After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 216: Thanks for the dog's love debt, sister Yue watched the show (two more)

  Chapter 216 Thanks for the dog’s love debt, Yue sister watched the show (two more)

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows.

   "Actually, there is no need to look for it. He is in the laboratory now. Go straight to him and tell him you want to copy something."

   "Will he agree?" The man's unsmiling face flashed in front of him, and Jiang Fuyue expressed suspicion.

   "Why don't you agree?" Shen Qiannan asked slightly, "Do you have any misunderstandings about him?"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled without talking.

   "Cough...Although A Yuan has a colder personality, he doesn't talk much, and he is particularly oriented in some things..."

Perhaps he realized that he had been complaining too much, and Shen Qiannan quickly saved a sentence: "Of course these are not important, huh... The important thing is that he is not as unkind as you think, but sometimes it is indeed a dog... Has it come back? Anyway, if you explain the reason, he will agree!"

  For the sake of the other party's vows and words, Jiang Fuyue thought for a while and decided to give it a try.

  The big deal is rejected, then come to Shen Qiannan for help.


  When Jiang Fuyue was standing at the front desk to check out, a fragrant wind suddenly arrived and stopped by her side.

  "Thank you, please take a cup of Mocha, a cup of American style, and take it away."

  The woman wears long hair, light makeup, good facial features, and the most attractive thing is the warm and slow book fragrance on her body.

   "Dr. Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

  The woman said softly, "I went to field research these days and I just came back."

   "No wonder... Do you have to stay up late to write a paper today? Two cups of coffee are prepared."

   "No," the woman smiled, "I brought it for my colleague."

   "Oh~ then this professor has a lot of face."

  Lin Weiwei shook her head when she thought of the person's temper: "It's really big..."

  A few minutes later: "The coffee is ready."

   "Thank you." The woman checked out and left.

  Jiang Fuyue regained her gaze, knuckles slightly flexed, and knocked on the table, making two muffled sounds——

  "The order hasn't been typed yet?"

   "I'm sorry! I, I didn't find the printing paper. Would you like to pay by the side?"

  Jiang Fuyue moved to the place where the woman stood before, and finally settled and left.

   "I'm really sorry, you go slowly, welcome next time!"

  Jiang Fuyue did not go back to the dormitory and went directly to the A1 laboratory.

  As soon as I turned the corner, I saw a man and a woman talking at the end of the corridor. They were quite close. They should be lovers.

  Have a closer look. By coincidence, isn’t it Xie Dingyuan and the beautiful temperament that I saw in the coffee shop just now?

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, stopped immediately, and stopped in place with a smile.

  She is professional in eating melons.

  At this distance, you can clearly see the interaction between the two people, and you can hear the content of the conversation when you concentrate your ears.

  However, most of the time, it was a woman alone saying that Xie Dingyuan would only frown, and at most he would say "um" again.

  "Brother, I bought coffee, hot American."

  Xie Dingyuan paused for a moment, then took it, and politely thanked her.

  "Don’t be so polite, I heard my second aunt said that you only drink American coffee, so...I don’t know if you like the taste of this store, I personally think it’s pretty good."

  In fact, Xie Dingyuan prefers tea to coffee.

   But obviously there is no need to tell the other party.

   "If you have nothing else..."

When Lin Weiwei heard this, she knew that he was about to rush people tactfully, so she interrupted quickly: "Well, I haven't been to the A1 laboratory. I've heard about it a long time ago. I've been longing for it for a long time. Can you...can you show me a tour? "

  Xie Dingyuan frowned, with a cold tone: "You are also a scientific researcher. You should know that the laboratory cannot enter the laboratory, especially the chemical laboratory and biological laboratory that are in use."

   and A1 is an interdisciplinary laboratory, and both biochemistry and biochemistry are all occupied.

   "I know, but there are protective clothing in it, and I will disinfect my whole body before going in. Although my research field is not in the field of biochemistry, I still have common sense. You can rest assured."

  Xie Dingyuan: "It's not necessary."

  Lin Weiwei: "?"

   "You are curious, you can wait until I have used it up, clean it up, and come to visit again. There is no need to go in at this time and waste a protective suit."

  Wasting protective clothing? !

  This reason...absolute.


  Jiang Fuyue almost couldn't help it, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand, for fear of making a noise.

  This Xie Dingyuan is really... uh... there are two brushes.

  After a few words, I almost picked out the words "you are not welcome", and even refused to refuse so insincerely.

  Lin Weiwei's mouth twitched, her face turned blue: "Brother, you just don't welcome me like this?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "I'm busy."

  The implication is that you come at an untimely time, who is to blame?

   "Also, I thought I had spoken clearly enough that day, and the third sister should also communicate with you, so..." He was puzzled, "I don't understand what you mean by coming here today?"

Lin Weiwei's cheeks flushed, and she felt like weeping when she was wronged: "Yes, I admit, I am not as straightforward as you-I will meet if you say you meet, and if you say you don't contact, you won't contact again. Just two days, with an attitude of 180 A ten-degree turn! Since you don't want to get married, what are you doing to provoke me? You provoke me and pat **** to leave again. Is it fun?!"

  Xie Dingyuan: "I have explained this question last time, and I don’t want to say it again."

  He hates people who can’t understand.

   Over and over again, wasting time and energy.

  "If you have to understand the ‘first encounter between men and women’ as ‘invoke’, then I have nothing to say."

    Two more, two thousand words.

Sister      Yue: I’m just a handful of melon seeds and a small bench.

     before twelve o'clock in the third shift.



  (End of this chapter)

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