After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 232: Ren scum doing evil, weird girl (three shifts)

  Chapter 232 The scum is doing evil, the girl with strange power (three shifts)

  A barbecue meal is like a competition.

  In addition to filling their stomachs, everyone at IPhO also got a bunch of papers.

   "It will be done tomorrow, any questions?"

  Lin Shumo shrugged indifferently.

  Ling Xuan also followed goodness.

  Fang Canyang was a little hesitant at first. Seeing that both of them should come down, he also nodded his head: "No problem! I will work hard!"

  Only Huo Fanjin is not in the state...

   "Huh? All? Finished tomorrow?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded.

  Huo Fanjin went to see a few Lin Shumo in a daze, very good, with a calm expression on his face.

   She forced herself to close her mouth, and then put away the shock on her face, pretending to be relaxed: "Dang, of course no problem! Haha—"

  It’s just that the last two "haha" sounds a bit reluctant to hear, like a duck being grabbed by its neck and screaming.

  Next, Jiang Fuyue arranged tasks for Fanye, Gao Zhaoming, and Huang Hui.

  They don’t need test papers, a computer is enough.

"...These questions are mostly from ACM. They may not be as strict in terms of standardization as the real IPhO questions, but we mainly do thinking training, so there is no requirement for the answer format. Everyone is free. As long as the final test run is successful and the algorithm logic is clear, then the training purpose is even Reached."

Fanye nodded and responded positively: "Sister Yue, I will do it seriously!"

   Gao Zhaoming: "Me too! Me too! Follow the captain to have meat."

  Huang Hui followed closely: "Don't worry, I will supervise them."

  Huo Fanjin looked at the dog-licking trio, his expression gradually weird.

  As for?


  Is this necessary?

   It’s cool to be arranged in a hurry?

  Ms. Huo couldn't understand it anyway, and didn't dare to agree.

  No matter how good Jiang Fuyue is, she, Huo Fanjin, should never lick a dog!

  Flag is so set, but it’s not stable.

  A group of eight people plan to go back to school.

  B and Q are mostly in the same direction, and eight people are on the same road.

  Fang Canyang plucked up the courage to walk to Jiang Fuyue, "Yueyueyue..."

  It's starting again!

  Jiang Fuyue faintly swept away: "Straighten your tongue before talking."

  Fang Canyang is like a frightened bird, but the amazing thing is that he really doesn’t stammer anymore, although he is still very nervous——

   "Sister Yue!"

  He followed the shouts of Gao Zhaoming and Huang Hui.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

  "Do you really don't need scratch paper for the questions?!" The boy's eyes were full of curiosity.

   "Normally not needed."

   "When is that unusual?"

Jiang Fuyue thought for a while: "I haven't encountered it yet."


  Fang Canyang’s inner admiration and admiration is about to overflow his pores, "Sister Yue! I am honored to be your teammate and player."

  Meeting his bright eyes, Jiang Fuyue smiled rather than smile: "It's an honor to be so soon? No longer wait and see?"

  The person who was watching, she was referring to Huo Fanjin.

  Fang Canyang shook his head: "I only need to know a little bit."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows.

"You're good."

   is the kind of unmatched, hard-to-follow.

  Only such a person can dominate the entire team.

  Fang Canyang earnestly promised: "I will obey your orders unconditionally and execute every one of you..."

Before finishing her words, Jiang Fuyue's complexion changed suddenly, and the next second she suddenly yelled to Fang Canyang——

   "Go away!"

  Fang Canyang wanted to turn his head back, but when he heard Jiang Fuyue’s roar, he gave up this plan, and his body was already faster than his mind to execute the instruction of "get out of the way".

  The next second, a bicycle can be rubbed by his elbow.

  If it is so one-tenth of a second too late, only one-tenth of a second, then he is likely to have been knocked over by this rushing bicycle now.

  Slightly bruises and falls, severely falls to the ground, and may even be life-threatening.

   Fanye walked in front, and when she turned her head, she just saw a bicycle almost knocking over Fang Canyang and heading towards her.

  The little girl rushed forward without saying anything...

  Yes, she didn't dodge, didn't hide, just like this, facing the direction the bike was coming from, she straightened forward.

   Then, he kicked the front wheel, and the impact doubled in an instant.

   Fanye moved too fast, and everyone wanted to stop it. They could only watch her pass by like a shooting star, and then raised her leg overwhelmingly in the blink of an eye.

