After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 221: Ask Xie Dingyuan if she is beautiful (one more)

   Chapter 221 Ask Xie Dingyuan, is she beautiful (one more)

  Xie Dingyuan looked around.

  The next second, froze.

  Although there is only one back, he still recognizes Jiang Fuyue at a glance.

  'S gaze fell on Zhong Ziang's body, a coldness appeared, and then he swept over the two boys.

  "You are so young..." Shen Qiannan rubbed his chin, feeling self-consciously, "A beautiful and excellent girl like a primary school girl has no shortage of little boys to chase wherever he goes. Even an old man like me is heartbroken when he sees it..."

   Xie Dingyuan’s eyes suddenly dazzled: "Are you heartbroken?"

  Shen Qiannan chuckled: "I am all moved by beautiful girls."


   "Cough! This is the appreciation of beautiful things, the pursuit of beauty, understand?"

  Xie Dingyuan expressionless: "I don't understand."

  "Hey, I just ask you, is Jiang Fuyue beautiful?"

  The man frowned subconsciously.

   "Isn't it?" Shen Qiannan's expression was weird, "You still have to think about such a simple question?!"

   "If you don't think, should your brain be a decoration?" The man looked disdainful.

  Shen Qian was anxious: "What do you think, think, beauty is only one word, and it's over!"

  Xie Dingyuan's face: "Not rigorous enough."

   "My God...what kind of rigor is needed for aesthetics? Beauty and ugliness are things that can be distinguished at a glance, and it is not about doing research or doing research!"

  Xie Dingyuan still looked at that place, his eyes faint, and his expression cold.

   Hearing this, he faintly replied: “Everything has a standard of judgment, including beauty and ugliness.”

  Shen Qiannan: "Everyone has different aesthetic standards. How do you explain this?"

  Looking from Xie Dingyuan’s angle, you can just see half of Jiang Fuyue’s face.

  The girl’s skin is very white, under the sun, it seems to be plated with porcelain, shining and translucent.

  The horsetail is tied behind her head, and she swayed slowly along with her one step at a time.

   At this moment, she raised her head and talked with the young man on her right, her neck was drawn into a graceful arc, her eyebrows stretched, and the corners of her mouth were smiling.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Personal aesthetics are both different and common. The common point is the standard, do you agree?"

  Shen Qiannan pouted: "It's like academic exchange... OK, then let me ask you another question. Does Jiang Fuyue belong to the kind of beauty that can be judged by the standard?"

  Xie Dingyuan's tone was dull: "Before that, you have to give me a standard first."

  But who in the world can really formulate such a set of things?

  So, there is no solution to this problem at all!

  Shen Qiannan reacted: "Okay, you kidding me!"

   "Your question is too boring."

   “It’s so difficult to make you praise people’s beauty? Old Xie,” he patted his brother on the shoulder, and said with earnest heart. “You can’t do this like this. Let’s be more tolerant of people and things that are pleasing to the eye, and don’t hesitate to praise them.”

  Xie Dingyuan: "The beauty is not beautiful and I do not praise, there is no need to connect between the two."

  Shen Qiannan choked: "...Forget it, you should continue to be your straight steel man, and you will be alone, no one can save it."

  Xie Dingyuan frowned: "What do you mean? Straight steel man? Note the orphan?"

  Shen Qiannan thought he was questioning, but when he took a closer look, he was actually puzzled and at a loss.

   "Uh! Don't tell me, you don't know what exactly these two words mean?"

  "Should I know?" asked seriously.

  Shen Qiannan’s mouth twitched: No, you shouldn’t, I’m not worthy!

  Xie Dingyuan simply took out his phone, opened the browser, and typed in the search box——

  What is a steel straight man?

   Soon, the result came out, he roughly swept it, and clicked on one of them.

  The first sentence at the beginning: [Straight men have always been the target of everyone's complaints. 】

  Xie Dingyuan: "?"

  He kept his face cold, and continued to look down.

  【However, straight men are divided into ordinary straight men and steel straight men. There is a big difference between the two, which can be expressed in the following seven points. 】

  The first three points, regarding appearance, clothing, and hairstyle, straight men are sloppy, and steel straight men are very sloppy.

  Xie Dingyuan asked himself that although he was not in the accident table, he still cleaned himself up and clean, and in any case he was not in touch with the "sloppy".

  Sure enough, there was no believable word in Shen Qiannan's mouth.

   was about to exit the webpage, suddenly: "Look at this..."

  Shen Qiannan pointed his finger down, "Isn't that you who said it? Hahahaha..."

  Xie Dingyuan frowned and looked at——

  【About selfies】

  Ordinary straight man: The nostrils are facing the camera, and the photo is ready immediately. He refuses to edit the picture.

