on them.

The pain slowly came afterwards!

Her fingers were cut off?

This kid, cut them off!!

She covered her hand in pain, her eyes full of horror!

She has always been a person who is cared for by her parents, and she is also a big shot in school, and no one dares to go against her.

Even if she hits others, no one dares to fight back!

Today, this madman cut off two of his fingers without saying a word!

This guy is crazy!!

"Who are you! Madby! Kill him for me, I want you to kill him!" Wang Yuehong let out a heart-wrenching roar, and the whole person was like crazy.

The severe pain made her voice tremble.

Gao Xue was also frightened and didn't know what to do. She hid in a corner, ready to run away at any time.

She didn't want to risk her life


Chen Sheng was like an angry lion.

He waved his knife desperately.

The bodyguards suffered because they went out without any weapons.

For a while, no one could subdue Chen Sheng.

One of them hugged Chen Sheng's waist, which reduced his fighting power a lot.

He also kicked his kitchen knife under the sofa.

Chen Sheng's mind was in a mess.

When he was at the door, he thought about waiting for the two women to come out alone before taking action.

But seeing so many bodyguards sitting inside, he knew that the other party was also on guard.

Maybe they would be accompanied by bodyguards when they went out for a long time.

So he rushed in with a determined heart.

These bodyguards were very strong. Chen Sheng grabbed Gao Xue's hair with one hand and punched her in the face several times.

Gao Xue screamed, covering her face with both hands desperately, and her hair was pulled off one by one.

"Damn, the lady's finger was cut off, let this guy pay the price!" One of the bodyguards saw the injured Wang Yuehong and immediately shouted.

They followed so many people to protect Wang Yuehong, but she was still injured. How to explain to her father when they go back?

"Tie him up for me first, and deal with him slowly when we go back!"

Several bodyguards agreed.

They are all adults and have received professional training. They can easily subdue Chen Sheng.

In a few seconds, Chen Sheng was pressed against the wall and lost his resistance.

Chen Sheng laughed wildly: "Hahaha, if you have the ability, kill me. If you can't kill me, then I will kill your whole family!!"

"Come on, kill me!!"

All the bodyguards quieted down.

All were stunned by Chen Sheng's crazy energy.

They can be regarded as people who have seen the world.

They are just people who are paid to protect Wang Yuehong, but if they are asked to kill someone, none of them dares!

Some of them were gangsters before, but they had never seen someone like Chen Sheng before.

His madness was scary.

Heart palpitations!

If they hadn't stopped them today, Wang Yuehong and Gao Xue might have really been killed!

This guy was here to kill people!

They were 100% sure in their hearts!

Bang, bang, bang...

At this time, footsteps were heard outside.

It was the police.


Police station.

Chen Sheng was locked up and questioned alone.

He acted very calmly, as if nothing had happened just now.

Everything seemed to be within his calculations.

Wang Yuehong had two fingers chopped off.

But this was just the beginning.

He wanted to make those people suffer slowly!

Let them taste the despair of my sister exactly!

"Why did you bring the murder weapon?" A police officer next to him asked sternly.

Chen Sheng looked up at him and smiled: "I didn't bring any weapons, and I met them when I was passing by the KTV."

"Then what is your kitchen knife!"

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