Episode 122

  Walk wherever you go.

  Yi Ci: "It's a bit late, do you still have a seat?"

  One middle school carries a handle, everyone is stupid now, including Liu Bowen, the initiator of the party.

   "Wh, what's the situation?"

   "Today is blowing the demon wind? The school grass has not enough flowers, but also a school bully?"

   "Speaking of cattle, it is still the best in Wenwen, and even this one is willing to show his face."

  The best Wenwenzi: Actually, I am also very dazed, right?

  "Brother Ci! Here!" Liu Fei waved at him, and there was a vacancy next to him, which was reserved for him.

  Who knows that Yi Ci didn’t even look at it, and walked straight to Hou Siyuan, with one hand resting on the back of his chair, with a faint smile: "Student Hou, give me a seat?"

  Hou Siyuan stiffly looked away, and looked at Liu Fei's side, "You, your seat is there."

   "But I just want to sit with you, what should I do?"

The tone of    sank, it was a joke, but no one would really take it as a joke.

  Hou Siyuan’s heart and liver trembled and his scalp was numb. Seeing that he could not resist the pressure in the next second, he agreed, and suddenly a sneer fell into the ears of everyone present——

   "Heh! I said Yi Ci, you are so courageous! Do you dare to grab the seat of the young master?"

Everyone looked for fame, but saw Zhong Zi stepping through the door. He was dressed in a black suit, with an open coat revealing a white shirt and a gentlemanly vest, with his hands in his pockets, two long legs set against the suit trousers, straight and slender. .

  A pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and her hair is meticulously combed, as if she just left at a banquet.

He just stopped there, pretending all over his body, plus the extravagance of his gestures, and adding a trace of the cynical cynicism of the imperial son, a complete fan-shaped statistical chart appeared, oh no, it was a lofty, unattainable The image of the characters is interpreted vividly.

  Yes, acting.

  Jiang Fuyue looked at it at first glance, and she almost spewed a sip of tea. She thought that "youth version of Xie Dingyuan" broke through the barriers of time and space and fell from the sky.

   "Zhong Ziang?! Why are you here?!" Yi Ci frowned, with a bad tone.

   "You are here, why can't I be here? Right, little monkey?"

   "Yes, yes." Hou Siyuan nodded quickly, quickly gave up his seat, swished away.

  He couldn't provoke both of them, and they slipped away.

  Zhong Ziang walked over and was about to take a seat, but he was preempted by Yi Ci, who was closer, and sat down without moving.

  Zhong Ziang: "What do you mean? This is my seat!"

   "What you said is yours? Is your name on it? Cut—" Yi Ci smiled and hooked the corners of his mouth without a smile, his face full of disdain.

   "Hou Siyuan, who do you think the seat is reserved for?!"

  Poor little Hou Siyuan shrank in the farthest corner, wishing to turn himself into air, but unfortunately, it was counterproductive and was forced to name him.

Can't    let me go? !

  He roared inside.

  But the eyes of the two overlords are more ferocious than the other, he persuaded!

  First, he kindly pulled out a smile at Yi Ci, and then faced Zhong Ziang’s murderous gaze: "In the beginning, it was reserved for classmate Zhong..."

   "Very good!" Yi Ci squeezed his fingers, "You also said that at the beginning, now that you ran away, and the seat was vacated, and it was occupied by me, it was mine. Is there any problem?"

   Hou Siyuan: "?" I am more wronged than Dou E!

  Zhong Ziang: "..." The dog was smashed by the cub, and he was shameless!

   "This man, you let it be!" Zhong Shao was born with no idea what "counseling" means.

  Is it easy to provoke Yi Ci for so many years?

   "What can I do if I don't let you?" The smile was provocative, arrogant.

   "Since you don't eat soft ones, you can only taste hard ones."

   "Come on! Who is afraid of whom?"

  The two are evenly matched, and no one will let them go.

   Seeing that the atmosphere is getting more and more tense, everyone around the audience is stupid.

  Not just one seat? As for? Was it inlaid with gold or silver?

   "That Ang, Brother Ang, do you want my seat?" Liu Fei tentatively spoke carefully.

  Zhong Ziangniao doesn’t bother him.

   Liu Fei glanced at Yi Shi, who was confidently occupying his seat, and he couldn't afford it even more.

  In these years, it’s hard to be a good person...

