After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 266: Why did you choose you, Jiuye passed by (one more)

  Chapter 266 Why did you choose you, Jiuye passed by (one more)

   "Sister Chen Xing?!"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Why, I was surprised to see me?"

   "What a coincidence..." Wu Qian got off the bicycle, holding his hands steady, surprised and at a loss.

   "Unfortunately," she said, "I came here specifically for you."

   Wu's eyes were dumbfounded: "?"

   "Speaking in another place, standing tired."

   "Oh! There is a convenience store next to it..."

  Outside the convenience store, there are a few tables and chairs.

  Wu Qian locked the bicycle and went in and bought two bottles of mineral water. One bottle was put by Jiang Fuyue, one bottle was reserved for himself, and then he sat down.

   "Sorry, there are no coffee shops, tea houses, etc. nearby, so I can only stop by."

  Jiang Fuyue waved her hand and took her eyes back from his locked bicycle, "I remember you have a scooter."

  The man was taken aback: "It was sold last week."

  Jiang Fuyue did not ask him the reason, only said: "Have you found a job?"

   "Well. Work as an administration in a small company."

   "Still the live broadcast industry?"

  Wu Qian shook his head and laughed at himself: "I might really not be suitable for this job. Every time I change jobs, I think I can go further, but in fact, the worse he gets worse, he was directly expelled this time..."

  Speaking of this, he paused, "Sorry, let you hear these negative things."

  Jiang Fuyue hooked her lips: "Your evaluation of yourself is completely opposite to Jiang Chenxing's."

"Shen Xing..." the man said, "I saw his live broadcast stopped, is it okay? Did Yimi's failure affect him? I know!" Wu Qian gritted his teeth and smashed his leg angrily With a punch, "That villain Zhang Kehua must have you re-sign the contract..."

   "You are still paying attention to this line." Jiang Fuyue used declarative sentences.

  Wu Qian’s eyes flickered: “I’m on the Internet occasionally. In the era of big data, it may be related to the industry I worked in before, so...this is normal!”

  He had a serious expression and earnest words, and he didn't know whether he was telling Jiang Fuyue or persuading himself.

   "Really?" The girl asked, "Big data push tells you that Jiang Chenxing stopped broadcasting?"

  Wu Qian: "……"

  "Since you went to watch his live broadcast, you should have also noticed the fans' comments."

  The man frowned: "What the **** do you want to say?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Nearly one-third of the messages left were for ‘Angkor’ to go back. How do you feel about this?"

Embarrassment flashed in Wu Qian's eyes. He lowered his eyes and shook his head slowly: "I was a loser. When I was young, I didn't have the courage and courage. I couldn't get out of the comfort zone. People choose to quit until middle age. Oh, actually. It’s not a job hopping, it can only be called a forced job hopping in a strict sense. If I don’t quit, my boss will resign me sooner or later..."

  The man sits on a cheap plastic chair, behind him is a dense night, with depression and depression on his face, like a big tree bent by a blizzard, and he can no longer stand up straight.

  Wu Qian is just an inconspicuous one among the huge middle-aged group. He is ignorant and content with the status quo. He has a heart that wants to develop, but he does not have the strength to go upstream.

  He is even worse.

  The failure of the career directly led to the breakdown of the marriage.

  All of the wife, children, car, house, and tickets were gone overnight.

  His previous two decades of struggle turned into a joke, and half of his life's efforts turned into a bubble.

   "...I'm not worth it." He said, "It's not worth it at all."

   "Just accept your fate?" The girl's voice did not change, there was no sympathy, and no sigh.

   seems to be just asking questions.


  Wu Qian holds his head with both hands.

  But what can he do now besides admitting his fate?

   "I am forty, not fourteen, not twenty, I..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Does age matter?"

  Wu Qian: "At least it is easier to succeed."

   "Then did you succeed at fourteen or twenty?"


   "Does age still matter now?"

   "...I don't know." The man looked blank.

  Jiang Fuyue looked at his dejected look, her eyebrows twisted slightly: "When I haven't been here today."

  After speaking, get up and leave.

  At this moment, she was disappointed.

  Regardless of her previous life or this life, no matter what kind of difficulties and tribulations she encounters, there is no word "give up" in her dictionary.

  Wu Qian’s dying attitude has really met her.

