After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 184: Quiz results, come get the key (three shifts)

  Chapter 184 Quiz results, come get the key (three shifts)

  As soon as Jiang Fuyue woke up the next day, he opened the curtains and saw the sun shining brightly, and there was a faint call of magpies in the distance, which made people feel good.

   The morning is the NOI training class, Jiang Fuyue will arrive before eight o'clock.

  She has a specially customized class schedule, from Monday to Sunday, morning to afternoon, all densely packed.

  This caused her to be still doing problems in the Q classroom from 8 to 10, and in a blink of an eye she would be in the computer room of B from 10:30 to 12 to immerse herself in programming.

  In just one morning, I rushed between two colleges and universities, not a day or two, but a long time.

  She made herself a spinning top—revolving forever without stopping.

  Others may not know, but Lin Shumo and Ling Xuan are at the same table but see everything in their eyes.

  Because of the need to switch courses in the middle, Jiang Fuyue often ran between Q and B with materials from two subjects.

  The sun was scorching at noon, and she hurried back from there, with sweat on her cheeks, but she had already turned over the developed test papers in her hands to answer the questions.

  A material competition, the schoolwork is already quite heavy, Jiang Fuyue will add another informatics competition.

  In addition to receiving more knowledge points in class, homework after class has increased exponentially.

  Lin Shumo conceived more than once, but now that he is replaced by himself, can he do as well as Jiang Fuyue?

  He is not sure.

  The phone vibrated twice in his pocket, and he took it out. It was Zhong Ziang’s WeChat message.

  【Little Momo, how about my future wife? Did you eat and sleep well? 】

  【No one bullied her, right? 】

  Such inquiries happen almost once a day.

  Friends for many years, Lin Shumo has never seen Zhong Ziang so caring about any girl.

  He asked him to ask Jiang Fuyue on his own, don't hide behind and ask, like a pervert.

  As a result, this guy unexpectedly said that he didn’t dare?

  Afraid of Jiang Fuyue's annoyance, blocked his WeChat account.

  Lin Shumo sent him four words-[Incurable]!

  Zhong Ziang said: [I am happy, I am willing, I just like the way she ignores me. 】

have to! Completely hopeless.

   said that Jiang Fuyue went to University B early in the morning and found that the atmosphere was not right when she entered the classroom.

   Fanye sat on her seat and waved to her: "Sister Yue, here."

  Jiang Fuyue walked over and put down her bag: "Everyone seems to be extra quiet today?"

  At this point, the classroom has been chattering a long time ago.

   Gao Zhaoming heard the words and turned from the front row: "Why are you upset? Where is the mood to talk and laugh?


   "Sister Yue, don’t you know?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "What do you know?"

   "The machine test yesterday, results will be available soon."

  At eight o'clock exactly, the class bell rang.

  The coach walked into the classroom and stood on the podium: “Don’t talk nonsense, let’s just look at the results.”

  After speaking, click to open the document, and a table is projected on the white screen.

  Only one glance, the scene exploded.

   "Fuck! Is it my dazzling? The beginning is three full marks, a clear 600!"

  "Full marks are so worthless now? Have you started wholesale?"

  "Take the money, please give me a dozen full marks, thank you."

   "We are too fierce this year."

   "Jiang Fuyue gets full marks again? She often doesn't come to study for herself, sometimes she has to take time off for regular classes, so she can still take six hundred exams like this?"

"I didn't deliberately absent from class. She would also participate in the sports competition summer camp of the university next door. The coach did not explain everything before, and also showed us the consent form signed and issued by the Education Bureau. Some people are not happy and can just say it directly. It's boring to come out and maliciously slander behind you."

   "Hey, I heard that Jiang Fuyue's performance in the training camp is also very good."

   "How many cows?"

   "She can finish the three questions by herself, and she can still hand in the papers in advance, and the three sets of test papers are full of perfect scores!"

   "Damn! Is she still human? The teacher has to be scared to pee by her."

   "Maybe all geniuses are like this?"

  "The key is, they are very good-looking. You said that God is so unfair. He gave her a clever brain and a beautiful face. As for me, there is nothing, Gan!"

   "I thought I had one, but after meeting Jiang Fuyue, I suspected that I had a ball."


   "Why are all discussing Jiang Fuyue, aren't there two others who got full marks on the exam?"

  Yes, besides Jiang Fuyue, there are two full marks, one is Fanye, and the other...

   "Who is Lin Yuan? Does our class have this number?"

   "Yes, but my performance is not very outstanding, this time it was a blockbuster."

   "She, I know, her grades are average, and she's never been all right. It's far behind Jiang Fuyue and Fanye."

   "Then how did she get full marks on the test?"

   "Who knows?"

  Lin Yuan found her name at the first glance when she saw the form. Then she showed ecstasy in her score and ranking. She almost screamed out several times, and finally forced her down.

  The only flaw is that Jiang Fuyue and Fanye also got full marks in the exam. How can this make her stand out?

   Gao Zhaoming and Huang Hui have a 588 and a 582, ranking fourth and fifth respectively.

   announced the completion results, did not give everyone a little time to buffer adjustments, and resumed the class.

After    was over here, Jiang Fuyue hurried back to Q University.

  On the way, I received a call from Shen Qiannan——

   "Junior girl, your business is done, think about how to thank me."

   Jiang Fuyue's eyes lit up: "The other party agreed?"

   "Well. But there are requirements..." Shen Qiannan informed Xie Dingyuan of the points raised.

   are all normal laboratory specifications, not too much, Jiang Fuyue should also be refreshed.

   "You can come here to get the key in the afternoon."


    Three shifts are coming, huh~ Good night everyone!



  (End of this chapter)

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