   Just when everyone squeezed a sweat for her, thinking that her small arms and legs were broken or broken, Meteor turned into a small steel cannon, and actually kicked and overturned the bicycle directly? !

  Even the front bumpers are also scattered... fall apart? !

   "Fuck--" Huo Fanjin couldn't help but swear.

  Gao Zhaoming was dumbfounded.

  Huang Hui stood in the wind, like a wooden chicken.

   Lin Shumo raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed with surprise.

  Ling Xuan glanced at the fan leaves standing still in place, and then at the shared bicycles on the ground that were almost falling apart, as well as the perpetrators who fell to the ground, swallowing saliva, and silently spit out two words-Niubi.

  Fang Canyang had been scared a long time ago, and his elbow was still sore. Suddenly, he stared at the man on the ground and blurted out: "Ren Xinghe?!"

  Ling Xuan glanced intently and smiled, "Really this grandson!"

   was about to step forward and pick up the person. Who knew that Fanye moved faster than him, so he grabbed Ren Xinghe’s neckline with one hand, and lifted the person up to... effortlessly? !

  There was no live Avia, and no special effects in the later stage. Ren Xinghe's feet were off the ground and his neckline was tightly tightened. He began to have difficulty breathing, and soon his cheeks turned into pig liver color.

  He struggled and wanted to ask for help, but Fanye held him in the air without shaking his hands.

  It seems that the one who picked up was not a one-hundred-jin person, but a disobedient mouse!

   "You let go— let go—"

   "Bad guy! I have seen it all, you want to drive into sister Yue and Fang Canyang! You still laughed very happily, indicating that you did it on purpose! Do you want to murder?!"

  Fanye’s crisp voice was mixed with anger. She was so angry that she could only catch the culprit, tightening her strength.

  Ren Xinghe exhausted all his milk-feeding strength and wanted to open the hand in front of him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake it.

  Like a huge iron tongs, holding his life gate, powerful, rough, and irreversible!

  The air broke away from the lungs little by little, and he began to roll his eyes physiologically, his throat let out a roar.

  He was scared.

  If he knew long ago, he would not rush forward, he should control himself.

  Originally, he was just coming out for a late night snack, and when he was really bored, he swept a shared bicycle on the side of the road, planning to go for a drive, and relieve the depression in his heart.

  Who knew it was so coincidental that he saw Jiang Fuyue and Fang Canyang at the same time, two people who made him hate him.

  But these two people walked together again.

  If he rushes up on a bicycle, can he knock them over together?

   Even if he was held accountable afterwards, as long as he insisted that he did not control the brakes, then this was a perfect accident.

  As long as the person is not dead, he will not be held criminally responsible.

  If you are injured, it is better. Lost money is a big deal, but the ill will in my heart.

  The more he thought about it, the crazier he became. In the end, Ren Xinghe rushed towards the back of the two with red eyes and a smile.

  Unexpectedly, Jiang Fuyue was so vigilant. She was discovered when she was only five meters away from the collision. Not only did she avoid herself, she also reminded Fang Canyang loudly.

  Originally, Ren Xinghe’s first goal was not Jiang Fuyue. He made a profit when he bumped into it. It didn’t matter if he didn’t bump into it, because Fang Canyang was the biggest trouble in front of him!

  He must get rid of this fifth place, and he can only be in the sixth place.

  In fact, this idea had already surfaced in Ren Xinghe's mind as early as the moment the results were announced.

  He can't move Jiang Fuyue, he can't provoke Lin Shumo, Ling Xuan, and Huo Fanjin, but Fang Canyang is timid and ordinary, and at first glance, he is the soft persimmon that is the easiest to crush.

  As long as he can't participate in the international competition, wouldn't the last place of the national team fall to himself?

  This is also the biggest incentive for Ren Xinghe to take risks.

  It’s a pity, now it’s all ruined...

  Jiang Fuyue was safe and sound, Fang Canyang just scratched his skin, but he was about to be strangled.

   "Fanye! Almost done! He will faint if he doesn't let go."

   "Yes, you quickly let go..."

  A group of people gathered around and began to talk to her.

   "Huh? Are you dizzy?" Fanye held his hands high, but his head tilted to one side, with doubts written on his face.

  But she didn’t use much effort?

It wasn't until Jiang Fuyue spoke that Fanye let go. She touched her nose: "Um... sorry, my dad always said that I was not light or heavy, and I didn't mean it. Who made this guy so hateful? !"


  Girl, do you use the term "no light or heavy" like that?

    Three shifts, three thousand words. Oh, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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