After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 142: Witnessing closeness, Xie Gou was rejected (three shifts)

  Chapter 142 Seeing getting close, Xie Gou was rejected (three shifts)

  The man’s apology came suddenly, and Jiang Fuyue couldn’t help being vigilant when she was surprised.

   People like Xie Dingyuan have goals in their hearts, their words have deep meaning, and their words and actions must be considered.

  He will apologize, Jiang Fuyue letter.

  She has no doubt about sincerity.

  It's just that there is a bit of sincerity. Whether it has other purposes, it is necessary to raise a question mark.

  His thoughts turned a hundred times, but Jiang Fuyue didn't show it at all.

   "Your apology, I accept. The car is coming," she picked up the phone and glanced, "Go ahead."

  After all, he still didn't let him send it.

  Xie Dingyuan frowned and watched the girl walk away from her back until she disappeared at the corner of the end.

  He turned back to the bathroom and continued to wait, but his brows were never stretched.

   "Zhong Ziang, are you alright?" He was impatient to urge.

  For a while, no one answered.

  Xie Dingyuan went directly in, only to find that it was empty inside, and Zhong Ziang was nowhere to be seen.


  Outside the bar, Zhong Ziang, who came out one step earlier, was facing the night breeze, half squinting his eyes with comfort.

   Suddenly, his eyes stopped, and then he was surprised: "Jiang Fuyue?!"

  The girl stagnated her back. She just met her uncle, turned her head and ran into her nephew again. What kind of **** luck did she step on?

  Zhong Ziang da da da trot over: "It's really you? Why are you here?"

  Even the problem is exactly the same.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Come out and play."

"one person?"


   "Then why don't you ask me? It's not this young master who brags, this emperor is big and small, inside and out, eating, drinking, and having fun, nowhere I don't know."

  The **** gamer is him.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Walk around, too lazy to have trouble."

   "No trouble! No trouble at all! I'm happy to be with you, really!"

  The young man's eyes light up, and he can't wait to take out his true heart.

  Jiang Fuyue glanced around, isn't it the end?


  "Are you taking a taxi?" As if not aware of her indifference, Zhong Ziang smiled and asked for a topic.


   "I will send you to you!"

  At this moment, a call came in.


   "I'm sorry, the overhead is blocked, and you can't adjust your head. Please cancel the order and call the car again!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "..."

   "The Three Ring Road viaduct is so blocked as soon as it reaches this point, no one can't get off in 30 to 40 minutes, hehe..." Zhong Ziang rubbed his hands, "Why don't I see you?"

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at him suspiciously, his hair was messy, the corners of his eyes were red, and he saw a new injury.

   is also right, it’s not justified to commit a crime in Niu Chunhua's hands.

  Zhong Ziang immediately raised his chest: "This is an accident! I accidentally smashed, today I drove here, don’t look at my old uncle’s face, let me send you off, at least it’s a classmate or a friend, right?"

  Speaking, he got closer and closer, looking pleased.

  Jiang Fuyue smelled a scent of alcohol, and was about to avoid it, but suddenly heard a sentence from behind—

   "What are you doing?"

  Xie Dingyuan came out.

  Fu raised his eyes and saw Zhong Ziang leaning her entire head in front of Jiang Fuyue, but she didn't hide, only half a finger between the two, as if they would kiss together in the next second.

  The man’s eyes quickly froze, and the air around him seemed to freeze.

  The cold air pressure directly enveloped the two of them at a distance. Zhong Ziang's neck shrank, as if he was frightened, he immediately jumped two steps away.

  "Uncle, uncle...Where did you go? I haven't found you for a long time..." He whispered, his neck quickly covered with pink.

  Jiang Fuyue did not pay attention.

  Xie Dingyuan could see clearly.

   "Let's go." He went straight across Jiang Fuyue, wiping the girl's cheek with a cold wind.

   "No... I want to send her back first..."

   "You drank." Xie Dingyuan interrupted mercilessly.


  Zhong Ziang hate, what else would he drink?

   immediately surrounded Jiang Fuyue and scratched her cheeks, "I'm sorry, I, I forgot, shall we rent a taxi? I ​​will be with you and watch you enter the school gate."

  Is this a gift?

  Xie Dingyuan frowned, his eyes darkened: "My car..." can send her off.

   "Knowing that it's your car, we won't ride!" Zhong Ziang interrupted without waiting for him to finish.

  I'm afraid it will be like last time.

  Xie Dingyuan: "..." Well, it's time for Zhong Yunyi to relax his son.

   "That's right," Zhong Ziang had a flash of inspiration, "I'll call for a rider and send you back to Q University. By the way, you can also drive the car back for me, so I don't have to run to pick it up tomorrow."

  Jiang Fuyue saw that it was really difficult to take a taxi nearby, and agreed.

  Zhong Ziang: "Hehehehe..." Happy to fly.

  Finally, Xie Dingyuan started his engine and left with a black face.

  "Don't worry about my old uncle, he is like this, it's uncertain, even I can't guess what he is thinking..."

  Jiang Fuyue did not speak up.

  Zhong Ziang thought she was upset, and quickly explained: "My uncle didn't mean to target you. He treats everyone like this. Outsiders don't even want to touch his car. Even when I get off the car, I have to wipe the seat again."


   "He is obsessed with cleanliness."

  But this clean fetish actually offered to send her off just now? Jiang Fuyue was puzzled.

  Sure enough, is there another picture?



  Back to 201, the other three have not slept yet.

  Jiang Fuyue finished washing, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep quickly.

  The camp opening ceremony was re-held the next day. Jiang Fuyue, as the top scorer, was arranged to speak on stage.

  Xu Kaiqing stood aside, all in suits and ties, smiling very kindly, looking at the stage like a hen watching a chick, comforted and proud.

   Yan Zhenfeng: In fact, you can always keep a low profile.

  Xu Kaiqing: Am I "the hen watching the chicks"? Obviously "the little chicken looks at the hen"! Idiot!

   Yan Zhenfeng: Ha ha.

  Xu Kaiqing: Don’t believe it, that’s your Patriarch.

  Just as Jiang Fuyue was about to speak, things happened at this time...

    Three shifts, two thousand words.

【small theater】

     Xie 99: That day, you took my nephew’s car instead of mine.

    月 Sister: Huh?

     Xie 99: I also apologized, but I felt lonely.

     Yue sister: Oh.

     ask for monthly pass wow, babies, don’t let me beg for loneliness [laugh and cry]



  (End of this chapter)

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