   Just when the air pressure was extremely low and the battle was about to start, Liu Bowen suddenly stood up: "Don't fight! Let me let you--"

   After finishing speaking, he went to another seat and sat down, but a pair of shrewd gossip eyes kept patrolling between Zhong Ziang, Yi Ci, and Jiang Fuyue.

  Oh, by the way, let’s add Ling Xuan, and see that his face is almost black, and I still don’t admit that I’m thinking about Sister Yue, just pretend it, and see when you can pretend to be!

   Just when everyone felt that Liu Bowen’s "giving place" was still of no avail, Zhong Ziang actually walked over and sat down? !


  No one in the room is a fool. After a little thought, he will understand. Dare to feel that these two overlords are both from Jiang Jiang Fuyue?

  Everyone quickly exchanged their eyes, as if they broke through a scandal of the century.

【real or fake? 】

  [Intuition tells me that these three people have JQ! 】

   [Sister Yue’s charm is not covered, it makes two big handsome men lose their waists! 】

  【The overbearing president falls in love with me and warns. 】

  【She is here, she is here! She came with the halo of the heroine of Mary Su's novel! 】

   [That's not right, sister Yue's reaction is too...er! It's a little flat. 】

  I saw Jiang Fuyue holding the phone and staring at the screen intently. Except for Yi Ci and Zhong Ziang when she came in, she raised her head and looked up. The rest of the time, even Liu Bowen took the initiative to give way to her and her response was mediocre.

  It seems that the sudden silence in the private room made her later realize that something was wrong. While looking away, she turned off the screen and raised her eyes to meet the subtle expressions of everyone. For a moment she was at a loss——

   "Will you not serve food? Who else are you waiting for?"

  Zhong Ziang: "..."

  Easy words: "……"

  Everyone: "..."

  You are arguing for your arrogance, but nothing happened to me.

   Liu Bowen gave a thumbs up silently: This is the master wow!


  Soon, large and small plates were brought up to fill the entire table.

During   , someone turned the stage and almost brought the tea cup in front of Jiang Fuyue, and two flower guards, one left and one right, shot at the same time.

  Zhong Ziang met first and stabilized.

  Yi Ci moved the cup a little bit again, forever.

   Eyes facing each other, the two people's eyes collided in the air, and invisible sparks spattered in all directions.

  Even Hou Siyuan, who was avoiding a long distance, could smell the smoke of gunpowder.

  Ling Xuan sits directly opposite Jiang Fuyue, can see the girl's unmoved face clearly, and can naturally see the eagerness of Zhong and Yi.

  He clamped a piece of ribs nearest to him, put it in his mouth, and after chewing for two bites, he found that it was not delicious.

   can be hindered by etiquette education, but can not spit out in public.


  Rugged in the throat!

  Lin Yao glanced at the other hand that the boy clasped randomly on his leg under the table, already clenched into a fist.

  She has known Ling Xuan for so many years, and she has the impression that this is a quiet, introverted, gentle and restrained young boy. She has never seen him fluctuate so much. Like a drawn bow, there is the possibility of breaking at any time.

   "A Xuan..." She raised her hand, gently covering the back of his hand, her soft voice with soothing magic: "Is it all right?"

  Moisturizing things are silent, unconsciously from Shu Tang.

  But in the next second, Ling Xuan suddenly withdrew his hand, seeing her eyes stained with seriousness: "Lin Yao, don't do this again next time, it's not good to be seen."

   "But I am willing to..."

"I do not want to."

  Lin Yao's pupils tightened, and bit her lip embarrassingly: "You, do you have someone you like?"

   Ling Xuan flashed across his eyes for a while, and then replied for a while: "...nothing."

  Lin Yao didn't believe it, her suspicious eyes fell on the opposite Jiang Fuyue's face that was too cold but made people look at it once and again.

  She is beautiful, there is no doubt about it.

  The results are also beyond imagination.

   can be born from a humble background, yet unreasonable, and often looks cold and cold that strangers shouldn't be near.

  It is estimated that there is no chance to learn musical instruments and ball games. As for tea art, flower arranging, yoga, and cooking, I have never touched the connections of rich daughters to pass the time.

  The most important thing is his personality. Ling Xuan is introverted and calm, and he needs a considerate and considerate girlfriend, not a wild woman who just wants to learn and is a little incomprehensible!

  At this point, Lin Yao is confident that she can win.

  Jiang Fuyue was eating food while thinking about the news sent by Uncle Liu just now.

  Yesterday after she gave the keys to King and Queen to Hu Ben and Xiao Liu, the two of them wore suits and ties and left for office this morning.

