After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 12: Into the Olympiad, Ling Xuan is bored

  Chapter 12 Entering the Mathematical Olympiad Class, Ling Xuan's boredom

  "What's the matter?" Xie Dingyuan sat down on the sofa.

  Zhong Ziang stood on the opposite side, looking coy.

   "It's okay, I'm going out." He has a habit of taking a walk after dinner. He sits down here purely to hear what the big nephew is going to say.

   "Don't... Uncle, don't go!"

   "I don't have so much time to play with you, speechless."

  "..." Who said his uncle was not good at words? Can a tongue move poison people to death every minute?

  Zhong Ziang took a deep breath, telling himself, I’m used to it, it doesn’t matter!

  But I still want to scold my mother...

   "You, have nothing to ask me?"

  Xie Dingyuan pondered for a moment: "The reason for the fight, talk about it."

"You don't know that the **** surnamed Yi is too rampant. He walked over to my table and took my book down, but didn't pick it up? Who gave him the courage to get fat! Don't give him something. Lesson, where should I put my dignified Shao Zhong's face?!"

   Crackling, just like pouring beans, classmate Zhong said that it was a spit.

  Xie Dingyuan understood: "...You still think you are right."

  Zhong Ziang's neck was thick, and he argued for reasons: "I was right, where did I go wrong?"

  "It is one mistake to fail to comply with the school rules and to fight and fight; in front of the teacher, it is two mistakes to not converge; it is three mistakes to refuse to reflect and be arrogant. You are wrong everywhere."

  The man's tone is calm, but he is inexplicably pressured.

  The cold eyes with frost and snow were light and almost merciless. With just one glance, Zhong Ziang was firmly nailed in place, his whole body stiff.

  It took a long time to find his voice, but he still refused to accept: "According to you, I can only be bullied, and I lie flat and get beaten?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "You can have smarter solutions."

  Zhong Ziang: "For example?"

"If you think his behavior is wrong, you can tell the class teacher or even the principal that it is not impossible to report to the police even if it is serious. Since it can be resolved within the rules and regulations, and you are the one who is in charge, why use violence to give the other party? Chance to bite back?"

"Uncle, you are all an adult. Isn't it a matter of rules, regulations, etc.? You are not a primary school student... Besides, there are not many primary school students who follow the rules these days... You are afraid, I'm not afraid, he doesn't pick it up. I'll beat it until he picks it up!"

  The man replied: "Did he pick it up?"


   is all open, who cares so much?

  Zhong Ziang muffled: "I don't know."

  "First of all, the rules are the rules. Since you are in this circle, you should abide by them. Secondly, the rules have nothing to do with your age. Finally, your non-compliance has caused you to lose more than you gain. This is a lesson."

  After speaking, get up and go out.

  Zhong Ziang shouted at his back: "I don't believe you didn't break the rules in your life! Even if you don't have it now, you will definitely have it in the future!"

  Xie Dingyuan kept walking and said coldly: "It will never be possible."

  The two uncle-nephews broke up this night.

  The next day, Zhong Ziang went to school as usual. He met Yi Ci at the school gate. His eyes collided as if he was in a hand-to-hand contact. Then he moved away at the same time, walking on each side.

  The atmosphere of Class 7 was wrong throughout the morning.

  Zhong Ziang thought: You have to teach the girl a lesson before you know why the flower is so red!

  Easy to think: The rich pigs from the capital are just like that, and they don't have to be beaten.

   But she said that Jiang Fuyue's side, the price of staying up late and finishing all the test papers was that she had fallen asleep the whole morning.

During the    period, the Chinese teacher did not care, Xu Jing opened one eye and closed one eye, but Jiang Fuyue was called twice in physics class, once to answer questions, and once to do questions on stage.

  Wan Xiutong and Liu Bowen at the front table were also called up at the same time.

Wan Xiutong is a good student. He listens carefully in get out of class, finishes homework on time after class, and never sloppy. Although this question is somewhat difficult, Yu Wenzhou has said something similar before. She did a good job of taking notes, but she just reviewed it yesterday. A little stumbling, anyway, the general direction is fine.

  As for Liu Bowen, don’t worry. He ranks first in the class all the year round, and he is a proper student.

  Only Jiang Fuyue...

  Everyone felt that she was called up by Yu Wenzhou to do the question because she was sleeping, so she could take the opportunity to beat her.

  In fact, Yu Wenzhou really planned it this way.

  Fortunately, he had changed his opinion of the last one the day before yesterday. He walked to her side specially after class, and encouraged a few words along the way. Hey, I didn’t expect to give him such a show in a blink of an eye!

  Unfortunately, the following plot did not develop as most people expected. When Jiang Fuyue brushed through the steps and asked Yu Wenzhou if she could go down, the whole class was silent because they were all stunned.

  Even Yu Wenzhou himself was confused: "It's over, it's over?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "It's over."

  Liu Bowen moved for a while, and couldn’t help but look to the side, only to see that the steps written by Jiang Fuyue did not occupy half of the blackboard, and it was done randomly...

  He sighed and started the next calculation.

  At this moment, Yu Wenzhou, who had reacted, spoke up—

   "The answer is correct, go on."

  Jiang Fuyue said "Oh", returned to her seat, folded her hands, and went down to sleep.

  Yu Wenzhou: "..."

  All classmates: "..."

  Since then, Liu Bowen’s look at Jiang Fuyue has changed.

   was captured several times by Wan Xiutong on the spot: "What are you staring at Jiang Jiang for?"

   "I think it's strange."


  In the afternoon, Jiang Fuyue did not attend the classroom because—

  She went to Mathematical Olympiad.

  Olympic training once a week is concentrated on Thursday afternoon, no matter what grade or class you are in, you must drop the class schedule to participate.

  Olympic mathematics class and material competition class were conducted at the same time. There was originally a chemical competition class, but it was cancelled a few years ago and has not been reopened.

   When Jiang Fuyue walked in with her schoolbag on her back, it once again caused a "silent" special effect.

  The girl put one hand in her pocket, her schoolbag slanted slantingly on her back, and the pony tail swayed as she walked step by step.

At first, facing the light, she couldn't see her face clearly, but when she left the dazzling sun behind her and walked to the middle of the classroom refreshingly, that overly beautiful and hidden face was absolutely stunning and she couldn't prevent it from colliding. Everyone's eyes.

  "Zhi—why did she come?" Thanks to that post, Sun Cheng knew Jiang Fuyue.

  Of course, it’s not a good impression.

  Ling Xuan heard the words, and pressed the test paper that he had just taken out, his brows tightened slightly.

   "Hey, A Xuan, the cowhide candy, it's actually stuck here, your boy is in debt..."

   "Don't talk nonsense." Ling Xuan lowered his eyes, half-flopped eyelids covering a flash of boredom.

"But to be honest, she has become a lot more beautiful, her skin is as white as snow, and her eyes seem to have water flowing, and her whole temperament is different. Did you take a look?" Sun Cheng smirked and bumped his buddies. Child shoulders.

  Ling Xuan lightly scolded: "I have time to joke, have you finished writing the paper?"

   "Damn—I almost forgot, let me learn from it quickly, didn’t you make that proof question..."



  Ling Xuan: "Old Xu is here."

  (End of this chapter)

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