After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 245: Do it yourself, how dare you wait (one more)

  Chapter 245 Do it yourself, how dare you wait (one more)

Xiao Liu was so angry that he broke a finger directly.

  In the wailing sound of a man killing a pig, Jiang Fuyue had no expression on her face, but her eyes were almost red.

   "How dare you?!" She gritted her teeth and gave a word.

The little brother Jiang who can cook, clean up the housework, make the bed, be sensible and obedient, dash to open the door for her without knocking, and leaning against the door, who is cute and soft, calling out to her sister, too After rebirth, the little slime who knocked her heart door first was treated so cruelly in a place she couldn't see.

  Jiang Fuyue clenched fists with both hands and trembled all over.

  Suddenly, she grabbed the dagger on Hu Ben’s waist and swiped directly in front of the man's eyes.

   His eyes were bloody, and he fainted red, and the screams resounded through the entire ward, reaching the end of the floor.

  However, due to the clearing of the venue, no one paid any attention.

  It’s just that he was the one who cleared the field before, and now he has become Jiang Fuyue.

  Zhang Kehua: "My eyes? Ah—my eyes can’t be seen anymore?! I'm going to kill you!"

  He suddenly exerted his force, broke free of Tiger Ben’s restraint, and slammed towards Jiang Fuyue.

  The next second, there was a muffled sound, and the pain followed.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Gang his mouth."

   Tiger Ben Yiyan.

  Xiao Liu took the wrench she handed over.

  Just now, he couldn't help but feel his heart trembling when he was accustomed to seeing big scenes.

  With such white, soft hands, picking up such a cold, hard wrench, knock it down without hesitation...

  It turned out that Jiang Fuyue spent a long time in the trunk looking for this thing.

  Xiao Liu glanced at the man who was lying on the ground and curled up, his body was so painful that he couldn't make a sound. His hands...I'm afraid they are already useless.

  Hu Ben’s eyelids jerked, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Jiang Fuyue’s beautiful and indifferent profile, as if the knock just now did not come from her hand.

  In an instant, he suddenly understood the gap between himself and Jiang Fuyue.

When a person’s “ruthlessness” is not manifested in any externalized form, such as cursing or gnawing his teeth, but erupting silently and without warning, he will be severely punished if he does not move. hand!

  Yes, Jiang Fuyue can give orders, but he and Xiaoliu can only follow orders.

  This kind of absolute crushing and strength eventually made them surrender, admire, and even become a beast and horse, and let them be driven.

  The scene that happened before my eyes also stunned the others present.

  The flower shirts shivered, looking at Zhang Kehua, who was desperate for life, as if seeing the next self, fear, panic, horror...all emotions seemed to drown people.

  Someone began to beg for mercy: “It’s the Zhang who wants to behave. We just watched Brother Yang come to support the field. We never thought about doing it!”

  When a stalemate is torn open, it is not far from a complete collapse.

  Sure enough--

   "Yes, we are here to be human heads, and there is no intention to oppose you! Nothing at all!"

  "Zhang Kehua, this villain, is holding a chicken feather as an arrow, and he is all to blame!"

   "If you are wronged, you have a debtor, you have to get revenge and find Zhang Kehua, let us go..."



  At first, it was one or two people, but soon the whole army was wiped out, and the timid had already knelt down and started kowtow.

  They are not really "sages", at most they can only be regarded as idle street gangsters. Usually petty theft, three to five fights are the limit, where have you seen this kind of scene?

  Blood is bright red and warm.

   beating is to the flesh.

  Beat breaks bones.

  The girl is like Hell Shura. The two men around her have eyebrows, and those in black suits are well-trained at first glance, and they are not small.

  Such a group of people, how can they afford this kind of shrimp?

  Zhang Kehua, this stupid idiot, he didn’t want to kill himself, and he even dragged them into the water. It’s horrible!

"Brother, I didn't do anything. After I came in, I stood and didn't move. Really..." A floral shirt climbed to Tiger Ben's feet. He originally wanted to go to Jiang Fuyue, but a girl Asura Yumian didn't even have the courage to look straight, how could he dare to reach out and touch it?

  Hu Ben gave him a condescending glance, but made no statement.

  But it’s this seemingly default attitude that made the rest of the others see hope and stepped forward one after another——

   "I also stood still."

"And I."

   "I went to find a doctor for Zhang Kehua, I don't know what happened in the ward!"


  In the end, only three people did not come forward to beg for mercy.

  One was to drag Jiang Xiaodi from the hospital bed, and the other two were to hold Jiang Da and let Zhang Kehua wantonly humiliate him.

