After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 161: Competition group, two different types (one more)

  Chapter 161 Competition grouping, two heterogeneous (one more)

  Following the incident of "stuck bomb", Su Qing and Chen Sichang were punished, and they died since then.

  Xu had seen Jiang Fuyue’s "insidious", and the two of them felt more jealous. They usually didn't dare to provoke them in the women's bed, and they almost walked around when they saw it on the road.

  In this way, Jiang Fuyue became a real lonely person.

  She couldn't get in the Beijing circle, and her relationship with her roommates was not harmonious.

   falls in the eyes of outsiders-it deserves to be a bit pitiful.

   But in Jiang Fuyue's opinion-it is not too cool!

There are no people who are not long-sighted come up to provoke, and there is no mess and distraction. After completing the set training tasks every day, she still has time to process the group documents, read the financial reports over the years, and listen to Liu Jinzhong's report on Hu Ben and Xiao Liu who run the bar. Condition.

  "...Much better than expected. Although not professional enough, it wins because it is sleek and doesn't cause any major troubles."

  Jiang Fuyue said lightly: "Continue staring. How is Liu Sisi?"

  "I asked her about her own wishes. Last week, she was arranged to enter Camp A. She would learn her skills first and then learn skills."

  A camp, a training club under the group.

   On the surface, it looks like an ordinary training institution, but in fact it is Yufeng’s training ground.

  Both civil and martial arts are cultivated.

  From financial accounting to Sanda shooting, the talents who finally stand out are qualified to stand by Jiang Fuyue.

  Whether Liu Sisi can survive it, it's up to her.

  The routine report is over, Jiang Fuyue pinches to log in to the APP to watch the live broadcast of Jiang Xiaodi.

  The little boy is holding the rice cooker, and there is a large table in front of him, including meat and vegetables.

  He doesn't like talking, he just eats, and he eats seriously, the key is very fragrant.

  As if he could see the word "delicious" on his face across the screen.

  The comment area was well managed by Qian Wu, and almost no bad comments were seen. Even if there were, it was quickly deleted.

  Jiang Fuyue put her mobile phone aside, took out the test paper prepared in advance, and started the last task of the day.

  After finishing, she can go to bed.

  At half past nine, Jiang Xiaodi ended the live broadcast. She finished writing the last question and gathered the sixteen test papers.

  I packed my things and left the library. When I passed the trash can, I squeezed in the 30 test papers I wrote yesterday and today.

  Clap your hands and walk away quickly.

  This scene happened to be seen by Lin Shumo, who came out of the library one step behind.

It's impossible for Master Lin to go to the trash can and pull the test papers, but even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, it would not prevent him from knowing what Jiang Fuyue was doing.


  He walked over and fed the 12 test papers that he finished today to the trash can.

  When knowledge is carved into the brain, the carrier becomes dispensable.


  On the third day of entering the camp, start to divide into groups.

  In principle, it should be decided by drawing lots, but considering that everyone has been with someone who is familiar with it for a few days, after obtaining the consent of Yan Zhenfeng, the restrictions were relaxed and allowed to form teams on their own.

   Twenty-five people, divided into five groups, each group of five people, respectively managed by Yan Zhenfeng, three coaches, and life teacher Sun Qun.

  It’s management, but it’s not a big deal. After all, the daily training courses are arranged a long time ago. If you really want to take care of it, you can only take care of group cooperation and trivial life.

  So, Sun Qun, a life teacher, was also assigned the management qualification of a group.

  But obviously most students do not buy it.

   "Ms. Sun, all right? I heard that he seems to be majoring in chemistry."

   "He doesn't give us classes. It doesn't matter what major is it?"

"You are stupid? You are so stupid? After you divide into groups, you have to study in a group cooperation mode. The class is okay. Anyway, everyone is together, but if there is something you don’t understand after class, do you want to ask? You can’t ask Teacher Yan every time, right? If the teacher who manages our group can help at this time, wouldn’t it be much easier?”

   " seem to make sense to say that."

   "In short, teachers are resources. If you want to learn more, you must ensure that you have sufficient resources at hand and you can use them at any time. I didn't say that Teacher Sun is not good, but it's really not appropriate."

   "Everyone must choose Professor Yan, how can we get it?"

