After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 115: Jiang Da is tough and cruel to the best (end of five shifts)

  Chapter 115 Jiang Da is tough and cruel to the best (end of five)

   "What account?"

  Yang Jinqiu: "Of course it's Mom's birthday this time. You three brothers need to share the expenses equally."

  Jiangda looked at a question mark.

  Han Yunru frowned.

  Jiang Fuyue laughed directly.

  It’s no wonder that I haven’t seen them in more than ten years, and suddenly called them back, dare you to wait here?

Yang Jinqiu took out his mobile phone and clicked on the calculator: "This time, the money for private rooms and table setting, plus some miscellaneous expenses, totals 86,218, which will be shared equally among the three households, two for each. Eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine, here are the detailed accounts."

  After finishing speaking, hand it to Jiang Da, obviously prepared.

  Jiangda did not pick up.

   "Big brother, what do you mean? Mom, don't you want to pay for birthdays?" Yang Jinqiu asked.

Liu Shuting raised the corner of her eyes, smiled softly, but showed a bit of meanness: "Why? Didn't the eldest brother also say that he would call home during the holidays? It shows that he is filial to his mother, how could he do such a thing? Right, brother?"

  Jiangda didn’t respond. He didn’t even look at her. He cast his gaze straight on Jiang Hua and Jiang Teng, and slowly asked——

   "Second, third, is this what you mean?"

   Jiang Hua's eyes flashed.

  Jiang Teng simply said, "Yes. Anyway, my share has already been released, and now you are the only one left."

  Something flashed in Jiangda's eyes.

  It happened to be seen by Jiang Fuyue, she knew it was disappointment.

  This tall and dark man has always been silent, but he has the courage to stand up to protect his family at a critical moment. At this moment, his family is completely injured.

  "Dad..." Jiang Fuyue gently held his trembling hand.

  Jiangda smiled at her and shook his head: Dad is okay.

  The next second, when he looked at the two brothers again, there was no softness in his eyes, but a thick layer of armor.

   "I agree to pay this money..." he said.

   Jiang Hua was slightly surprised.

   Jiang Teng was stunned.

  It seems that the two of them also know how unreasonable this request is.

  Think about Jiang Da's character. The old solid wood is plain, simple and simple, and it is a bully to put it bluntly, and it doesn't feel strange immediately.

  Anyway, he volunteered...

  In the next second, I heard Jiang Da continue to say——

   "We have shared the money for birthdays. Shouldn't the gift money be divided like this?"

  As soon as this word came out, everyone was stunned.

  Includes Han Yunru and Jiang Fuyue.

  Not to blame them for such a big reaction, it is that Jiang Da's honest and duty image is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that he is suddenly shrewd and everyone is caught off guard.

  Yang Jinqiu: "...Big brother, what do you mean by that?"

  Jiangda: "Expenses are shared equally, and income must naturally be shared equally."

   "How can this work?" Liu Shuting immediately jumped out to object, "Most of the guests who came today were invited by our two families, and the gifts were also sent to our two families. Why do you think?"

   "The younger brothers and sisters also said that most of the people were invited by your family. What does it have to do with us? Since it doesn't matter, why should I bear the expenses they incurred?"

   Liu Shuting choked.

   "...Anyway, it can't be counted like that!"

  Jiangda nodded: "I agree, it really can't be counted like that."

  Speaking, his gaze passed over the two younger sisters-in-law, and fell on Jiang Hua and Jiang Teng: "What do you think? Don't hide behind the woman, just say what you have and what you think."

  Jiang Hua's mouth tightened, without saying a word.

   Jiang Teng rolled his eyes: "Big Brother, I think it's unfair to divide it like this?"

   Jiang Da asked: "Then what do you think is fair?"

  Of course, the expenses are evenly shared, and whoever invites the gift money will go to the guest!

  Thinking so in his heart, but Jiang Teng didn’t dare to say, he gritted his teeth and simply pulled Jiang Hua out——

   "I don't have any ideas, you ask the second brother!"

   Jiang Hua: "?" The pot comes from the sky.

  Jiangda looked at him inquiringly.

   "...what do you think you should do?"

  The ball is kicked back again.

  Yang Jinqiu dissatisfiedly grabbed her husband’s sleeves and questioned with his eyes: How can you hand over the initiative? !

  Jiang Hua ignored him and only looked at Jiang Da.

  The latter did not respond in a hurry, but calmly asked: "What do I think, can you do it?"

  Now, Jiang Hua's eyes immediately changed when he saw him.

  It's like seeing a **** suddenly walking like flying, and a dumb stupefied like Hong Zhong.

   "Second, you reply."

   "Brother, I... I must be considerate of you, and I want to be fair as much as possible, but I can't count this matter alone, it depends on what the third child thinks."

  Jiang Teng immediately stopped doing it.

   "Second brother, what do you mean by that? Dare to love you as a good person, I am a bad person?"

   Jiang Hua frowned: "What are you making? Speak well."

"I'm not talking about it yet?" Jiang Teng sneered, "Okay, then I'll make a statement. If the second brother doesn't accept the eldest brother's money today, then I won't accept it! Since you want to be a good person, then everyone should be together. Don’t do any bad things that belong to others, and leave your good reputation to yourself."

   Jiang Hua's face suddenly turned blue and white.

   Jiang Teng seemed to win a round and exchanged a triumphant look with his wife, elated.

  Compared to the eldest brother's family, he can't bear the hypocrisy of the second child.

  One set in front of him, one set behind his back, when he is blind and can't see?

  Finally, Jiang Da did not pay a penny and left with his wife and children.

   Jiang Hua and Jiang Teng were left with big eyes and small eyes.

   Jiang Hua: "Idiot! I was bypassed in one sentence."

   Jiang Teng: "I am willing, haha!"

  Yang Jinqiu and Liu Shuting looked at each other, and both gave each other the greatest hostility and contempt.

  This time, only the two companies can share the expenses equally.

   Liu Shuting: "Suddenly I feel that this is not appropriate."

  Yang Jinqiu: "?"

Liu Shuting: "I probably do the calculations. The eldest brother has no guests. The guests of Jiang Teng and I only occupy five tables, but the guests of the second brother and sister-in-law accounted for twelve. If the cost is calculated by head, how Shouldn't it be flat?"


  "Isn't it? You have a lot of guests, and the natural expenses are also high. Shouldn't the expenses be the largest?"

   "Liu Shuting, you can still care about it?"

"It's called the brothers to settle accounts. It doesn't make sense that the big brother does not suffer, so let us suffer such a big loss, right? The second brother will make more money, what is the three to fifty thousand? Besides, your family also receives the most gifts, maybe There is still a profit after deducting the cost!"

  Jiang Teng immediately echoed: "Yes, you should be big, so it's fair!"

   Jiang Hua's face was ugly to the extreme.

  Yang Jinqiu was so angry that his eyes almost turned white.

  I knew...she didn’t propose to call the eldest family back. Stealing chickens won’t be a loss!

  Heart is bleeding!


  But said that as soon as Jiang Da went home, he changed his clothes and went to open a shop immediately.

  Han Yunru cooked dinner for the brothers and sisters, “The dishes are on the stove, you eat by yourself, I’ll go to the store to see.”

   "Mom." Jiang Fuyue stopped the person suddenly.


   "Why have I never seen my grandpa and grandma?"

  Han Yun is astonished.

    Today, the five-shift is finished in one breath, so the afternoon is gone, see you tomorrow morning~

     See Zaiyu Continuing Wangeng so hard and staring at me, little sisters who have monthly tickets, just stay (shy)



  (End of this chapter)

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