After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 236: Gentle mother, absolutely trust (one more)

  Chapter 236 Gentle mother, absolute trust (one more)

   "If it weren't for the phone number pulled out by the police, I would suspect that Jiang Fuyue invited two groups to perform." Huo Fanjin spit out such a sentence after being stunned.

  Gao Zhaoming swallowed, turned his head, and asked Huang Hui uncertainly: "Are those sister Yue’s parents? Really?"

  Huang Hui reacted from shock: "Yes, should it be?"

  Lao Zhou looked at Jiang Fuyue, and then at the phone in his hand, as if he saw some "spiritual event", except for stunnedness, there was only horror.

  "As parents, how can you indulge your children to mess around?!" He asked loudly, without covering up his anger.

  A meal over there.

After a while, the woman's soft voice slowly shed: "Comrade police, hello, I am Jiang Fuyue's mother. Just listened to your description, as a parent, I don't think my child is wrong in this matter. "

  At first glance, it sounds like a warm spring breeze in March, but you can touch it carefully, and it is clear that there are dense thin needles hidden inside.

  "Since there is nothing wrong, and I was almost injured, please tell me, why can't the perpetrator be held accountable?"

  Lao Zhou lightly sighed: “It’s not that it can’t be held accountable. I just don’t think there is a need to make a big deal. If it can be resolved through negotiation, why bother to lose?”

  Han Yun is silent, as if thinking about the rationality of these words.

  Lao Zhou made persistent efforts: “Not to mention that once a case is filed, it will take a lot of time to cooperate with the investigation. If litigation procedures are initiated later, you still need to hire a lawyer and go to court. These are all money, which ordinary people can’t afford!”

  "I said that these are not to be partial. We will bring the perpetrators back to the premises and criticize and educate them. The reason for saying this is purely from the perspective of the people passing by and give you a pertinent suggestion."

  This time both soft and hard, with retreat as progress, Jiang Fuyue wanted to calm things down and make big things smaller.


  Han Yunru: "Thank you, Comrade Police, I have heard these words, and they are right..."

  Lao Zhou lightly breathed: "Okay, then we will..."

"But," the woman said, "I believe Yueyue has also considered it, but since she insists on holding accountability, there must be reasons for her insistence. Our parents are far away in Linhuai, so we can't help much. Regarding the law The terms are not well understood. What court trial and litigation are even more blinding."

   "The only thing that can be done is to support her every decision without making any mess, without pulling back legs!"

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes are faintly moved.

  Everyone was taken aback again.

  Gao Zhaoming: "My mom always thinks that I'm still young, and she makes decisions for me on everything. She never asks my opinion. Mama Yue is so nice."

  Huang Hui's eyes flashed with admiration: "When we have such a unique ability, we will naturally have the trust of parents."

  Huo Fanjin slapped his lips: "Any fairy? Moon..."


  The word "Sister" licked her lips, and was forcibly swallowed back. Why did she follow her?

   Lin Shumo squinted: "What is the moon?"

   "No... I just want to say that Jiang Fuyue's family status is absolutely perfect! Yes, absolutely."

  How many families in the world respect their children so much?

  Almost to the point where words are obedient.

  Huo Fanjin couldn't imagine what a fairy scene would be if her parents unconditionally supported her every decision one day.

  Hearing this, Lao Zhou seemed shocked, but also shocked.

   "Even if there is no money and money, do you still have to support her decision?"

  Han Yunru smiled, and she said: "My family Yueyue is very smart and will never let this happen."

  A mother’s absolute trust in her daughter is at a glance.

  Lao Zhou stood in place, his expression stunned.

   "...Is that so?" He murmured softly.

  At the end of the call, Lao Zhou looked at Jiang Fuyue again and asked carefully: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded.

  He didn't persuade this time, only sighed in a low voice: "You kids..." He really couldn't understand it.

"The three parties, Jiang Fuyue, Fanye, and Ren Xinghe, will call an eyewitness again. Let me go, but I remind you in advance that this matter is handled in accordance with the process. It will take a lot of time. Do it well. Prepare mentally."

  Everyone looked at each other.

   Then Lao Zhou turned to Fang Canyang again: "Don't you agree to negotiate a settlement? Jiang Fuyue is Jiang Fuyue, you are you, you can have different choices."

   Fang Canyang showed hesitation.

  Lao Zhou: "If you are willing to negotiate a settlement, then you don't need to follow to the police station, it depends on how you decide."

  Everyone's eyes fell on him, including Jiang Fuyue.

   "I..." He blushed, feeling helpless.

Fanye cheered him up: "Don't be afraid of Fang Canyang! Sister Yue is here! It's just a police station. We weren't caught in, we just cooperated with the investigation."

  Lao Zhou twisted his eyebrows and scolded, “Don’t encourage others and let him make his own decisions!”

  Shigeha made a face at him.

  Old Zhou: "..."

After a while, Fang Canyang took a deep breath and slowly raised his head: "Police...Uncle Police...I...I decided...I..."

    One update, two thousand words. What do you think Fang Canyang would choose?

     The second update time is late in the comment area to inform everyone~



  (End of this chapter)

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