After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 113: Slap on the face, Sister Dark Horse Yue (three shifts)

  Chapter 113 Face Slap, Sister Dark Horse Yue (three shifts)

   "Classmate Jiang?"

   Jiang Fuyue did not respond at the first sound.

  Director Zhang called again: "Classmate Jiang Fuyue?"

  Now, everyone heard it, and their eyes fell on him instantly.

  It may not have been so much after changing to another person, but who is Zhang Quan?

  Yang Jinqiu’s superiors, in charge of the selection of outstanding teachers in the city, are supported everywhere, but now he looks cautious.

  It was actually...a student who was treated this way by him?

  Jiang Fuyue looked at the uncle who was almost bald in front of her. There was no such person in her memory: "You call me?"

   "Hey! It's really your classmate Jiang!" Director Zhang looked excited.

Everyone in the Jiang family was confused.

  Yang Jinqiu was even more confused.

  She finally took advantage of the old lady's birthday to invite Zhang Quan to this great Buddha, intending to take this opportunity to name the outstanding teacher at the end of the year, no matter what method is used, and what price it pays.

  Ke Zhang Quan is too slippery, no matter how she pleases to laugh, tout, or even to make heavy gains, the other party will not let go.

  Lian Jianghua came forward to talk about the item and included a large cheque, but it still didn’t work.

  The couple almost thought that this person would not be invaded by fire and water, and could not be moved by thunder. Never thought that he actually knew the eldest brother’s daughter, and... laughed so kindly?

  While Jiang Da and Han Yunru looked at each other, secretly vigilant.

  Maybe the only person on the scene who was still calm was Jiang Fuyue.

  "Do we know each other?" she asked.

  The girl's beautiful face is calm, her eyes are flat and indifferent to each other.

  Do not dye the slightest awe, nor flattery.

  Zhang Quan: "I was in the second row at the awards ceremony held not long ago."

  One and two rows are leaders.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded slightly: "Hello."

  Zhang Quan smiled and said, “Originally, a reporter was arranged to do an interview with the three of you that day. You still have an interview, but I didn’t expect...” He touched his nose.

  Jiang Fuyue's expression remained unchanged: "There is nothing to interview, it's just a summer camp shortlist, and it's not an international gold medal."

  Zhang Quanfei didn't think he was disgusted, but also nodded approvingly: "It is a good thing not to be arrogant or impetuous. We all believe that you have this strength!"

  The talented player with the top score, not surprisingly, she is the biggest dark horse in the field of subject competition in Linhuai City and even the entire J Province this year!

  Maybe people outside can’t feel it. He is inside, and he knows too much hope for Jiang Fuyue from above, not to mention...

   "I heard that you just finished participating in this year's NOI, and you got the top score in full marks, congratulations."

  On the second day after the results came out, the Linhuai City Education Bureau received the electronic transcript and the qualification letter from the Imperial Capital.

   Suddenly, the whole department was a sensation.

  The news spread quickly, and a special seminar was held.

  Because the department received a telephone response from Jiang Fuyue's competition teacher, saying that the physics competition and the information competition collided in the summer camp time, see if they can come up with a solution that has the best of both worlds.

  The method must be thought of!

  And I have to spare no effort and rack my brain to think.

  The two subject competitions, all full marks, ranked first in the country, not to mention Linhuai, even looking at China, there has never been such a precedent.

  If in the end she can win double gold medals in international competitions...

  So for the education level of Linhuai, it will be a milestone of great significance!

  No wonder Zhang Quan is so excited.

  This is a living genius, the girl who carries the hope of the whole city, right in front of him at this moment.

   "Student Jiang, the city has fully understood your situation, you can rest assured, we will definitely deal with the collision problem, we must let you enter the camp smoothly and concentrate on training."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, "Then it will be troublesome."

   "Don't say that, it's all we should do." Zhang Quan waved his hand again and again, "In addition, the bureau will provide a certain amount of money for your competition expenses, so don't worry about the money."

   Zhang Quan poured beans, crackled and finished, ignoring the already stunned crowd, and once again grasped Jiang Da's hand—

   "You are Jiang's father, right?"

   "...Huh?" Jiang Da was a little confused.

  Han Yunru stepped on him under the table.

  Jiangda reacted and immediately stood up: "Yes, yes, I am! That...thanks, thank you for your concern, the leader."

"You are polite, these are what we should do," Zhang Quan also shook his other hand, adding solemnity in his words, "If you want to say thank you, we also said. Thank you for raising Jiang Fuyue so well. , The subject competition has double perfect scores, two firsts in the country, unprecedented!"

  Jiangda can't cope with the situation in front of him, so embarrassed that he doesn't know what to do.

  At this time, Han Yunru got up, smiled and accepted the words: “The growth of children is indispensable for the hard work of educators, and you have made great contributions.”

  Zhang Quan: "Are you... Jiang’s mother?"

  Han Yunru nodded.

  There was another greeting, and the others could only watch, the blankness and sluggishness on their faces nowhere to rest.

  Full score in the competition...No. 1 in the country...Also, two...

What's the meaning?

   Why don’t you understand?

Isn't Jiang Fuyue practicing sports?

  Just like running high jump, how come you get full marks?

  Ke Zhang Quan’s reaction cannot be faked. Seeing his courtesy to Jiang Da and his wife, and comparing it to the indifferentness of talking to Yang Jinqiu not long ago, what else can’t you understand?

  At this time, the people who ate melons also had a taste, and many of them were Yang Jinqiu’s colleagues—

   "It seems that Teacher Yang has not found the right way to pull the relationship. There is clearly someone in the family who can get on line with Director Zhang, and still want to go near and far away, what kind of birthday party is used as an excuse?"

  "Don’t you know, Teacher Yang’s husband has a bad relationship with his elder brother. I heard that they haven’t been in contact for more than ten years, so why are you embarrassed to open your mouth?"

   "That's right, I don't usually burn incense, and I only worship Buddha when I am around. No wonder the Buddha didn't leave her a door!"

   "It's all crooked ways. Did you think Director Zhang took care of her? It's really funny."

   "I used to hear her telling her how good her husband is and how much money she can make, how many musical instruments her daughter has learned, and how much piano is she can't compare to a finger in a big room! See how she has more face in front of Director Zhang?"

  "My daughter is also much better than the one in her family. I am obedient. What is the concept of a full score in the subject competition? There are two subjects. How high is this IQ?"

   "In the face of absolute results, there is not enough instrument to see."


  Yang Jinqiu is usually a high-profile person. He is always superior because of a husband who can make money.

  Now, when everyone finds an opportunity, they naturally want to get it back.

  As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. What's more, you are still being compared by someone you have always looked down upon?

  In addition to the endless sarcasm, Yang Jinqiu was trembling with anger, and he blurted out without passing through his brain—

   "Director Zhang, are you making a mistake? My elder brother sells pancakes. How can he have the money to send his children to the competition? He also has two subjects."

   "Yeah, yeah!" Jiang Qin couldn't wait to jump out, "Yueyue is a special student in sports, and his cultural performance is definitely not good. The competition topic is so difficult, she may not understand it."

As he said, he took Liu Wei forward, with a bit of pride: "My son is learning to compete in this way, and he will participate in the Mathematical Olympiad in October! This, hasn't started yet, how could Jiang Fuyue take it? Award? First in the country, you can't edit it so casually..."

  It was like Jiang Fuyue had robbed her son of the limelight in advance.

  (End of this chapter)

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