After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 2: Stunning beauty, asking questions in class

  Chapter 2 is stunning, with questions in class

  The moment the girl stepped into the classroom, it was like pressing the pause button.

  The noise of the noisy class like the vegetable market is instantly muted.

  The sun shone on her side of her face, her small white face was flawless, as if she could see the blue blood vessels under her skin.

  The eyebrows are not drawn but the eyebrows are not drawn, and the lips are not drawn but the lips are not. Even the eyelashes are longer than ordinary people.

  When those peach blossom eyes lightly swept past, everyone only felt the aura and vitality.

  Jiang Fuyue carried a schoolbag on one shoulder, and found a seat based on the memory of the original owner.

  She is tall, with big steps, and she looks more and more long and long, slender and free, which is completely different from the gloomy and lonely appearance of the original owner.

  Only a few seconds along the way, those classmates who watched her seemed to enjoy a set of slow motion movies.

   "No...she, how did she go to Jiang Fuyue's seat?"

   "Did our class say that we want to join new classmates?"

   "I haven't heard Old Xu mention it anyway..."

   "This girl is definitely not from our school, otherwise, based on her looks and body, how can she get a good girl?"

   "She actually puts on makeup, she will die if Tie Zhuang catches it!"

  Tie Zhuang, the teaching director of the second grade.

  "Keep your titanium alloy dog ​​eyes open and look at it. I don’t have any makeup, OK?"

"I'm dead."


   "Fuck!" Someone reacted, "Look at her schoolbag...How come it looks exactly like Jiang Fuyue's? I think there might not be such a coincidence, right? Haha..."

  Other classmates follow along with me—

   "Damn! Jiang Fuyue has a plastic surgery?"

   "How do I feel like changing my head?"


  The classroom was restored to its former noisy appearance.

  It's not that Jiang Fuyue didn't hear those comments, but she didn't change her expression and took out the English textbook calmly.

  The girl at the same table couldn't help taking a peek at her, and she was immediately surprised.

  Because of her proximity, she was pretty sure that Jiang Fuyue had no makeup and was born with cold white skin, and she couldn't even find a pore.

  Of course, Jiang Fuyue has always been white, but I don’t know why she is so... eye-catching today.

  From the moment she stepped into the classroom, the whole class became sunflowers, and Jiang Fuyue was the sun that attracted them to chase.

  The beauty is shining and golden.

  A touch of envy flashed across Wan Xiutong’s face unconsciously, but the moment Jiang Fuyue looked over, it turned into nervousness and panic: "I...I didn't look at you!"

  Thinking of the volatile character of the same table, she quickly dismissed it, but forgot what it meant by "there is no silver or three hundred taels."

   Wan Xiutong was so upset that she shrank her neck and waited for Jiang Fuyue's cold eyes or sarcasm.

  This is the original owner, somber and mean, withdrawn and extreme, just like every girl in the second period, plus she doesn’t like to talk, and she looks deep and gloomy and terrifying.

  Wan Xiutong has been at the same table with her since her first grade, and there is no big conflict, but Jiang Fuyue occasionally looks at her with idiot eyes.

  This kind of silent humiliation hurts people more than verbal attacks. Wan Xiutong was scared, and if he could avoid Jiang Fuyue, he would avoid it.

  But this time was different. Wan Xiutong didn't see the familiar contempt and disgust in those eyes, as if... it was just an ordinary glance, faint, casual and inattentive.

  She discovered for the first time that Jiang Fuyue's eyes were so beautiful!

  7:50, the morning reading ends.

  Jiang Fuyue finished reading the English book, and then began to translate the English book again.

  This time the speed is faster, like flipping around, but every page has been taken care of and never left.

  Wan Xiutong: "?"

  At this time, the class representative stood up: "Everyone, pass the math homework forward—"

  Jiang Fuyue sat in the last row. It stands to reason that this group should start with her, but the front desk passed the homework forward without waiting for her.