  The three of them shrank in guilty conscience and said nothing.

  As everyone knows, the more it is, the more conspicuous it will be.

  Jiang Fuyue's gaze swept coldly, Xiao Liu and the two men in black went straight forward, drove the three people over, bent their knees, and knelt in a row in an instant.

  "Are you going to steal Jiang Chenxing?" The girl looked at the first floral shirt.

  She was smiling clearly, but her eyes were full of frost.

   "I..." The man tapped his teeth, his lips trembled, "Yes, Zhang Kehua asked me to do it."


   Xiao Liu slapped her face, Hua's shirt was slapped halfway to her body, and her entire face was numb.

   "If he asks you to do it, just do it? What about your brain?!"

  Flower shirt lowered her head and said nothing.


   is another slap in the face.

  Six: "The child is still sick, can't you see?"

   "It's Zhang Kehua..."

   "Since you can't see it, it's useless to keep these eyeballs."

  Hua’s shirt was shocked, and Zhang Kehua’s eyes were bleeding.

  He was scared: "I don't know... I really don't know... Let me go, don't goug my eyes..."

   Xiaoliu sneered: "I don't know what? I don't know the Jiang family has a backstage? Or I don't know that our group is not easy to provoke?"

   "I don't even know, if I knew it earlier, I would definitely not..."

   "So if Jiang's family has no backstage, and no one can stand for their family like this today, then you can bully at will? Do whatever you want?"

   "No... I didn't mean that..."

   Xiao Liu kicked people over.

  Jiang Fuyue faintly swept the remaining two people, Hu rushed forward, and Xiao Liu, one by one, cut his arms backwards, and pressed them to the ground.

   "We were forced. Brother Yang ordered the town to be given the surname Zhang. This is what we did!"

  Jiang Fuyue looked away for only two seconds, losing her interest.

  Hu Ben beckoned, let the black-clothed man **** the group of pustules out, so as not to get eye-catching.

  As for how to deal with...

  Liu Jinzhong is still waiting outside, the old man is not a vegetarian.

   "Sister Yue, this Zhang Kehua..." Hu Ben glanced at the blood on the ground, showing disgust. This kind of people would not let go of even children, and had no mercy at all, even if they died, it would be a pity.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Give it to Uncle Liu, take good care of the people, and there is still a balance left."

  Hu Ben thinks of the "Brother Yang" among these people. Hey, there is one more unfortunate one.

   Soon, only Jiang Fuyue, Hu Ben, Xiaoliu, Jiang Da and his wife and the unconscious brother Jiang were left in the ward, as well as the doctor who was trembling and preparing to give Jiang Xiaodi an infusion needle again.

   Tiger Ben: "The tie is wrong, then you don’t need to tie it again in the future."

  Thinking of this group of bandits, and the pool of blood on the ground that hadn’t dried up, the male doctor didn’t doubt the authenticity of what the other party said.

  He took a deep breath, suppressed the surging fear in his heart, and dropped the needle.

   Soon, the infusion bottle hung up again.

  After finishing all this, the doctor stood awkwardly: "Can you let me go now?"

  Hu Ben sneered: "I heard that you made all the doctors and nurses on this floor evacuated?"

  His figure trembled, his eyes went blank: "No..."

  In the next second, I faced Tiger Ben’s cold and determined gaze. If I denied it, I got stuck in my throat and couldn't say a word.

   "Sorry, I, I also received a call from the dean, as he ordered..."

   "Looking at the posture of you guys who are familiar with the road, you have never done this before, right?"

  The doctor lowered his head.

   "The life-saving camp has become a martial arts field, you group of Putian swindlers, under the guise of a regular hospital, you have done many wicked things for money and death, I am afraid you can't count it!"

Before    came, Niu Rui had a clear picture of the old man in this hospital.

  Hu Ben did not expect that a seemingly regular hospital would hide so much trickery, which was an eye-opener.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Call him."


  Hu Ben: "Since you can receive a call from the dean, you are also a confidant, if you want to find a reason to call out your **** dean, let's have a good chat!"

  The last three words, Hu Ben almost squeezed out from between the teeth.

  The doctor can only do so. According to the time and place given by Hu Ben, he made an appointment with the dean.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Little Liu, you take a trip yourself."


   Xiaoliu left and took the doctor away by the way. Hu Ben also found a reason to leave the ward.

  For a time, there is only a family of four left.

  Han Yunru looked at her daughter with strange and complicated eyes...

    One more three thousand words, everyone has been waiting for a long time, and finally finished the abuse of Zhang Zha in one breath.

     The second update time in the comment area will notify you again, okay?



  (End of this chapter)

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