  Not a word to ask Liu Jinzhong to send someone to teach them to manage the bar first.

  Uncle Liu was worried that the two had no management experience and did not understand the doorway in the middle, and they would run into trouble. He turned around and reported it to Jiang Fuyue as soon as he received the news.

  She replied: [Don’t worry, let them do it, and when the mess can’t be cleaned up, she will tie up the people directly in front of me. 】

  Liu Jinzhong: [Yes. 】

  Jiang Fuyue is a little curious about what these two people can make a good bar.

  Thinking about this, she curled her lips with interest, but unexpectedly noticed the prying gaze facing her. She sharpened her eyes and raised her eyes suddenly.

  Lin Yao didn't expect that the other party would suddenly look at herself, and she was taken aback.

   Before she could respond, Jiang Fuyue had lowered her eyelids, as if she was a little bit dodge.

  Why hide?

  Of course it’s because of low self-esteem!

  She couldn't compare to herself, seeing herself sitting next to Ling Xuan, so she chose to escape.

  This made Lin Yao’s frustrated sense of superiority healed again and became stronger.

  Xin said, Jiang Fuyue is quite self-aware.

  Does this have another advantage?

   "Yaoyao, why didn't I see you move your chopsticks? Isn't it unpalatable?" Aside, Tang Ruoyan whispered concern, and put a piece of her favorite ribs into her bowl.

  "Try it, this is not bad!"

   Lin Yao quickly passed a touch of disgust in her eyes, but she converged cleanly after a while: "Thank you, but I have been controlling fat recently, so... I'm sorry."

   "Gosh! Are you so skinny and still lose weight? How do we live?" Tang Ruoyan was used to holding her up. With this opening, her tone was not consciously exaggerated, and the decibels were also widened.

  Many people around heard it.

  Lin Yao looked embarrassed.

   Tang Ruoyan was unaware of him. Instead, she took this opportunity to spare no effort to help Lin Yao find her presence, trying to draw everyone's attention to Jiang Fuyue, Zhong, and Yi.

   "Do you think that? Yaoyao is so thin, and she is still losing weight. This is too self-disciplined! Sure enough, the goddess is not something ordinary people can be!"

  Everyone looked at Lin Yao subconsciously, and saw that except for the ribs in her bowl, the edges were clean, and the chopsticks were still on the table, but they didn't move.

  "In life, eating and drinking are two words, and you can't enjoy food happily. That would be too awkward." Someone said.

   "Yes, I feel boring without eating meat for a day!"

  "When I was young, I didn't eat it. When people are easy to get blessed in middle age, I don't have to eat if I want to eat."

Tang Ruoyan: "Boys don't pay much attention to appearance. Of course, you can eat and drink when you want. How can you compare with girls? We not only control fat to maintain a figure, but also control sugar to prevent aging. Which girl does not diet? Forget it, you don’t understand it."

   "Yes! I think Sister Yue eats it deliciously."

  As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Jiang Fuyue, and saw two bowls and one plate in front of her. The bowls were used for rice and soup, and the plates were used for vegetables.

  The action is fast, accurate, and polite; chewing and swallowing are conscientious, and eating is delicious.

  Compared with Lin Yao's conscientious support, Jiang Fuyue's boldness is obviously more popular.

   "Wipe-I was already full, but watching sister Yue eat, I feel like I can eat two more bowls."

   "The goddess is so beautiful that she even eats meat."

   "Look, people don't have to go on a diet?" The man turned his head and looked at Tang Ruoyan.

  Hang Haoran nodded in agreement.

  Tang Ruoyan gave him a fierce look, her cheeks flushed: "I..."

   "Maybe everyone has a different body constitution," Lin Yao smiled and said, "I can't eat like this."

  Tang Ruoyan quickly answered: "Neither can I!"

  Lin Yao's eyelids twitched.

   "So Yue Jie belongs to the type who is born not to be fat?"

   Lin Yao: "...it should be."

   "Is there something to say? What's innate...it's not easy to give up?"

  "Natural beauty is hard to give up!"

  "Yes, yes, this sentence was created specifically for Sister Yue!"




  Liu Bowen and Hou Siyuan, the two poor little ones who were forced to give way while listening, eating, and nodding frantically.

  Sister Yue is the most beautiful, so I don’t accept rebuttal!

  Tang Ruoyan couldn't help but curl her lips, what's so great?

  Lin Yao still had a smile on her face, but the bottom of her eyes had already been frozen, and after that, she didn't even touch the chopsticks.

