After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 238: The secret net spread, Jiuye let her (three shifts)

  Chapter 238 The secret net spread, Jiuye let her (three shifts)

  Waiting another quarter of an hour, she scanned every corner of the arrival hall, but still nothing.

  Jiang Fuyue walked to the counter: "Thank you for checking on a passenger named Jiang Chenxing on flight AG856."

   "Excuse me, who are you?"

   "I'm his sister, he is still underage."

   "Okay, wait a minute."

  The plane ticket was booked by Jiang Fuyue. Before going to bed last night, the siblings talked on the phone.

  Brother Jiang was excited like a little spinning top over there, "I can see my sister tomorrow, it’s great!"

   "Sister, I bought you a gift, you must like it."

   "It doesn't matter if you don't like it, I have pocket money, and then buy what you like, okay?"

   "Mom and dad miss you, so I was appointed as a representative. So, when I get to the Imperial Capital, I must look at you a lot! I can also read the share of mom and dad."

   "Sister, are you still asleep? Are you going to class tomorrow? If you are very busy, you won't use it to pick me up! I checked the guide on the Internet, how to take the subway from the airport to Q University, it should be no problem."

   "Sister, you're not here this half month, I miss you so much...Who is crying? I didn't cry, but the nose is a bit blocked..."

   "Good night, sister, see you tomorrow."

  Little Brother Jiang’s soft voice still echoed in his ears, but now people can't find it anymore.

  When the mechanical sound of "I'm sorry that the call you dialed could not be reached temporarily" came through the handset of the mobile phone for the third time, the staff finally called up the flight information——

   "Flight AG856 took off from Linhuai at 8:20 in the morning. There was indeed a passenger named Jiang Chenxing on seat 31A in economy class, but the result of the inquiry showed that he did not board the plane."

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes were stunned: "Didn't board the plane?! Are you sure?!"


  She left the counter and called to Brother Jiang for the fourth time, but she couldn't get through as expected.

  Jiang Fuyue's expression was completely cold, and she changed hands to Jiang Da.

  After the long beep, there is an icy tone of "no answer".

  She called Han Yunru again and got the same result.

  A heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

  Countless guesses flashed in Jiang Fuyue's mind, good or bad, but after ten seconds, she still forced herself to calm down.

   Pick up the phone and dial Niu Rui's number——

  "It's me. You are now deploying the Skyeye network to the Linhuai part and sync it to my mobile phone."

  "This operation requires permission..."

   "Let the cow spring flowers bloom!"

  Niu Rui was taken aback, and finally realized that the mood was wrong. He did not dare to delay, and immediately found Niu Chunhua to open the authority: "...Alright."

"The focus is on monitoring Linnan District, Linhuai City, especially the provincial national highways, waterways, and airports to see if there is any trace of this boy. His personal information and photo data have been sent to your mobile phone, pay attention to check. "

   "Yes." Niu Rui didn't dare to ask anything, didn't dare to say anything, and acted accordingly.

  Just ended the call here one second before, and the next second Jiang Fuyue dialed Liu Jinzhong again.

  The same explanation, but one more: "...Send someone out to find, focus on hospitals and clinics, and don’t miss out on pharmacies."


  Next: "Hu Ben, I am Jiang Fuyue..."

   "Little Six, it's me..."

  After a few phone calls, it is like a large net spread out from all directions and different angles, covering Linnan District tightly.

  In the end, only...

  "What time is the last flight to Linhuai now?"

   "Three forty in the afternoon."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her wrist to look at her watch, her eyebrows wrinkled in the next second, and there were four full hours left.

  "Is there an earlier one? It's best to fly right away. I accept it in any cabin!"

   "Sorry, the fastest flight will depart in one hour, but the tickets are already sold out."

  Jiang Fuyue looked at her, saying every word: "I have a very urgent matter, can you help me?"

"I am so sorry……"

  "What if someone refunds the ticket?"


  Jiang Fuyue: "If the passenger on that flight now has a refund, can you guarantee that I will buy this withdrawn ticket?"


   "Yes, or can't?!"

"it should be OK."

   "Okay. Let's borrow the broadcast from you here." Jiang Fuyue stepped forward and turned on the microphone switch.

"Please note that all passengers to and from the airport, take flight PN454 from Imperial Capital to Linhuai. If there are passengers who have not yet checked in, I am willing to pay ten times the price of your ticket. If you wish, please go to B2 immediately. Front desk! From the time you hear this broadcast, there will be fifteen minutes, and the broadcast content will automatically expire after fifteen minutes."

  Twenty minutes later, check-in procedures for this flight will be suspended.

  Even if the ticket is refunded, Jiang Fuyue cannot buy it again.

  So, she only gave a fifteen-minute time limit.

  Five minutes passed without anyone.

  Ten minutes later, there is still no one.

  In the last three minutes, Jiang Fuyue had already decided to abandon this flight, and when she asked about the next flight, a pair of straight long legs wrapped in suit pants stopped in front of her.

   "I will return it to you."

  The familiar voice came into her ears, she raised her eyes subconsciously, and the man's iceberg-like handsome face came into view.

   Turned out to be Xie Dingyuan!

  The man glanced at the time: "You now have two minutes to complete the refund and repurchase procedures, and five minutes to check in."

  Jiang Fuyue reacted violently, "Do it now!"

  (End of this chapter)

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