After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 175: Sister Yue catches someone, the old man in the Internet cafe (three shifts)

  Chapter 175 Sister Yue catches someone, the old man in the Internet cafe (three shifts)

   "Eichhornia Bodhi?" Liang Bing raised his wrist and shook it. The beads made a few crisp noises under the collision, "You said this?"

   "Yeah." Jiang Fuyue nodded.

  "My illness is related to it?"

   "Your illness is a problem with yourself, because this string of Eichhornia Bodhi can be relieved, otherwise you will not be able to survive now." Jiang Fuyue's words are straightforward.

  Liang Bing didn’t feel surprised, only a bit of a sudden realization: "No wonder..."

  No wonder that old gentleman said, "carry it close to your body, you can keep it safe."

   originally meant this...

  "Can you tell me who is the person who gave you this string of Bodhi beads?" Jiang Fuyue said clearly.


  A quarter of an hour later, the door of the ward was pulled open from the inside, and then gently closed.

  Shen Qiannan, who was waiting outside, stood up straight, and greeted him: "Did you finish talking so soon?"

   "Hmm." Jiang Fuyue didn't look at him.

   "Why, Liang Bing shakes his face again?"

   "Brother, don't be so malicious to girls." After finishing speaking, he walked straight to the elevator entrance, "I have classes in the afternoon, so I'll be back."

  Shen Qiannan: "?" Me? Malicious?

  Gan! Which eye did she see?

  Obviously, he was a gentleman from start to finish.


After Jiang Fuyue left the hospital, she did not go back to school directly.

  She stopped a taxi, "Go to Sanhuan Angelica Bar."

  Forty minutes later, the car stopped steadily.

  Niu Rui received a call from Jiang Fuyue midway, and was already waiting at the door now.

   "What's so urgent?" It came just as it said.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Go in and talk about it."

  The two walked inside.

  "Where is the cow spring flower?"

   "She went to City A to buy goods and will not return until the day after tomorrow."

  Jiang Fuyue said softly: "The person I let you stare at yesterday..."

   "Stared, Tianyan and artificial double insurance. Liang Bing was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon and never came out again."

   "Any suspicious person trying to approach her?"

  "From yesterday to now, the only people who have had contact with her except for the classmate who took her to the hospital and a taxi driver are Shen Qiannan."

  Jiang Fuyue: "How?"

  Niu Rui shook his head: "No abnormalities have been found for the time being."

  While talking, the two have passed through the huge oil painting and walked to the basement.

  The electronic display screens all around are neatly arranged. Hundreds of all-in-one machines are operating efficiently. Jiang Fuyue dragged the chair and sat down in front of the center console.

  One hand began to crackle and quickly tap the keyboard.

  "Find out the detailed street drawings of Dongcheng District."

  Niu Rui was taken aback for half a second, then reacted suddenly and started to act.

  Previously, in order to find the night lead machine, the drawings were all ready-made.

   Soon, things were placed in front of Jiang Fuyue.

   "Pen." She stretched out her hand.

  Niu Rui drew one out and handed it over.

  Jiang Fuyue typed on the keyboard with one hand and held a pen with the other, searching quickly on the drawing with her eyes.

  About two minutes later, it suddenly locked somewhere, and the pen tip made a circle on the drawing.

  Niu Rui looked intently, the next second——

  Jiang Fuyue: "You take someone to this place by yourself now, even if you dig three feet of the ground, you have to dig him out for me!"


  Niu Rui was a little confused: "Who?"

  Jiang Fuyue said every word: "Your ancestor master."


  Dongcheng District, Xingfu Road, Yanyu Haitang Internet Cafe.

  The mottled wall skin tells of the old, the tube building is not spacious, but it is better than the bright light.

  The wind blows the curtains, and the sun shines into the room, illuminating the dust accumulated on the rows of computers.

  Posters of Hong Kong stars in the 1980s are pasted on the wall, and the superfluous love songs of the Wanwan generation are played in the speaker.

   "Sweet, you smile so sweetly, as if flowers are blooming in the spring breeze..."

   There was a leisurely humming, the beat followed crookedly, but the tone was deep and mellow, adding a bit of vicissitudes of sexy.

  The sound of footsteps came, and soon an old man walked into the Internet cafe on the second floor.

  Wearing a white undershirt, showing her dark and thin arms, her skin was wrinkled, and her blood vessels were wrinkled, and its shape and direction were clearly visible.

  A pair of black shorts, but it doesn't fit well, and the waist position is too loose, so I can barely tighten it with a belt.

  And the belt is also terrible. In some places, the skin has fallen off, and in some places, it can’t fall off. The dander flies up and is densely packed, making people feel goose bumps.

   "Yeah! Father, are you here again today?" The network manager behind the counter looked away from the phone and greeted him enthusiastically.

   "Come here." The old man smiled and nodded.

  Then, take off the small schoolbag and take out ten dollars from it.

   "Play all night again?"

  Like this kind of little style, no decoration, old and young, ten dollars can cover a day.

  The old man grinned and rubbed his hands: "Anyway, I have nothing to do tonight, so I just stay here."

   "Okay." The aunt took the money neatly, put it in the drawer, no matter if he asked for an ID card, and pointed to the row of computers in front: "Just open it, use which one you want to use."

   "Hey! Yesterday the system was upgraded, right? See you coming in and out here."

  Aunty: "Upgraded! Upgraded! Replaced with the sixteenth generation, the Internet speed is old and fast! If you don't believe me, try it."

   "Reliable!" He slapped the counter, grinning with joy, and his white teeth looked more energetic than a young man.

  I was poorly dressed, my hair was messed up like a chicken coop, and there was only one set of clothes back and forth, so I didn’t care about it.

   Aunty smiled and raised her chin: "Of course! My son came here to fix it himself, can it be wrong?"

  The old man has put down his rotten and black schoolbag and sat in the usual seat.

  Holding the mouse in his hand, he clicked twice, then stretched out his head excitedly: "Xiao Zhang! Your internet speed is indeed much faster!"

  The aunt called "Xiao Zhang" laughed sharply: "That's not it? I told you that!"

  Then there was a crackling sound of keyboard and mouse.

   "Xiao Zhang-your headset is not good, please change it to a good one!"

  "It's hanging on the computer next to it, you can take it yourself!"

   "No way, I'm playing a group, I can't go away!"

   "Okay, wait, I'll help you fetch it."

   Aunty changed him to a good headset, and then, her voice never stopped--

   "What are you doing? What are you doing? One by one, they steal the dragon before they develop well, so they are tired of their work?"

  "Don't don't don't, don't rush, you're out of blood, go back to the spring!"

   "I told you to come back, why is there so much nonsense?"

   "What's my voice? I didn't hear it, it's Yu Jie's voice."

   "Lolita? I don't like it, it's too annoying, my old man is in his seventies or eighties, and he is going to get goose bumps when he listens to spicy ears."

   "No lie, don’t believe me, forget it, do you think I want you to be my grandson? Cut~"

   "What are you running? Let's do it again! Oh, do your homework, OK, learning is the most important thing."


  An empty Internet cafe for a time, only listening to his voice, sometimes excited, sometimes high-pitched.

  The aunt sat behind the counter, blowing on the fan, and continued to chase the drama.

  Everything is so peaceful and peaceful.

  However, downstairs, a team of people has quietly surrounded the building.

  (End of this chapter)

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