   Just sitting like a vase, beautiful is beautiful, but lifeless.

  Ling Xuan frowned upon seeing this, "Since I didn't plan to eat, why bother to participate?"

  Lin Yao never appeared on such occasions before.

  Ling Xuan is also.

  But today, two people are here.

   "Why are you, I will be why." She said.


  Naxiang, I was 70% full, and when Jiang Fuyue was about to put the chopsticks, Yi Ci suddenly picked up a piece of tofu and put it in her bowl.

  I use public chopsticks.

   "Um... I think you like to eat it. This is the last piece."

  Zhong Ziang snorted coldly, "Little trick..."

   Then directly called the waiter and pointed at the dish: "Bring me another plate!"

  Easy speech: "?"

  Zhong Ziang: Hey a little bit, are you stupid?

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  Heh, the rookies peck at each other.

   "I'm full, go out to breathe, you guys eat slowly." After speaking, got up and left.

  As a result, there is no barrier between Yi Ci and Zhong Ziang.

  The atmosphere immediately became tense.

  Yi Ci sneered: "Some people can't live up to their own money if they have a few stinky money. To put it bluntly, they will have a lot of money and a silly old hat!"

  Zhong Ziang is not to be outdone: “That’s better than some people’s courtesy. The key is that they accept it?”

  Speaking, he glanced at the untouched tofu in the bowl.

  Easy speech: "..." Damn!

   "Um, I'm sorry, excuse me," the waiter said with difficulty, "Do you want fried small tofu?"

  Yi Ci licked his lips: "Do you want it? Shao Zhong? You said it as if you were accepted, isn't it the same as me?"

  Zhong Zi raised his eyebrows and twitched: "No more! No more! The movements are so slow!"

  The waiter standing on the side from beginning to end: "?"

   is very innocent.


After Jiang Fuyue went out, he called Niu Chunhua back by the way.

  Long Tian has been cleaned up, and his party feathers have also been cut by Liu Jinzhong.

   "...but when he went, he was still clamoring to see you, saying something like the building came back."

  Niu Chunhua didn't know that Lou Mingyue had the identity of "Lou Sheng" in her previous life, but the day she cleared the door, plus the words that Long Tian spit out crazy after being taken away, she had some guesses in her heart.

   But I won’t be so stupid to ask Jiang Fuyue directly.

  She knows the limits and distances that should be there.

   "I didn't give him a chance to talk nonsense. I just gagged and threw it to feed the sharks. Isn't he nicknamed the "Dragon King"? Now he really went to be the king of the sea."

  Jiang Fuyue: "That should also be called Sea King."

  The other end was taken aback, and immediately laughed: "...The mouth is as poisonous as ever."


  Ending the call, Jiang Fuyue turned around and walked in. After two steps, she ran into Zhong Ziang head-on.

  "Why did you go back yesterday? Did you get a taxi in the back?"

   "Yeah." Jiang Fuyue nodded.

   "It's not... what are you? I said so much, you just answer a word? It's too perfunctory, right? I was worried about you for the night..."

  Jiang Fuyue looked at him with weird and subtle eyes, Zhong Ziang was staring at him so that his scalp was tingling——

   "You, what are you looking at?"

   "It looks strange."


  It took a long time for Zhong Ziang to react: "...You satirize me?!"

   actually said that he was "exotic".

  "Is it right? Just since we beat you more than two times, we can't be friends, but you just posted it on your own initiative and asked you warmly, why?"

  Speaking, she took a step forward, the distance between the two shortened, her eyes were facing each other, and her breathing was close at hand.

  Jiang Fuyue’s dark and faint pupils seem to want to see him through. Under the sharpness of this insight, it seems that all ghost tricks will be invisible——

  "Have you heard a word?"

  Zhong Ziang's heartbeat thumped: "What, what?"

  "Nothing to show courtesy, if you do not commit crimes, you will steal."

   "...is it, can't it be the concern among classmates?"

   "Of course you can, but Zhong classmate, do you have too much control? Huh?"

  The tail sound rises, like a feather brushing over the apex of a teenager's heart.

   "No, not much..." He couldn't help swallowing, and subconsciously wanted to retreat, so as to avoid her breathtaking questioning.

  Jiang Fuyue glanced lightly and reminded: "Don't go back, there is a pool behind."

   "Huh? Oh!" Zhong Ziang yin.

  Suddenly, "What are you playing with Yi Ci?"

  'S understatement, as if mentioned inadvertently, but killed the boy by surprise.

