After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 103: His question, the NOI test (three shifts)

  Chapter 103 His questioning, the NOI test begins (three shifts)


  Jiang Fuyue turned around, with a calm tone: "Anything?"

  "Did you learn quantum mechanics?"

"know a little."

  The man scrutinized his eyes: "I’m afraid it’s more than a bit, right?"

  Jiang Fuyue shrugged, "Believe it or not, do whatever you want."

  Xie Dingyuan's eyebrows frowned, he was good-looking, and even the frowning gesture showed a handsome look, but it was a pity that those eyes were too cold.

  Under the coldness, arrogance is hidden.

  "What is your relationship with Xu Lao?" Xie Dingyuan wanted to ask this question as early as Linhuai saw her sitting in a pancake shop with Xu Kaiqing in a happy conversation.

  Lao Xu went to Linhuai to find "sorrow", and he showed special preference and incredible connivance to Jiang Fuyue. Between the two...

  Is there any necessary connection?

What's more, the few out-of-print books sold through the "sorrow" transaction were the first to be bought by Jiang Fuyue from the store.

  "What's your relationship with ‘sorrow’?" He blurted out.

  Jiang Fuyue laughed: "Does Mr. Xie especially like to ask others what they have to do with? Don't you think you are gossip?"

  The man did not speak, his eyes were sharp, as if he could see through his tricks at a glance.

  Jiang Fuyue was too lazy to talk nonsense, so she just left.

   "Sooner or later, I will know." The man looked at her back and paused every word, like a promise and a provocation.

  Jiang Fuyue never looked back.

  Xie Dingyuan took out his mobile phone: "Help me find someone..."

  Jiang Fuyue returned to the hotel in the evening.

Fanye was waiting for her to eat together, and met Huang Hui and Gao Zhaoming halfway through, and the four of them were together again.

  The hotel restaurant specially provided a buffet for this group of students who participated in the NOI. With the meal at the right time, everyone came out and unexpectedly met the students from No.7 Middle School.

   "Oh, have you formed a small group so soon?" It was the girl who had a dispute with Shigeba in the car before.

   "Ke Ran, don't cause trouble." Lin Yuan reminded in a low voice from the side.

  She turned a deaf ear: “It’s really like things are gathered together, people are divided into groups. Along with fish sellers and shrimp catchers, you and I will stink too, and in the end I can’t tell who is smelly and who is not.”

  This is not only aimed at Fan Ye, even Jiang Fuyue and several others were scolded in.

  Huang Hui frowned, seeing that the other party was a girl, and kept silent.

   Gao Zhaoming is more straightforward: "Who is it smelly? There is a problem with the nose, right? Can it be as stinky as your mouth?"

   "Puff——" Jiang Fuyue couldn't hold back.

  Ke Ran blushed, "You, don't be proud of you! See you in the exam room tomorrow!"

  After finishing speaking, she pulled Lin Yuan away with strides.

  Lin Yuan was dragged by her to a stagger, and she almost fell, a touch of disgust passed through her eyes, and it was fleeting.

   Huang Hui comforted: "Little Ye Zi, ignore her, you are fragrant."

   "Hmm." Gao Zhaoming nodded his head to show his agreement.

   Fanye smiled, a pair of apricot eyes moist and shining: "You are so nice! Don't worry, I won't let her bully people casually!"

   "Let's go, go to dinner, the food tonight is so rich..."

  Jiang Fuyue looked thoughtful.


  It was night, the corridor of the hotel was quiet, and suddenly there was a scream.

   "Who is so wicked? Actually put such a big metal box at the door?"

   "Ke Ran, how are you? Are you okay?"

  I saw the girl squatting on the ground, covering her toes with her hands, and there was blood oozing out between her fingers.


"What should I do?"

  "Go and call Teacher Zhang!"


   Soon, Zhang Han arrived, pushed away the crowd of onlookers, with the help of the two students, carried the tear-stained Ke Ran on his back, and left in strides.

   "It's all gone, go back and have a good rest, and I will have an exam tomorrow!"

  Everyone returned to their rooms one after another.

Fanye and Jiang Fuyue were also among the onlookers. On the way back, the former was uncharacteristically silent.

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes were even more contemplative: "...I'm here."

  Suddenly, Fanye grabbed her with a trace of tension between her brows: "Sister Yue, she will be fine, right?"

  "From the amount of bleeding, it should be just a skin injury."

  "Will it affect tomorrow's exam?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "She bullied you, are you still worried about her?"

   "I, just ask..." whispered.

   "I'm not sure, it depends on the specific situation."

   "This way..."

  Jiang Fuyue patted her: "Don't think too much, rest early."



  After breakfast the next day, everyone took a chartered car to the examination room.

  Until ten minutes before the departure, Ke Ran and the leader teacher of No. 7 Middle School had not arrived.

   "Lin Yuan, can Ke Ran come, can she come?" someone asked in a low voice.

  Lin Yuan wears headphones, hears the words, and glances at the other person: "I don't know."

  In the last three minutes, Zhang Hancai hurried over with Ke Ran.

  The girl who was still mean yesterday is now sitting on her seat, her toes wrapped in gauze, like a shaggy chicken who has lost fighting spirit.

  At nine o'clock in the morning, the NOI written test part officially opened.

  A total of one hundred and fifty questions, most of which are basic programming knowledge, and the question stem information is not complicated, such as——

  Q: The operating system that the NOI machine is trying to use.

  Answer: Linux.

  The last thirty questions examine the history of NOI and IOI, which is a bit of a humanities meaning.

   At nine ten ten, Jiang Fuyue raised her hand: "Teacher, hand in the paper."

  The gaze of the entire examination room immediately focused on her, including Lin Yuan.

  The invigilator is fairly calm, "Check the name, test number, and the draft papers of the test papers are neatly arranged."

  Jiang Fuyue did so, and then left quietly.

  Five minutes later, Fanye, Huang Hui, and Gao Zhaoming: "Teacher, hand in the paper!"

  The exam ended at 11 am, and everyone returned to the hotel by bus.

  At that time, Jiang Fuyue and the four were already sitting in the dining room, listening to the melodious and soothing piano music, and enjoying the food.

   and then go back to the room for lunch break.

  At one o'clock in the afternoon, the computer test will start.

  Ten questions, lasting three hours.

  The investigation content includes: alignment output, character diamond, Kakutani conjecture, savings plan, pharmacy management, normal blood pressure, separate digits of integers, series summation, number reversal, switch lights.

  One of the more interesting is pharmacy management.

  Assuming that for any kind of medicine, the total inventory at the beginning of work every day is known, and it will not increase by purchasing within one day.

  Many patients come to collect medicines every day, and each patient wants to take different amounts of medicines. If the patient needs more than the current inventory, the pharmacy will reject the patient's request.

  The administrator wants to know how many patients do not get the medicine every day.

  In fact, the idea is very simple, there are only three lines of input:

  The first line is the total amount of medicine m at the beginning of each day

  The second line is the number of people taking medicine on this day n (0=a[i])m-=a[i];elsesum++; This step is easy to be complicated, and once complicated, it will fall into an infinite loop of thinking.

  The big computer room, just listen to the crackling sound of the keyboard constantly.

  Jiang Fuyue stared at the screen, almost turning out flowers with both hands.

  Suddenly, she moved for a while and left the keyboard with her hands...

  (End of this chapter)

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