  The class representative scanned each classmate from front to back when counting, and finally fell on Jiang Fuyue’s face for a moment.

   said nothing, holding a stack of exercise books and leaving.

  Jiang Fuyue suddenly, almost forgot, the original owner was a scumbag and never turned in homework.

  Eight o'clock, the class officially starts.

  One and two verses are all Chinese. The young and beautiful female teacher is standing on the podium. Even though it is teaching classical Chinese, many students listened with gusto.

  While Jiang Fuyue had already finished mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and history, her brand-new textbook was randomly stacked in the upper left corner of the desk, and the political book in her arms was half-folded, leaving the geography still untouched.

  Between classes, Jiang Fuyue went to the toilet.

  The front table immediately turned around: "Tongtong, what's the situation?"

   "Huh?" Wan Xiutong looked up, eyes blank.

   "Jiang Fuyue!" Lin Qiao stamped her foot, "Why did she suddenly change so much? I almost didn't recognize it."

"I do not know either…"

  Just ten minutes after the second class, Jiang Fuyue finished geography and started to sleep.

"... Let's summarize the polysemous meanings of a word in this classical Chinese text. Starting from the word'yin', let's talk about the meaning in the text first, and then list a few other meanings. I ask my classmates to get up and answer..." Cui Jiaying turned her eyes. Falling to the back of the classroom, she faintly frowned, "Jiang Fuyue, come on."

  Wan Xiutong: "Wake up... the teacher called you..."

  Jiang Fuyue was awakened.

  The moment he raised his head, his eyes suddenly became clear, and he found that everyone, including the Chinese teacher, had their eyes on him.

  She stood up steadily—

  "In the text, the ‘quote’ of ‘quote the pot for your own discretion’ means fetching and fetching.”

  Cui Jiaying was a little surprised. Jiang Fuyue, as the "last last" in the second and third class of high school, was not serious about her learning attitude.

  Originally, she didn’t care about it, just like other subject teachers, she “draws a clear line” from the students with this problem, and “separates well”.

  But Jiang Fuyue was too much this time, and she blatantly slept in her class!

  Cui Jiaying felt that she had to teach her a lesson, otherwise the other classmates would have to learn how to do it?

   "Very good," the young teacher nodded slightly, thinking about it, but with a smile of expectation and encouragement on his face, "say a few other meanings, and remember to bring the original text."

  Jiang Fuyue’s expression remains unchanged—

  "After living for one year, the Hu People's Congress enters the congestion, Ding Zhuang is entangled and fought", see line 6 on page 82 of the textbook. "Yin" is a verb, meaning to draw a bow.

  "Lian Po is seen, Xiangru guides the car to avoid hiding" from "Lian Po Lin Xiangru Biography (Excerpt, see the 9th line on page 109 of the textbook. "Citing" means pulling and pulling.

  The third line of the next page is "the nine guests will be in the court, and the envoy of Zhao will be invited to Lin Xiangru", where the "induction" is the invitation.

  "Dare to be contemptuous, be courteous and short-quoted" comes from "The Preface of King Teng's Pavilion", see the 5th line of the note at the bottom of page 128 of the textbook, "quote" is the preface and preface.

  "It is not advisable to belittle one's own self, and to make a metaphor to be unjust" comes from "Before Departing a Teacher", see the third question of after-school exercises on page 77 of the textbook. "Citing" is a quotation.

  Jiang Fuyue finished speaking in one breath. Seeing that the whole class was stunned, the Chinese teacher stared at her intently, frowning.

  Is there not enough textbooks? Want to expand extracurricular?

She thought for a while, and continued: "The first day of the battle, the army is unfavorable, and the second Jiangbei is cited-from "Zi Zhi Tong Jian". If it is the third printing of the first edition of Guangming Daily Press, then it should be in the third printing. Line 9 of Volume 11, Page 125 of "Fifty Seventh Han Dynasty". To quote is to avoid."

    Yue Jie: I accidentally installed a big X.

    PS: It will open on May 1st, 7:00 every day, please leave a message and bow.



  (End of this chapter)

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