   "If you can't grab it, you have to try it, in case you get it? Besides, Professor Yan, and Professor Qin and the three coaches are all kings of physics. What are you afraid of?"

   "Ah... In this way, isn't Teacher Sun no one to choose?"

  Five seconds of silence.

  Someone whispered: "Who cares so much..."

  Summer camp is not the end, but the international arena.

  At this stage, it’s better to call it a training camp, but it is a cruel knockout game if it is not to be said.

  Twenty-five people, only five can stay, represent the country and stand on the IPhO arena.

  Since their first day in the camp, the competition has started, but it is not so obvious. Now this grouping has completely broken the surface harmony, revealing the cruel face of the competition.



   Yan Zhenfeng: "Have you been notified about the grouping?"

   "Yeah." Qin Libin nodded, but his eyes were obviously hesitant, "This really won't be a problem? In previous years, the lottery was drawn directly. Why did the students form their own teams this year?"

   Yan Zhenfeng: "Occasionally, I change my taste. Try something new. It's boring to go the old way."

   "Lao Yan, you can tell me what is the meaning of this arrangement? Don't let everyone get confused."

   Yan Zhenfeng sighed: "Remember the Tel Aviv game last year. How did we lose?"

  Several people couldn't help but fell silent.

  In the beginning, there was no problem at all in the individual competition. All five students performed very well, but in the end the team competition was defeated due to lack of overall planning and internal differences.

   "It is said that strong twisted melons are not sweet. Last year we were simply and rudely grouped directly, resulting in a lack of running-in between the members and lack of understanding of teamwork. This year, we can't do this anymore."

   "But if they separate out by themselves, there is not necessarily no contradiction. What's more, you have to consider the issue of uneven distribution..."

   Yan Zhenfeng nodded: "As long as it is a team, there can be no contradictions. I agree with this point, but contradictions can also be reconciled and irreconcilable. It is the issue of uneven distribution... I have to think again."

  Sun Qun smiled upon hearing the words, "Needless to say, I must be the least selected in this group."

  But the actual situation is more confusing than imagined.

  First of all, Yan Zhenfeng's group was full, which was expected.

  According to the order of registration, the first five are left.

  Then, those who were screened out began to rush into the three coaching teams.

  When these three groups are also full, only Sun Qun is left.

   "I don't want to be in this group!"

   "I also refuse! Why, because I am not as fast as others?"

  "This is not fair, I'm going to go to Master Yan!"

"I am coming too."

   "Why don't we join together?"

  The three of them turned their inquiring eyes to the other two hapless guys who had fallen into the same situation-Jiang Fuyue and Lin Shumo.

  "Are you going? We can try to get Teacher Sun to cancel this group and add us to other groups."

  Jiang Fuyue: "It doesn't matter which group you are in."

  Learning is on your own, not in groups.

  Although teamwork often has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, she doesn't need it.

  If she wants to, one person can do the work of the entire team, and the progress will only be faster than other teams.

  Why bother and waste time?

   Lin Shumo is more direct: "Don't go."

  When he was in the group, he didn't even grab it. Like Jiang Fuyue, he watched indifferently, and which group he ended up in was which group.

   Hearingly random, the Buddha is incredible.

  Sure enough--

  The three of them stared at the two who were out of place like a ghost.

   "You, are you crazy?"

   "It depends on the group performance to determine the national team's entry list. Following Teacher Sun, you will definitely not get a high score!"

  Yes, Jiang Fuyue is very strong, and Lin Shumo is also a big man, but the team score is the total score of five sets of test papers and then average.

  No matter how good these two people are, they can only do their own set of test papers. Even if they get a full score, there are still three zero-light eggs dragging their feet, and the average score is instantly pulled down.

How does    compare with other groups?

  Anyway, they are not ready to stay. The two people love to build and continue to build. It deserves to die.

  "Are you really not going?" Asked one last time.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Not going."

  Lin Shumo didn’t even bother to answer.

  The man gritted his teeth, with a hint of anger on his expression: "Don't forget it! You two are waiting to be eliminated!"

   After finishing speaking, he led the other two people to the office aggressively.

  Jiang Fuyue continues to do the questions.

  Lin Shumo’s analysis of the All England Competition, quickly turned to the next page...

    One more three thousand words, two more tentatively two o’clock in the afternoon~ The specific time adjustment is subject to the comment area~



  (End of this chapter)

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