After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 190: Ling Xuan delivered food, but he ran into him (three shifts)

  Chapter 190 Ling Xuan delivered food, but he bumped into him (three shifts)

  Jiang Fuyue opened the door, and Ling Xuan stood outside.

   met her and raised the packing bag in his hand: "Lunch, do you want to eat?"

   "How do you know I am here?"

  Ling Xuan: "When I met Mr. Xu during get out of class, I just chatted a few words casually."

  He said it lightly, but he thought deeply, is Xu Kaiqing such a good encounter? Even if you encounter it, is it so easy to be struck up?

   "This," Jiang Fuyue glanced at the thing in his hand: "Give it to me?"

   "Yeah." Ling Xuan nodded.

  Jiang Fuyue did not answer, and was about to speak. Ling Xuan was faster than her, and seemed to guess what she would say——

   "Count the thank you for giving me the topic. I wanted to go out to eat, but you seem to be busy?"

   "Well, very busy." Jiang Fuyue told the truth.

   "Then there is no reason to refuse my lunch." He laughed, "If you mind me, then I can leave now."

  The attitude is firm and comprehensive, and she doesn't give her a chance to dodge at all.

  Finally, Jiang Fuyue accepted it.

  Since it's a thank-you gift, she doesn't think she can't afford the other party's thank you.

  Ling Xuan’s progress is obvious to all, and even Yan Zhenfeng asked him what reference book he had changed.


  Food cannot be brought into the laboratory. The two stood in the corridor. Ling Xuan took apart the packing bag, took out the box containing the vegetables, and placed it on the terrace.

   A rough sweep, there are as many as five or six, with meat and vegetables, as well as mung bean and pumpkin soup for heat and fire.

   "I don't know what you like to eat, so I just ordered some."

  Jiang Fuyue looked at the balanced nutrition in front of her eyes, and even the small bowls of dishes were pleasing to the eye. This is called "random"?

   "Too many, I can't finish it."

   "It's okay, you taste a bit of everything." As he said, he passed the chopsticks.

  Jiang Fuyue thanked him and stopped talking and concentrated on eating.

  She picks up dishes quickly, chews in a hurry, but is not rude.

  Ling Xuan knew that Jiang Fuyue would not accept this meal if he was not really busy, even if he moved out of the saying "thank you."

  So, during the whole process, although he really wanted to, but in the end he didn't say anything like "eat slowly" or "don't choke".

   Only silently filled a bowl of pumpkin soup and put it beside her.

  A young man is always attentive and thoughtful. When he wants to take the initiative to be good to a person, he can say that he can be thoughtful and appropriate in every aspect, regardless of the size, and makes the other person easily unable to detect it.

  For example, at this moment, Jiang Fuyue stared at the rice and vegetables, filling her stomach with all her heart, and thinking about the next experimental steps.

  Therefore, he did not notice that the boy's gaze had fallen on him for too long, and he even caught a trace of scorching heat.

  "You taste this..." he said with a smile.

  When the assistant delivered food to Xie Dingyuan, he inevitably passed through the corridor and inevitably encountered two people.

  He didn't think much about it. After all, it is normal for men and women to fall in love on campus.

  Waiting to enter the laboratory, put down the lunch box, and then inadvertently said: "...the little couple outside can be sticky, the loving lunch is very rich!"

  Xie Dingyuan looked up at him from the dial of the instrument: "What little couple?"

   "It's the girl who borrowed the laboratory next door! My boyfriend brought her food, and she was eating in the hallway. She abides by the laboratory rules and knows that she can't bring food in..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Xie Dingyuan had already strode outside.

  The assistant looked dumbfounded: "It's not...Professor, where are you going? This, the data hasn't been released yet, so don't care?"

    There are not many words in the three shifts, I am a bit stuck today, I will make up for everyone tomorrow! mwah



  (End of this chapter)

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