  Steel straight man: Selfie? boring.

  【About girls makeup】

  Ordinary straight man: Why is it still not good?

  Steel straight man: Is there a difference before and after?

  【When girlfriend is sick】

  Ordinary straight man: a high fever of 40 degrees? Drink plenty of hot water.

  Steel straight man: Is it so powerful? !


  Xie Dingyuan looked cold all the way.

  Shen Qiannan said: "Hahahahaha...I think I'm sick. If it is you, you should say: The increase in body temperature caused by fever can mobilize more lymphocytes into the lymphatic circulation and participate in the immune response...Hahaha..."

   "Shut up!" The blue veins jumped on the man's forehead.

Xie Dingyuan basically understood the meaning of "note solitary life" after reading it.

  Because of the last sentence of the article: [Straight men have no votes for women, and straight men of steel are alone. 】


   "Huh?" The driver was taken aback, and quickly reacted, "Oh!" Then quickly started the engine.

  Shen Qiannan is no longer working, clutching his stomach, leaning on the back of the chair: "Hahahaha...Old Xie, do you admit it now?"

   "Laugh again and you will get out of the car."

   ", no, let me tell you, you can't do this... We brothers for so many years... hahaha... don't you... haha... can't help but tease..."

  Xie Dingyuan coldly told the driver: "Stop."


  The car stopped, and Shen Qiannan knew that he was urinating, so he quickly covered his mouth with his hand.


   Mercedes-Benz is back on the road.

  Two minutes later, Shen Qiannan said again: "Hahahaha..."

  The driver was sweating like a beard, and he almost couldn't hold the steering wheel with his hands shaking. Mr. Shen was so courageous... really fat!

  Xie Dingyuan raised his hand to strangle the painful temple, tilted his head, cold eyes like a knife, and said every word: "Shen, Qian, Nan!"

  He hurriedly clasped his lips together, his laughter stopped abruptly, but his cheeks were flushed.

  If you want to laugh, you can’t control it at all, but Shen Qiannan squeezes his mouth tightly again, and in the end it becomes—

   "Puff puff puff......puff puff puff......"

  Xie Dingyuan: "?" What idiot is this?

  Driver: "!" I was secretly frightened.

  Shen Qiannan: "Puff puff puff...puff puff puff..."

  But said that Jiang Fuyue and his entourage, after eating, AA settled the bill, ready to go back to school.

  Zhong Ziang dauntedly refused to leave, and the pug stayed beside Jiang Fuyue, his purpose was undisguised.

   "Let them go back first, you are not in a hurry, let's take a walk!"

  Lin Shumo's mouth curled up: See Sewangyou.

  Ling Xuan's brows were so tight that he could trap flies: "It's so late, okay?"

Zhong Ziang looked at his watch: "Is it late? It's only half past six, and it's not dark." Then he reached out to pull Jiang Fuyue's cuffs, without touching her skin at all: "It's best to watch the sunset at this time. I know the back of Q There is a park with nice views and coolness. It is the best place to view! Really! Go go!"

  Jiang Fuyue does not want to go back to the dormitory so early.

  With her belly still supported, she is more willing to take a short walk and eliminate food.

   "Okay." She nodded and agreed.

  Zhong Ziang's eyes lit up, quite flattered.

  "I know that there is a small road. It used to be very fast, but there are more weeds. Be careful not to cut your legs in the skirt you wear."

   "In this way, if I go ahead, you will follow behind, stepping on my footsteps."

   Considerate, thoughtful and meticulous.

  How can there be the slightest cynicism? Just like a young man.

  Lin Shumo seemed to hell: Is this Zhong Ziang?

  He glanced at Jiang Fuyue’s back again, his eyes gradually getting deeper, "Hey..."

  Ling Xuan suddenly said, “It’s still early, and it’s okay to go back. It just so happens that I want to watch the sunset too, why don’t you join us?”

  Jiang Fuyue has no comments.

   Lin Shumo readily agreed.

   And Zhong Ziang's face is already black as the bottom of a pot.

  Ling Xuan smiled: "Classmate Zhong, let’s go, you lead the way, and we follow."

  Zhong Ziang: "?" My fucking?

  He winked at Lin Shumo again, but unfortunately, the latter didn't seem to see it.

  He intensified his efforts to wink at him, hoping that the good brother would be more interesting, take the initiative to take away Ling Xuan's big trouble, and create a chance for him and Jiang Fuyue to be alone.

  Unfortunately, Lin Shumo, who has always had a persistent IQ, seemed to be out of order. He just couldn't understand his hints.

  Zhong Ziang wants to cry: Boom! It's so difficult for me!

    One more, three thousand words.

     The second change time is 6 p.m. in the comment area to inform everyone~



  (End of this chapter)

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