  A big man, even if he falls, even if he has a broken arm and a broken leg, he shouldn’t be so useless if he still has a breath!

  Jiang Fuyue is not a psychological mentor, she shouldn't do the work of guiding Mijin.

  Wu Qian figured it out, she didn't mind giving him a hand; if she couldn't figure it out, she could only prove that the other party was a duo who couldn't help it, and it wasn't worth the trouble.

"Wait a moment--"

  At this moment, the man who was still complaining about himself suddenly stood up and shouted at the back of the girl who had left.

  Jiang Fuyue stopped, but did not look back.

  Wu Qian knew that this was his last chance. He had lived for 40 years, and there was no more sober moment than now.

   "Can you help me?" He paused, his eyes hot.

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head, "Okay."

  After half a minute, the two sat back to their original seats.

  Wu Qian: "What should I do?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Go back and continue to be Jiang Chenxing’s agent. I will prepare a separate brokerage agreement. It is still the old rule. You can only bring him one."

"In addition, there are half a million here..." Subai pressed a check with her fingertips and pushed it in front of the man, "Yimi has fallen, but the anchor industry in Linhuai will not be blank. Take this pen. Money, how many fish you can touch in this muddy water, whether the big fish or the small fish depends on your ability."

  Wu Qian looked at the capitalized and bold "Five Thousand Ten Thousand Yuan" in front of him, unavoidably falling into a sluggish state.

   "You..." He swallowed, and there was no surprise of getting rich at a sudden, only the panic, "Where is so much money?"

  Don’t Jiang's family run a pancake shop?

  Why can a child give out half a million at hand?

  Yes, in Wu Qian’s view, Jiang Fuyue is a child.

  Although she has a mature mind and a bright head, she has the foresight and strong courage that even adults do not have.

  But she is only eighteen years old! So young! I'm still studying, I have to rely on my parents...

   "I can't ask for this money!"

   Jiang Fuyue expressionlessly: "Do you know where you lost?"

  Wu Qian: "?"

  The young girl didn’t save the face of the middle-aged uncle——

  She said, "Your caution makes you miss the opportunity; your looking forward and backward makes it difficult for you to show your fists; it is absolutely unnecessary to be nosy and question the bottom line!"

  Wu Qian’s eyebrows dimpled, unable to refute.

  Because she was right!

  I am such a person.

  There is no courage, courage, decisiveness, and decisiveness.

   "Then why did you choose me?" He suddenly looked up, his eyes burning.

  Jiang Fuyue is rich, she can choose anyone, why is it herself? Why is oneself?

  The girl smiled: "Although you have many shortcomings, your advantages are also outstanding."

  "Advantages?" Wu Qian was startled slightly.

  Does he have one?

  Jiang Fuyue: "You are kind and have a bottom line."

  Wu Qian: "Isn't it weak, soft-hearted, and lacking courage?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "It's a bit."


   "But these are not important."

  Wu Qian: "?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Your care and seriousness for Jiang Chenxing is the fundamental reason for your choice."


   "Jiuye, the front is blocked." In the quiet car, the driver opened his mouth cautiously.

  Xie Dingyuan opened his eyes and looked out the window.

  Driver: "I know a small road. You can bypass the congested road through the residential area on the opposite side, you see?"

   "Then go around."


  The driver immediately turned around and drove into the residential area.

  Black Bentley crosses the dilapidated street, and outside the window are old residential buildings that are constantly regressing.

  Everything seems so out of place.

   "Jiuye...Can I pull over for a while? There is a convenience store in front of me, and I promised to buy sugar for my daughter..."


  The driver breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly stepped on the brakes to stop the Bentley.

   Then push the door down, cross the road, and plunge into the convenience store that is still open across the street.

  Because of the too long steps, the coat was lifted and thrown onto the arm of a middle-aged man sitting in front of the store.

   "I'm sorry, brother, didn't it hurt?" The driver immediately apologized.

  Wu waved his hand in front of him: "It's okay."

   Then, bending over to pick up the cheque that was thrown to the ground.

  The driver said sorry again, and then went into the store.

  Wu Qian continued to talk to Jiang Fuyue.

  At exactly this moment, in the Bentley across the street, Xie Dingyuan lowered the window, intending to breathe...

    One more two thousand words, two more eleven.

     Xie 99: Today is another day with a sense of existence~



  (End of this chapter)

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