   "...no, nothing!"

   "Nothing, why are you nervous? My pupils are dilated, my muscles are stiff, and my voice is a few degrees higher. Only when I have a guilty conscience, I will deliberately emphasize it."

  Zhong Ziang was shocked when he heard it, but Jiang Fuyue’s radar-like sight still stayed on his face, so he could not show the slightest timidity or dodge.

  He can only hold on to look at her, but in fact his back is already soaked.


  Jiang Fuyue retracted her gaze, and took the initiative to step back, giving him enough breathing space.


   "I don't believe you. One day, I will know the truth. Don't bet on who will catch me first."

  Zhong Ziang: "!"

Grass! Almost scared to pee.

   Jiang Fuyue finished speaking and strode in.

  Zhong Ziang stood there, stayed in a daze, and suddenly caught up with him: "Wait—"

  The girl stopped looking back, smiled and curled her lips: "Why, decide to confess to be more lenient?"

   "Cough! I didn't do anything bad, there is nothing to confess..." He whispered to himself.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, "Then what do you tell me to do?"

  He suddenly took a half step back, stood upright, and smoothly adjusted his suit, vest and shirt collar, suddenly raised his jaw, and looked at the girl intently—

"How about it?"


  Jiang Fuyue: "How about what?"

   "I am in this body!" As he said, he also focused on supporting the gold glasses that hadn't slipped on the bridge of his nose.

   "...Do you want to be honest?"


  Jiang Fuyue showed a close look, and took a few serious glances: "First of all, I will ask you a question."


  "You wear a vest in the summer and tie the shirt collar to the last one. Isn’t it hot?"

  Zhong Ziang: "...Yes, a little bit. But don't you think that I am such a gentleman, a special fan? Just like the male protagonist from Shakespeare, every move is synonymous with romance."

   "Shakespeare? I think you look a lot like him, just a ‘shi’."

  Zhong Ziang: "?"

  Shakespeare, one less "taxi"...



  Jiang Fuyue spread her hands together: "You said it yourself, don't blame me."

  Zhong Ziang: "..." Do it!

   "Oh, by the way, can you not lift your chin when you look at people?"

   "Why, why?" Intuition will not have any good words.

   "Like a cockfight."

  Zhong Ziang is about to cry.

   "You are talking nonsense! Hit me deliberately! The old uncle wears this way, his chin is raised higher than me, but there are women sticking up wherever he goes."

  Old uncle?

  Xie Dingyuan?

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes cold: "Oh, maybe he is a fighter in cockfighting, and his chin can fly into the sky."

  After speaking, strode away.

   "This, how can it be a chicken? Is there a handsome chicken like me?"

   "Even if it's a chicken, why am I not a fighter, the old man is the one? Obviously I can be more abrupt?"

  Young Master Zhong was puzzled on the spot.


  It didn't take long for Jiang Fuyue to return to the private room, and everyone was almost eating.

   was about to disperse, suddenly, Hou Siyuan stood up holding a cup: "Wait a minute! I have something to say!"

  Everyone was taken aback, and then sat back.

Hou Siyuan took a deep breath, as if taking out 120,000 points of bravery: "I want to respect someone for this cup. Originally, I was a hindrance in the sports competition class. When the school didn't pay much attention to sports competition, I was in that class. Now, let it go, and then suddenly adjust the difficulty and say that I will participate this year..."

"I remember that a lot of people left that day, and in the end there were only a dozen classmates left. To be honest, I also wanted to retire, but that day, I had diarrhea and went to the toilet. I didn’t have time to choose. In the end, I stayed behind. NS."

   "But I am not good at basics. I can't even keep up with the average progress in the class. Then, I get anxious and can't sleep all night. I fall asleep and write test papers in my dreams."

   "It can be said that those days were the darkest and scariest time in my entire high school period. I can't help but feel trembling and sweaty palms even thinking about it now."

   "Because of the pressure, I couldn't help but vomit in class. I vomited once in the last class, and now some people call me ‘vomit baby’..."

   suddenly drew a burst of laughter.

  Recalling the ups and downs of the training camp, everyone has different degrees of emotion on their faces.

  Hou Siyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "It was she who rescued me from this unreleasable pressure, and the way to rescue me was...cough! It made me feel more pressure."

   "Hahahaha..." The laughter was louder.

  Everyone also knew who Hou Siyuan wanted to respect with this cup, and they all looked at Jiang Fuyue.

  Tang Ruoyan sat beside Hang Haoran, watching him staring at Jiang Fuyue, with an expression of excitement and admiration, and couldn't help but curl her lips.

  Lin Yao felt a little discomfort in such an atmosphere.

  She is not a member of the material competition class, and has not experienced what Hou Siyuan said, so she can't find empathy at all, so she can only sit quietly and listen quietly.

  On the other hand, Ling Xuan, although his emotions were not exposed to others, the soft smile on his lips revealed his true emotions.

  This is his and Jiang Fuyue’s common experience, which constitutes a memory segment of me in you and you in me.

  Lin Yao has never participated, so she is not even qualified to talk about feelings together.

  This made her deeply jealous of Jiang Fuyue.

  And on similar occasions, for the first time, she was no longer the focus of the chase of the whole audience, but was set off by another girl who was not as good as her.

  Lin Yao pursed her lips, unconsciously tightened her hand under the table, pulling out the wrinkles of the tablecloth.

  Hou Siyuan: "...From that day on, I have lived a life of dire straits, because she is so horrible! Five minutes to solve a final question, ten minutes to complete a complete set of difficult A++ test papers."

   "But the amazing thing is that I didn't vomit. It may be because Liu Bowen and I were both scumbags in front of her. Since they are both scumbags, what are the three or sixty-nine classes? Right?"

  Everyone echoed: "Yes! That's right! We are all scumbags in front of her!"

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head and laughed.

  Hou Siyuan: "...Later, I passed the first test, advanced to the semi-finals, and finally won the national first prize. I didn't even dare to dream of it before it was put aside."

  Finally, he looked at Jiang Fuyue: "It was you who made me who I am now, a better Hou Siyuan; it was also you who made me see what a real ‘genius learner’ is!"

"That feeling... how do you say it? It's like seeing a shining lighthouse on the endless sea. Standing so high and shining so brightly, it is the target of future navigation and the peak of the height that humans can climb. It is very magnificent. , Also very powerful."


  Magnificent and powerful.

  He told everyone’s perception of Jiang Fuyue.

  If there must be a benchmark in life, then Jiang Fuyue is definitely the one that stands at the highest and farthest point, and everyone can see but few people will reach it.

  How fortunate, people like them passed by her and witnessed her towering, but no one has ever visually detected her true height.

  Hou Siyuan: "In short, Yue Jie, you are the eternal goddess in my heart. I respect you for this cup!"

  The applause was thunderous.

  Jiang Fuyue slowly got up and picked up the tea cup in front of him.

   is no longer the expressionless face facing Zhong and Yi, her mouth is smiling, and her beautiful peach eyes are full of soft light.

  Everyone knows Jiang Fuyuemei, but because of her overpowering strength, she subconsciously ignores her feminine qualities.

  For example, she will smile and be bright, and there are girls who are innocent, pure and playful.

  At this moment, everyone’s faces are full of surprises.

  Ling Xuan smiled.

  Yi Ci's eyes shine.

  Zhong Ziang's eyes are a little bit embarrassing: It turns out that she laughed like this...

  But never smiled at him.

   Yu Guang swept over Yi Ci, there was nothing to force him, he was instantly balanced.

  Jiang Fuyue's cup and Hou Siyuan's hand gently touched: "You have worked very hard, and everything you get now is what you deserve. Congratulations."

   "Sister Yue, say a few words to encourage everyone? You can't pet a monkey alone, can you?" Liu Fei proposed loudly.

  Everyone immediately agreed--


   "The goddess also gave us a few good words! Write them down when you get home, mount them on the wall!"

  "I can make a cup with words, and put it next to me every day. I drink it with full marks, and when I cough it up, I can also get full marks, wonderful~"

   "Oh! He Xin, you are really enough!"


  Hospitality is difficult, Jiang Fuyue thought for a while, and finally gave them a sentence—

  "Study hard, make progress every day, and strive to build a great motherland."


  If special effects can be added, then there must be a group of crows flying by at this time.

  The whole audience seemed to press the pause button, and everyone would not respond.

  One second, two seconds...

  A full five seconds passed, and suddenly a chuckle burst out, with a girl’s unique charm.

  Tang Ruoyan covered her mouth, "How old is it to build a great motherland? Classmate Jiang, are you too old-fashioned?"

    8,000 characters, two watchdogs are together~ (Little flower shakes her hand up, she asks for votes every day)

     Prize-winning question and answer: What's next for sister Yue?

     A, rebut immediately; B, say nothing



  (End of this chapter)

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